Bethie wrote:
Hi, all. I'm Bethie.
I'm 22, and I've always been different in one way or another- redheaded, lefthanded, vegan, atheist- the list goes on.
I'm extremely shy (totally mute except with people I know very well) and I'm often described as sweet, though I don't know if that's accurate. I enjoy scrapbooking, reading, spending time with my animals, and reading up on subjects of interest online.
I like to consider myself well-versed in psychology, philosophy, sociology, cultural studies, poetry...anything related to the human condition and individual expression.
I'm extremely liberal (especially for my state of Kentucky). I'm very passionate about issues of abuse, whether it be of animals, children, or the elderly. I'd describe my self as a socialist humanist. I'm also a hippie aesthetically.
I fall in love very fast and very intensely, which frightens away the neuro-typical. They also don't seem to "get" that my lack of social interaction is more than a want, it's a "can't". My asexual nature is also frustrating to the NT.
I'm just looking for someone with progressive ideals who appreciates who I am.
Hope this gets posted in the correct place. I'm a newb.
im not a vegan, but you sound pretty win. even if you are from the midwest.