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04 Jul 2021, 1:46 am

Oh okay, but I didn't think that I was that financially stable though, as in business, lawyers, etc. When said guys her age are p#$%ies, I thought she meant in terms of attitude because she was talking about how they are not as take charge as older guys, who grew up in a more take charge type of raising, compared to generation Z, or at least that is what she said more or less.

So maybe it's more about developing that kind of attitude in that case?


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04 Jul 2021, 2:15 am

dorkseid wrote:
DW_a_mom wrote:
Your mistake is in insisting that younger women are somehow "better," and thus that not having had them makes you less worthy. I don't see the equation working that way AT ALL. Women achieve their sexual peak around 40, not at 18, not at 25. So what exactly is "better" in younger women? Only fertility. In fact, as someone who didn't blossom until her 30s, and married at 36, I find your presumption highly offensive. My best years didn't happen until well into my thirties, but you want to deny the reality of my own experience and put ME on a "not good enough" shelf?! I refuse to buy into that #!@*$@(!#&. I KNOW MY OWN WORTH, both then, and now. I realize this conversation isn't about me, but you can't make those claims without also putting people like me into a box in which we don't belong. If you insist on making those connections, then understand just how many great people you are trashing in the process and own it. You can't have it both ways. Are you an !@*(#!& who really believes this stuff, or is it a narrative you've made for yourself because it gives you an excuse to feel sorry for yourself and mad at the universe?

I know this is harsh, I've tried to be polite about your preferences even though I see them as offensive, and have tried to work with you on it, but if you can't absorb any of those polite conversations, maybe you CAN absorb the reality of how you are continually disrespecting women on here who are trying to help you. Because you are. Maybe the path out of seeing yourself so negatively is to understand what your logic for doing so says about everyone around you.

Also ... Have you ever considered that maybe the universe knows you better than you know yourself? Or that it wasn't the universe choosing, but your own subconscious, which also knows you better than you know yourself? Get off this notion that you missed out on something that was "better" than anything you can find today. That just isn't true. The obsession creates this giant roadblock for you that does not have to be there.

I never said anything about younger women being better than older women. I never said or meant to imply that there is anything wrong with older women. I simply have a personal subjective preference. Some people like chocolate ice cream while others prefer strawberry. Saying I prefer chocolate does not imply there's anything wrong with strawberry. Furthermore, I do not choose who I am or am not attracted to. I did not set out to prefer anyone over anyone else. I've just noticed that in recent years all the women I've been attracted to are younger than me. And as I've already explained ad nauseum, that is primarily due to where I am in life. While I may be chronologically 39 years old, I have failed to meet the milestones I should have many years ago. I do not "feel" like a 39-year-old, or even a 29-year-old. I barely feel like an adult at all. Women my own age are typically so removed from where I am in life that I can't relate to them anymore. I am aware of when women peak sexually, but that has nothing to do with what I'm looking for. I need someone who is still in a similar stage of life to where I'm actually at, despite my chronological age.

When I was in my 20s, all the other men my age were dating and sleeping with young women. But nobody ever wanted to date or sleep with me. Because I'm a godd@mned freak! That's what I meant by not being f**king good enough. By "settling for less" I did not mean dating an older woman, but rather never getting to date young women when I was young. I did not mean to imply that older women have less value.

By the way, I also generally find women of color more attractive than white women, and I'm particularly not into blonds. I suppose all the blonds are going to get all offended too, now.

And to be frank, I am under no obligation to justify my dating preferences to you or anyone else.

You removed the context, which was your specific observation that you felt never having had that experience was the world telling you that you were unworthy. What I wrote was directly connected to what you wrote, that if you believe B then logic dictates that you must believe C. Either own it or discard the logic that you use both to disparage yourself and the universe.

Mom to an amazing young adult AS son, plus an also amazing non-AS daughter. Most likely part of the "Broader Autism Phenotype" (some traits).


