onewithstrange wrote:
Fourth post down, second to last paragraph. I told tarantella she represents the worst of feminism, and she replied with:
Okay, let's see if I've got this straight: Woman is quite firm about the fact that you haven't got some romantic right to guess at what women want sexually and try imposing it on them, and that it's a much better idea to ask permission before touching someone else sexually. This is so outrageous to you that you figure you'd better insult her. Congratulations for convincing me that you've got little enough self-control, and little enough respect for women, that women would be well-advised not to date you or get into elevators with you.
The 'Woman' she's referring to in the second line is herself.
Sigh. I see what you mean.
Apart from that kissing is violating = rape thing, I tend to agree with tarantula on a lot of points, she raises *very* good ones and I think she makes a decent feminist overall. Accusing you of that though was quite unfair. The kissing leading to rape thing is just blown out of proportion. It's a kiss, usually intended as a romantic gesture. It isn't sex itself. Obviously the 'kissee' should physically or verbally back out as they wish without fear of being forced.
Personally I prefer someone to ask me, or rather, I'd do it on my terms...but I always mention it. I realise not everybody is like me though.
I've left WP.