Nades wrote:
kraftiekortie wrote:
That's a lot better than being 33 with some sort of STD passed along during a "one-night stand."
Honestly, the mental anguish it seems to cause I would say it's not better unless you catch hepatitis or HIV.
Look no further than WP to see the amount of anguish that'll be saved by just getting it over and done with.
Bars might it be a good place for Jamesy to find such women though.
If people are experiencing “mental anguish” because of this, they need to talk to a therapist and/or psychiatrist.
Bars are good places to meet drunk women, but they aren’t ideal places to meet women for a sexual encounter or relationship.
Jamesy does not have a great track record with bars. He would probably have more success in locales that he can manage not getting kicked out of or engaging in immature behavior.
Going to bars has not worked so far. “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”
“Les grandes personnes ne comprennent jamais rien toutes seules, et c'est fatigant, pour les enfants, de toujours et toujours leur donner des explications.”
— Saint-Exupéry, Le Petit Prince