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04 Jul 2021, 5:54 am

funeralxempire wrote:
Benjamin the Donkey wrote:
If you're a "godd@mned freak" then I am too, and I resent being called that.

I'm socially and physically awkward, can't initiate a conversation, a single parent, financially struggling, immature in many ways, and a lot older than you--all of which should be huge negatives. But I still get interest from women in their 20s, 30s, 40s and 50s. (My lack of "maturity" might even appeal to the younger ones.) My current partner is much younger than I am. The only difference I can see between us is that I don't wallow in complaints and self-pity--which isn't attractive to women of any age.

I'll agree with the italics part, between looking and mentally being younger than I really am those have often helped increased my appeal with women younger than I am.

Not being a miserable, toxic, whiny, entitled, defeated failure will help you be more appealing. Even if you're literally all of those. It's worked for me. :oops:

Clearly neither of you are in my situation, since you both have been able to attract partners. So you can't compare yourselves to me.

And I only got to my current state after multiple of years of consistent rejection. You can't say that the coffee mug fell because it's broken.

cyberdad wrote:
ironpony wrote:
Oh okay, that makes sense. But is the OP's best option is to go for younger, since he is getting older? Maybe not 20 years old but around 30?

Yes, but the law of supply and demand applies, he's still competing against 30 year old men

If nobody wanted me when I was younger and in better shape, why would anyone want me now?


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04 Jul 2021, 5:59 am

dorkseid wrote:
If nobody wanted me when I was younger and in better shape, why would anyone want me now?

Because neither youth nor fitness are the most important considerations in a partner. Not everyone is obsessed with the same factors you seem to be.

Mom to an amazing young adult AS son, plus an also amazing non-AS daughter. Most likely part of the "Broader Autism Phenotype" (some traits).


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04 Jul 2021, 6:07 am

dorkseid wrote:
If nobody wanted me when I was younger and in better shape, why would anyone want me now?

There's somebody out there for you dude! just keep putting yourself out there. Don't worry about humiliation, it's temporary, the girls who reject you will have forgotten about you, you need to forget about them. The important thing is to try and learn from what didn't work in the past. Try new things with new people.


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04 Jul 2021, 6:16 am

dorkseid wrote:
Clearly neither of you are in my situation, since you both have been able to attract partners. So you can't compare yourselves to me.
If nobody wanted me when I was younger and in better shape, why would anyone want me now?

What are you doing to attract partners? How much effort do you put into achieving this goal? Unlike age, your shape isn't something beyond your control, why can't you be in better shape now than when you were younger?


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04 Jul 2021, 8:29 am

cyberdad wrote:

There's somebody out there for you dude! just keep putting yourself out there. Don't worry about humiliation, it's temporary, the girls who reject you will have forgotten about you, you need to forget about them. The important thing is to try and learn from what didn't work in the past. Try new things with new people.

I hate when people say that. It is the absolutely most useless piece of garbage you could ever say to anyone. No, there is not someone out there for me or anyone. I know this because of the millions of people who've died without having ever found a partner. I knew a man when I was younger who could never get a woman. He was almost 50 and he died when I was in high school having never met the right woman.

badRobot wrote:

What are you doing to attract partners? How much effort do you put into achieving this goal? Unlike age, your shape isn't something beyond your control, why can't you be in better shape now than when you were younger?

I could, but at this point I'm too old for it to matter.


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04 Jul 2021, 8:45 am

Well, supposing there is no one out there for some of us, and there isn't. I know 3 women in their early 50s now who have never had a boyfriend, you need a plan B otherwise you will waste your life being unhappy about something you can't change.

My life turned for the better when I got a pet. I also moved to a new area with lots of places to explore. But that's just what worked for me. Yes I still feel lonely sometimes, I had a little cry at lunchtime today. I found out some younger people I know are marrying each other and I just felt a bit overwhelmed. All that youthful hope is over for me.

But I won't let something I can't control stop me enjoying life.

Tell us plan B rather than snapping at us that our words are useless.


