hurtloam wrote:
sly279 wrote:
hurtloam wrote:
I have a solution. Stop using dating sites and go and meet people in person... like people did for thousands upon thousands of years of human history.
That doesn’t work anymore in the USA especially for aspie
Do you like being approached by men you find unattractive? Neither do most women.
What women experience online carries over to offline especially when offline gender ratio is same as online ratio.
Why would a woman date me when they have so many other men to choose from?
I’m fat a ugly and work min wage, I don’t own a car, I don’t own a house.
I offer them nothing and they have 3,000 extra men to choose from.
What do I offer that those other men don’t?
Most of those men are better looking then me too and work full time jobs
I'm not talking about approaching randoms. I'm talking about getting to know people within one's community. Building connections, not American style dating.
Of course, that would involve broadening one's horizons.
And I’m telling you most women have in interest in getting to know unattractive men.
They won’t even talk to me and get mad if I glance their way.
They talk to and flirt with the attractive men. Only time they talk to me is if they need me to do something
So if women don’t want men they find unattractive approaching them at all you can never get to know them
Women here in wp have stated they don’t want men approaching them at all unless they find them attractive something men can never know before hand unless they assume to always be unattractive or they are super attractive and know it.
So I’d have to approach random women, as I don’t know any women.
But say a guy you know and find unattractive
Tried to ask you out I bet you’d be irritated.