Interracial Dating and double standards

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08 Aug 2013, 2:37 pm

I've noted that Amish and Mennonite chicks can be quite cute.


You seldom see any hawt nuns any more


But, a group of Amish girls never fails to catch my eye.


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08 Aug 2013, 2:38 pm

AnonymousAnonymous wrote:
Here's a question for Aspies who follow a religion:

Would you date someone who follows a different religion?

I may be Catholic, but ironically I would certainly not date another Catholic.

Silly NTs, I have Aspergers, and having Aspergers is gr-r-reat!


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08 Aug 2013, 2:44 pm

ArrantPariah wrote:
What if she were an adherent of Christian Domestic Discipline? :wink:

Sounds good, but without the Christian part.


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08 Aug 2013, 2:50 pm

Tequila wrote:
ArrantPariah wrote:
What if she were an adherent of Christian Domestic Discipline? :wink:

Sounds good, but without the Christian part.

You like it kinky? ... 79646.html
or ... spank-wife

I wonder if this was included in the religion to make men practise it :P


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08 Aug 2013, 3:04 pm

Stalk wrote:
You like it kinky?

That doesn't seem like kink, that looks more like abuse in the guise of religion.


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08 Aug 2013, 5:53 pm

Tequila wrote:
Stalk wrote:
You like it kinky?

That doesn't seem like kink, that looks more like abuse in the guise of religion.

It looks like a lot of fun to me.


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08 Aug 2013, 6:12 pm

AnonymousAnonymous wrote:
Here's a question for Aspies who follow a religion:

Would you date someone who follows a different religion?

If she is Jewish or Islamic and can grasp a basic understanding of Jesus, then yes, I would. Anything Semitic, just not radicals, mormons, or cultists. Most people of the Islamic/Judeo-Christian belief set can get a good grasp on Jesus (they should be able to obviously). Russian orthodox isn't so bad, I had a friend who was born in Russia from high school.

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08 Aug 2013, 6:12 pm

appletheclown wrote:
I have no idea. The cat lady and aspie otaku started a fight because aspie otaku thought she was being serious. But other than that, I was just commenting to point that out to him. If she really meant what she said, then she is not very nice.

I actually suspect that Aspie Otaku is being sarcastic...I'm quite proud of him, to be honest!

And by this point, Ms. Kitty is definitely being sarcastic. Nothing quite like a dose of sarcasm to confound the s**t out of a pack of Aspies! (...hmm, I wonder what you call a pack of Aspies...?)


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08 Aug 2013, 6:16 pm

Shau wrote:
appletheclown wrote:
I have no idea. The cat lady and aspie otaku started a fight because aspie otaku thought she was being serious. But other than that, I was just commenting to point that out to him. If she really meant what she said, then she is not very nice.

I actually suspect that Aspie Otaku is being sarcastic...I'm quite proud of him, to be honest!

And by this point, Ms. Kitty is definitely being sarcastic. Nothing quite like a dose of sarcasm to confound the sh** out of a pack of Aspies! (...hmm, I wonder what you call a pack of Aspies...?)

Mountain lions with glasses.

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08 Aug 2013, 6:50 pm

^ that's what you call a collection of Aspies...?


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08 Aug 2013, 7:53 pm

The_Face_of_Boo wrote:
AspieOtaku wrote:
Cafeaulait wrote:
Shau wrote:
Cafeaulait wrote:
Oh, so all you were doing was being sarcastic ALL THE TIME, trying to get a rise of me? Well great job, YOU HAD ME :D :D :D

Being serious? You've got some issues with prejudice. It's obvious you're a bit of an elitist snob with latent racist tendencies. You've got a problem with rappers, people without a higher education, and people that like ghetto culture. You look down upon those women when technically they've done nothing wrong.

You're rather shocking, really.

ABSOLUTELY. Not only do I have problems with rappers I HATE anyone that has ever rapped one syllable in their life before, even if it was a joke. THEY ARE BAD PEOPLE. Not only do I look down on people without a higher education, I HATE people without a higher education, including my mom. She is so stupid and dumb. The same goes for my dad, who was a lovely person, but had no money to go to school. What a dumbass. Totally beneath my level. Terrible human being. I hate black, white, multiracial, asian, and native american people. I hate all people in interracial relationships, especially white men dating Asian, Indian and/or black women. The same goes for black men dating white women. I think ALL people should just stick to their OWN race. People should only date their OWN 'class'. Ugh.

You, on the other hand, are completely free of prejudice and never make generalizations. You are model citizen. You love all women, even if they are puffy and white. You never make implications about people in any way. Amazing person! Kudos!
Wow I find that incredibly offensive so I guess you hate me too right? Because I fit that description. :evil:Image

I am certain she was being sarcastic, come on, she wouldn't really find her own parents gross.
She seemed pretty serious to me.

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08 Aug 2013, 8:02 pm

Shau wrote:
appletheclown wrote:
I have no idea. The cat lady and aspie otaku started a fight because aspie otaku thought she was being serious. But other than that, I was just commenting to point that out to him. If she really meant what she said, then she is not very nice.

