Relatives trying to pair you up
Yeah I would agree with Luhluhluh. When people find out what I do for a living they kind of recoil from me and say, "oh you must be smart". People do look down on gaining knowledge. It's viewed as dull and not fun, therefore if you are knowledgable about anything you are tarred with the brush of "dull and not fun".
I agree though with Shuhusha. Some people are not book smart, but they have other kinds of intelligence which is appealing and makes them nice to be around and listen to as they tell you about their expertise. I think that when we talk about intelligence here, we inlcude that. What we don't want is a fud who just drinks and watches xfactor and football.

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LOL not that I'm aware of, but I don't know for sure. I ousted him from my life long ago when he became controlling and bordering on abusive (like throwing a six-pack of beer at my head). I left and never looked back. I don't take that crap from anyone. Esp someone who has questionable intellect.
lol How naive I am, I thought this was a first date incident .... but you were actually in a relationship with a such man?
I am really curious though, what did you find attractive in him?
I mean before revealing his stupidity and abusive nature.
I really wonder how a man of a such horrible intelligence and personality gets into a relationship and probably doing better than many here; what was the secret of his first spark?

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I apologise to anyone who actually knew what it meant.

I thought it's something related food.
Not bad are going naughty.


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Her: "Well, I dunno. I guess what's most important to me is just living a happy life, live life to the fullest cause you could be gone tomorrow, value the people in your life the most and hope they're there for you till the end, even if life ends earlier than it should."
If you want to meet girls who identify with philosophies you should major in philosophy. You won't find too many philosophers among the sports science majors.
The days are long, but the years are short

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I dated a guy a long time ago who was just downright dumb and arrogant about it. We were in a restaurant and talking - I mentioned how pretty the leaves were (it was the beginning of autumn). He mentioned something about winter coming and anyway it became apparent that he was under the impression that the REASON the planet has seasons was because the planet is at the furthest from the sun in the winter and closest in the summer. When I mentioned axial tilt, he scoffed. He even pulled a waiter over to try to prove me wrong, which obviously didn't go well. So not only was he proven wrong by both a girl and a complete stranger, he was embarrassed.
I can't date someone who doesn't even exhibit a basic third grade science education. I'm ashamed for them.
The days are long, but the years are short
LOL not that I'm aware of, but I don't know for sure. I ousted him from my life long ago when he became controlling and bordering on abusive (like throwing a six-pack of beer at my head). I left and never looked back. I don't take that crap from anyone. Esp someone who has questionable intellect.
lol How naive I am, I thought this was a first date incident .... but you were actually in a relationship with a such man?
I am really curious though, what did you find attractive in him?
I mean before revealing his stupidity and abusive nature.
I really wonder how a man of a such horrible intelligence and personality gets into a relationship and probably doing better than many here; what was the secret of his first spark?
That's a really good question because now that I look back I wonder how I got into that relationship in the first place. But in all honesty, I KNOW why.
The blunt truth is when I met him I was at the lowest point in my life. I had been a dating failure since ever. Guys were never ever interested in me, and he actually showed interest. He was charming as heck, decent enough looking, and he showed interest in me. So we went out for about a year. Over that year, he started to show signs that something was wrong. I couldn't put my finger on it exactly, but he seemed fake, like he was playing a part. He started to show signs of a temper, like getting angry at the grocery store clerk because the debit card machine wasn't working, or the waiter because the food was not to his liking. And there were things he would say that were cruel, then he'd apologize later. And through it all I put up with it because I didn't want to let the one stinking thing go that I had ever had.
But to cut a story short, the temper was what did it. He got worse, he drank quite a bit, and he flew into a rage over something stupid, I can't even remember what it was, and he threw the six pack at me. And that was it. I left him shortly afterwards, knowing I would be single for a very long time. And I was. It wasn't for another five miserable years of dating dead ends that I met my current partner.
I learned a lot from that experience. I learned that I don't need a relationship because I can do bad all by myself.