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04 Jul 2021, 9:17 am

hurtloam wrote:
Well, supposing there is no one out there for some of us, and there isn't. I know 3 women in their early 50s now who have never had a boyfriend, you need a plan B otherwise you will waste your life being unhappy about something you can't change.

My life turned for the better when I got a pet. I also moved to a new area with lots of places to explore. But that's just what worked for me. Yes I still feel lonely sometimes, I had a little cry at lunchtime today. I found out some younger people I know are marrying each other and I just felt a bit overwhelmed. All that youthful hope is over for me.

But I won't let something I can't control stop me enjoying life.

Tell us plan B rather than snapping at us that our words are useless.

I believe I posted my plan B in the Haven a while ago.


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04 Jul 2021, 9:21 am

DW_a_mom wrote:

Because neither youth nor fitness are the most important considerations in a partner. Not everyone is obsessed with the same factors you seem to be.

Seriously?! Have been living under a rock your entire life? Have you ever watched TV or read a magazine?


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04 Jul 2021, 9:24 am

dorkseid wrote:
badRobot wrote:

What are you doing to attract partners? How much effort do you put into achieving this goal? Unlike age, your shape isn't something beyond your control, why can't you be in better shape now than when you were younger?

I could, but at this point I'm too old for it to matter.

This is BS. The only thing you have no control over is your age. But age is meaningless on it's own. Some traits normally associated with age are what matters: physical shape, financial security, quality of life. You can do your best right now as if you are 20. You can put effort into your physical shape, longevity, increase your life expectancy and quality of life. You can start working on your financial security as if you are 20, follow approaches of FIRE community, young people do it to retire in their 40s, if you'll start right now, you can be financially secure in your late 50s - early 60s. If you meet your future wife now and have a child in like 2-3 years, you can be a great parent and support your family until your child is almost your age.

What you are doing is deciding for others and creating a self-fulfilling prophecy. Yes, you will be frail and senile by your 60. You would not be able to support your child if you would have one. Yes, you are too old to date younger women, because your physical shape is probably of a 60 year old now. But all this only ends up to be true if you don't start putting some effort into your goals right now.


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04 Jul 2021, 9:44 am

It never fails to amaze me how much attention someone gets by complaining of their lack of a partner, then disputing every piece of advice or supportive comment someone offers.

You will never get a partner because you are a miserable, complaining old cuss. Not because you're too old. Not because you didn't date when you were younger. Not because your physique is not that of an Adonis. It's because you are a negative, miserable, rejecting, unappealing old cuss. Pretty much sums it up.

I hope people will wise up and stop responding to threads like this.

A finger in every pie.


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04 Jul 2021, 11:33 am

^^^ this is not true, dorkseid. There is nothing fundamentally wrong with you, you are just depressed. It means your positive outlook, your strong character traits, your grit and motivation are depressed. There are millions other people in your position, who feel despair and don't know what to do, who are misunderstood just like you are. I was one of them just couple years ago.

I know chances your depression would let you accept this advise are very slim, but I'll do my best and let you decide:

First simple step you take right now to achieve all your goals is start exercising regularly. Depression is a very wide spectrum, even if you don't believe you are really clinically depressed, exercise will definitely improve your mental power and will make you more attractive. Worth trying.


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04 Jul 2021, 12:06 pm

badRobot wrote:

This is BS. The only thing you have no control over is your age. But age is meaningless on it's own. Some traits normally associated with age are what matters: physical shape, financial security, quality of life. You can do your best right now as if you are 20. You can put effort into your physical shape, longevity, increase your life expectancy and quality of life. You can start working on your financial security as if you are 20, follow approaches of FIRE community, young people do it to retire in their 40s, if you'll start right now, you can be financially secure in your late 50s - early 60s. If you meet your future wife now and have a child in like 2-3 years, you can be a great parent and support your family until your child is almost your age.

