I have been reading this thread for a while now.
I believe that the thread should be deleted, because after 14 pages of reading, it doesn't seem to matter what people say, you will always find something negative in it. You're a negative person from what I can see, so maybe that's your problem with women. You recently said
Let's just stop beating around the bush. Just say what you all really want to say. That I'm a ugly, uneducated ret*d that's useless and has no future in anything. That I'm annoying and you wouldn't be friends with me if I was the last person on earth. That you wish I would delete this thread because you've grown tired me and now you know why people don't want to hang out or be friends with me. Just say that I should kill myself because there's nothing ahead for a useless bum like me.
I think we could all guess exactly what you'd reply if anyone said this - something else negative and away from the point. I also think you're a troll, and that you
are trying to make fun of people. Example:
MR20 wrote:
MotherKnowsBest wrote:
4. This thread and all your other contributions to this forum lead me to believe that you are a troll and therefore beyond our help.
4. I'm not a troll. Stop being mean to me,
I haven't made fun of anyone in this thread.
The bolded text is proof that you are, in fact, making fun of people and I can explain why.
Lets pretend a girl, we'll call her Kate, decides to troll a website and make fun of people. She writes on a forum and pretends to be someone she's not, at the same time making fun of people like this pretend Kate, but in a way that looks "real". She knows damn well that she's making fun of people even if she doesn't say it outright. In the replies she gets, there is someone who sees her for what she is, but she is prepared to defend her fake identity. When the person who's noticed decides to call her a troll, she then states "I'm not a troll. Stop being mean to me, I haven't made fun of anyone in this thread!". The person accusing her of being a troll never mentioned her making fun of anyone, but she has written it anyway. Why?
Because the fact that she knows she is is in her head, so in the heat of the moment she defends herself from what she knows she's doing, and hence comes negative transferral - she lets slip what she's doing by not paying close enough attention to what she's writing, and therefore without thinking, transfers herself (the making fun of people) onto her fake identity (the poor asperger's person who can't make friends).
You are Kate.
Now if you don't mind, I'm off to read threads that are actually of meaning and aren't just a stab at the community it's aimed at
<b>"If something was going to happen, let it happen."</b> - Murakami, <i>The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle</i> pg 66.