Twilightprincess wrote:
Nades wrote:
Aren't the people who think it's better to masturbate long term non-virgins too?
I’m not a virgin, but I haven’t had sex in years.
I think that many of us learn, through life experience, that there are worse things than not having sex. Sex is not the end all, be all.
Weighing out the pros and cons, the cons are often more significant than the pros.
The way I see it, your typical 30 year old has had unprotected sex hundreds, if not 1000+ times with multiple people, both long term and possibly short term.
If a 30 year old virgin is concerned they're gonna die from HIV or pick up some incurable infection from having sex just once then they're overthinking it and possibly a bit dim witted. At that age I'm sure they can safely treat themselves to whatever filthy encounter they like and while still putting themelves in less danger overall than your average, married 30 year old.
Hitting on women who have boyfriends in bars is probably a bad way of doing it (why else would someone hit on women in bars?).
A better way is dating sites (obviously single), clubs (you'll find out eventually) or any speed dating or whatever.