That which does not kill us makes us stranger.

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I apologise to anyone who actually knew what it meant.

The days are long, but the years are short

Joined: 30 Jul 2013
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I am really curious though, what did you find attractive in him?
I mean before revealing his stupidity and abusive nature.
I really wonder how a man of a such horrible intelligence and personality gets into a relationship and probably doing better than many here; what was the secret of his first spark?
The days are long, but the years are short
So to put it specifically - what was his spark? I was desperate and he was charming and a good showman - he was involved in live theater so he could put on an act (which is why he was such a fantastic charmer and liar as well).
He was decent enough looking, nothing spectacular. Average I would say. So it wasn't looks. If I had to put a name on him he was a narcissist.
That which does not kill us makes us stranger.
Many of people.
Geeze yes.
I dated a guy a long time ago who was just downright dumb and arrogant about it. We were in a restaurant and talking - I mentioned how pretty the leaves were (it was the beginning of autumn). He mentioned something about winter coming and anyway it became apparent that he was under the impression that the REASON the planet has seasons was because the planet is at the furthest from the sun in the winter and closest in the summer. When I mentioned axial tilt, he scoffed. He even pulled a waiter over to try to prove me wrong, which obviously didn't go well. So not only was he proven wrong by both a girl and a complete stranger, he was embarrassed.
I can't date someone who doesn't even exhibit a basic third grade science education. I'm ashamed for them.
Of course you will find people like that but that is besides the point I was trying to make. You can't simply write off people as dumb. Even with a person that doesn't know say about science or maths their is likely something the person has an area of skill in and can be very knowledgeable and intelligent about.
This person is probably an exception.
No I understood your point. I write people off and call them "dumb" not necessarily because they don't know about axial tilt, but because they're WILLFULLY ignorant and have zero intellectual curiosity.
There's an anti-intellectual trend amongst quite a number of people, where learning in general is looked down upon in favor of low brow entertainment and self-indulgence. That's boring. And it's impossible to bond with someone like that. They don't necessarily need to be on the same page, but at least reading the same book as you.
Many of people.
Geeze yes.
I dated a guy a long time ago who was just downright dumb and arrogant about it. We were in a restaurant and talking - I mentioned how pretty the leaves were (it was the beginning of autumn). He mentioned something about winter coming and anyway it became apparent that he was under the impression that the REASON the planet has seasons was because the planet is at the furthest from the sun in the winter and closest in the summer. When I mentioned axial tilt, he scoffed. He even pulled a waiter over to try to prove me wrong, which obviously didn't go well. So not only was he proven wrong by both a girl and a complete stranger, he was embarrassed.
I can't date someone who doesn't even exhibit a basic third grade science education. I'm ashamed for them.
Of course you will find people like that but that is besides the point I was trying to make. You can't simply write off people as dumb. Even with a person that doesn't know say about science or maths their is likely something the person has an area of skill in and can be very knowledgeable and intelligent about.
This person is probably an exception.
No I understood your point. I write people off and call them "dumb" not necessarily because they don't know about axial tilt, but because they're WILLFULLY ignorant and have zero intellectual curiosity.
There's an anti-intellectual trend amongst quite a number of people, where learning in general is looked down upon in favor of low brow entertainment and self-indulgence. That's boring. And it's impossible to bond with someone like that. They don't necessarily need to be on the same page, but at least reading the same book as you.
I completely agree with you.
I don't really value 'intelligence' at all in a girl.
Insightfulness? Maturity? Sure.
But I don't care if she's not interested in science, politics, any of that stuff.
These 'smart' people can had the other smart people.
Low brow entertainment and self indulgent girls?
Yes please!
Though I'd much rather say she sounds simple, unpretentious, and values a good time over 'inellectualness' and feeling 'intrigued'.
For me the most important things in my own life and a partner's is being a good person (yea, even nihilists can!) and just having good fun together.