B19 wrote:
I will toss this into the brainstorm another possibility:
Two L and D subforums, one for men and one for women.
Segregation never solved anything why are you so keen on it? Have you not been following the events in universities this past year? It doesn't make people any less ignorant or riled up.
The civil rights movement fought against this sort of thing in the 50s and 60s. It was the separatists/supremacist like Luis Farrakhan and Don Black who were against this effort. I was born in Johannesburg South Africa. The same sorts arguments used to defend apartheid have used by so called social justice proponents. Yet they problably don't intend the harm it will cause, they are just quite naive and don't really understand how proscribe rights can not be allowed to counteract other's fundamental rights.
It starts with wanting a segregated room, then a segregated floor then a segregated zone of the university. Under the guise of "safe space" as if this label would make them any safer, or make groups any less suspicious of each other.
I think we are blowing this way out of proportion. It just needs to be actively moderated. Let's not throw the baby out with the bathwater.
You a implying some unsubstantiated things about women's ability to speak up at least in this context. On an internet forum, the only thing that is stopping them speaking is access to site. Broadly there is an equal opportunity to send HTTP POST request to the the url with the valid fields.
Anyone could be turned off speaking, but the opportunity remains here. Whether they do so is a another matter. I wouldn't say one group has a monopoly on being intimated. That is just a fact of life, some of us are more outspoken than others. It is not a male or female thing. I'm sure there are plenty of men that are just lurking, and mulling over posting, procrastinating too.
There is a tendency to want to do this race to the bottom. i don't get it. It is like the Four Yorkshire Men sketch social justice style. That is another thing, having inetesectionalism ironically leading to a reductionist pigeonholing exercise attempting to fight bigotry with more bigotry with the same kind of over simplistic arguments.
A segregated L&D is hardly a practical way to get advice about the opposite sex is it?
Last edited by 0_equals_true on 08 May 2016, 3:20 am, edited 2 times in total.