I actually suspect that Aspie Otaku is being sarcastic...I'm quite proud of him, to be honest!

And by this point, Ms. Kitty is definitely being sarcastic. Nothing quite like a dose of sarcasm to confound the sh** out of a pack of Aspies! (...hmm, I wonder what you call a pack of Aspies...?)
*sarcasm does not compute* If she is not sarcastic and is serious about what she thinks about me and people who date outside their race let alone people who are lower class she may as well listen to this video. [youtube][/youtube] One of my major pet peaves is hatred, racism, along with such arrogence.

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08 Aug 2013, 8:16 pm

Yet another thread that makes me glad to be queer. I'm a fat, white woman with a pretty quiet personality. I don't find anything that different, personality-wise between me and Asian women, it's just that they look thinner and younger and some men think that means more feminine or submissive. BS.

I've said this before, but I can't be bothered with people that buy into gender roles and I'm glad I look a certain way that puts these people off me. I'm glad for my filters, sometimes - even if I get ignored most of the time.

That said I do have one racial dating stereotype thing that isn't even deliberate or conscious. I'm from Catholic background (mostly Scots ancestry with a bit of Italian) and I tend to 'click' with Jewish men and find them attractive. That actually tends to happen a lot but is more about culture than it is about race as an Ashkenazi Jew isn't from a different 'race' to me. It's like both cultures are patriarchal on the outside, but the women are raised to be quite tough and canny and maternal. I don't have kids, but the tendency to 'run' the household and look after people is there because it's how I was brought up. Plus, both cultures are quite smothering and repressive in some ways; Jewish men like to marry out to escape that and Catholic girls do for the same reason.

I wish my Jewish ex-boyfriend and I didn't have to break up sometimes, but it just wasn't working for various reasons (unrelated to culture.) :(

I am attracted to black and East Asian men as well, but if I dated one, they'd probably have to either be raised in a Western country or very cosmopolitan and broad-minded by nature. The same is true for Arab men as well (they'd have to not be a practicing Muslim.) I do find black men and women particularly attractive, especially the women. I don't find them masculine, I find them to be generally lively and laid-back (if you can be both things at the same time.) The only black men who have come onto me have been African guys looking for an easy lay, unfortunately, but I would definitely date one who was interested in me.

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08 Aug 2013, 8:45 pm

Sorry if I didnt get the sarcasm i got really mad and upset because 99% of the time someone says that kind of thing they are serious in what they say. people who judge me and hate me for what I like and what I do without knowing me along with such an arrogent condescending attitude they can put a sock in it.

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08 Aug 2013, 8:56 pm

puddingmouse wrote:
Yet another thread that makes me glad to be queer. I'm a fat, white woman with a pretty quiet personality. I don't find anything that different, personality-wise between me and Asian women, it's just that they look thinner and younger and some men think that means more feminine or submissive. BS.

I've said this before, but I can't be bothered with people that buy into gender roles and I'm glad I look a certain way that puts these people off me. I'm glad for my filters, sometimes - even if I get ignored most of the time.

That said I do have one racial dating stereotype thing that isn't even deliberate or conscious. I'm from Catholic background (mostly Scots ancestry with a bit of Italian) and I tend to 'click' with Jewish men and find them attractive. That actually tends to happen a lot but is more about culture than it is about race as an Ashkenazi Jew isn't from a different 'race' to me. It's like both cultures are patriarchal on the outside, but the women are raised to be quite tough and canny and maternal. I don't have kids, but the tendency to 'run' the household and look after people is there because it's how I was brought up. Plus, both cultures are quite smothering and repressive in some ways; Jewish men like to marry out to escape that and Catholic girls do for the same reason.

I wish my Jewish ex-boyfriend and I didn't have to break up sometimes, but it just wasn't working for various reasons (unrelated to culture.) :(

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08 Aug 2013, 9:11 pm

ArrantPariah wrote:
Tyri0n wrote:
It's the same concept that was behind southern white men lynching black men who were rumored to have had sexual relations with white women.

White people are f***ing stupid.

Well, except for the racists, I think that if the situation involved a White woman who had no chance of mating with a local White man (for whatever reason--perceived low social status, morbid obesity, mental retardation, or whatever), and if this White woman found love and happiness with a non-White man, then most White men would simply say "good for her!" They wouldn't feel at all threatened, wouldn't ask "why are these so-and-sos taking all of our women?", and really wouldn't want her either to hold out for a White man of similar status or to stay alone and feel bad about herself, just so that the White men could continue feeling superior. If they don't want her, they don't want her, and that's all there is to it.

Um, where I'm from I've heard white men say 'they're stealing our women!' about both black men and Muslim men from North Africa and the Indian subcontinent. That sort of sexual/racial jealousy does go both ways. Even the men who are racist are often still motivated by sexual jealousy when they say things like that (which is why they say things like 'those girls just care about big dicks'.)

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