Sopho wrote:
Ragtime wrote:
Yes, but I mean I would support your decision to marry a biological male who was female inside.
That doesn't leave me many though.
What a truly familiar feeling that is for me! I searched for a woman who 1. Was a
real Christian, 2. had real wisdom, 3. common sense, 4. was attracted to me, despite my many flaws, 5. was available, 6. lived out her sexual morality of believing in waiting with me until marriage, 7. was a peace-lover above all... and on, and on I could go with my necessary criteria. No one, anywhere I looked, even
remotely fit the bill. I was just blessed recently with such a woman. But isn't it the same story for us all? Seems we all say we can't find anyone, and lots of single people of all backgrounds and beliefs all over the world remain single on and on.
Sopho wrote:
It's a very small chance that the woman I want to marry will be a transexual. And, even then, they have usually changed their sex legally, so are classed as female. Why should it be up to people like you to dictate who I can and can't marry? What is the difference between a woman with a penis and a woman with a vagina that makes one OK?
I don't dictate anything for anyone, and the Bible doesn't tell you who you can and can't marry -- just which species, and which sex. The rest of the decision is up to you.
Christianity is different than Judaism only in people's minds -- not in the Bible.