sterfry wrote:
Anyone know the etiquette for Hooters restaurants? It's almost implied to look, but you still feel like you shouldn't.
Also, aspie feminists, please dont label me a pig for going to Hooters until you try their breaded chicken wings - amazing.
Not only is it okay to objectify an uniformed Hooters server, it's a required part of the position for them to treat you like they like it and you're the most special fella ever. The men who started Hooters did so because they were tossed out of their favorite sports bar for treating the female servers that way.* So while I don't agree that having a business plan based on the objectification of women is right, an argument against staring at breasts at Hooters is like scolding someone for looking at women at a strip club. It's really kind of the point of the place.
I've seen a Hooters server wearing the bikini top and very calmly just tie it back in place after a male patron thought it was appropriate to untie it and take a picture of her breasts while she was carrying trays. That guy was a scumbag but it's an understood hazard of the job that they put up with. I think it's a misunderstanding that they're fine with stuff like that happening because they don't react negatively. The truth is that it's part of the job description that they must always remain positive to the customer.
So, go ahead and appreciate the uniforms but, remember your manners, please.
* I've been criticized in the past elsewhere on the internet as some man-hating nutjob for saying the factual history of the Hooters franchise so if anyone has that thought in them, spare it. I read the history of Hooters in the Hooters Magazine as told by the owners.