What you are doing is deciding for others and creating a self-fulfilling prophecy. Yes, you will be frail and senile by your 60. You would not be able to support your child if you would have one. Yes, you are too old to date younger women, because your physical shape is probably of a 60 year old now. But all this only ends up to be true if you don't start putting some effort into your goals right now.

That is not true at all. I have no control over that fact that I am poor. Poor people can't just magically choose to become wealthy by following some get rich quick scheme like whatever this fire nonsense is. If it was that simply nobody would be poor. Additionally I have a disability that prevents me from having a successful career. Financial success requires an ability to socialize on a neurotypical level. People have to be able to network within industries persuade customers into buying products, both of which require social skills that are exceptional even by neurotypical standards. Even passing a job interview requires social skills that are beyond what most people on the spectrum are capable of. This is the primary reason why people with autism have the lowest employment rate of any disability group, and most employed autists have only part time low paying jobs. Personally, I have been unemployed and homeless no less than 7 times in the 12 years since I graduated from university, and when I have had jobs they have always exclusively been low-paying high-turnover jobs that are extremely unfulfilling, despite having a university degree and the associated mountain of student debt that I can never get under control. And sure, a small minority of autists have found career in financial success in STEM fields. But those fields require very specific advanced higher education degrees that are not accessible to many people. Personally, I already exhausted the financial aid resources I was eligible for pursuing a useless communication degree long before I'd ever even heard the word STEM, and do not possess the financial means to start over.

I also have no control over the fact that I have major depression and maladaptive disorders that prevent me from being able to commit consistently to a health diet or exercise routine. If losing weight was as simple as just making better choices, nobody would be obese.

I have no control over the stigma associated with being a male exhibiting symptoms of ASD in the dating scene. I have no control over what women find attractive or unattractive, or over the genetic factors that determine such things.

I have no control over the actions of my biological father who abused my physically or my step-father who abused me emotionally. I have no control over the countless others who have abused me physically, emotionally, and sexually throughout my life. I have no control over the fact that my entire family lives in a far-away politically unstable theocracy that I legally couldn't go to if I wanted to and where my I would be in constant mortal danger if I did live there.

So there is a lot more than just my age that I have no control over.

I lack both the physical fitness of a young man and the financial security of an older man, so just what exactly does that leave me with???

And just why would I want longevity anyway. Why would I want to live like this longer than I absolutely have to? I bust my back day in and day out as practically a financial slave to earn a measly paycheck that is already spent on the bare necessity of survival before I even see it. Life is too painful and exhausting, and I have nothing good in my life to balance any of that out. So why wouldn't I want my life to end as soon as it possibly can? Why would I want to extend it any longer than necessary?

BeaArthur wrote:
It never fails to amaze me how much attention someone gets by complaining of their lack of a partner, then disputing every piece of advice or supportive comment someone offers.

You will never get a partner because you are a miserable, complaining old cuss. Not because you're too old. Not because you didn't date when you were younger. Not because your physique is not that of an Adonis. It's because you are a negative, miserable, rejecting, unappealing old cuss. Pretty much sums it up.

I hope people will wise up and stop responding to threads like this.

I appreciate that people are just trying to help. But I've already heard and tried all this advice a hundred times already, and for one reason or another none of it ever works.

Am I the only person on this forum who understand how cause and effect works??? What do I need to do to get you people to understand that an effect cannot be its own cause?! Yes, I am a bitter jaded sour cuss. But I only became that way after many years of constant rejection as a result of that rejection. The rejection came first! The coffee mug did fall off the table because it was broken. The dog did not run out into the rain because it was wet. This makes no freaking sense!! ! I am bitter because I've been rejected by women my entire life, not the other way around!

Last edited by dorkseid on 04 Jul 2021, 12:30 pm, edited 2 times in total.


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04 Jul 2021, 12:12 pm

badRobot wrote:
^^^ this is not true, dorkseid. There is nothing fundamentally wrong with you, you are just depressed.

If there was nothing fundamentally wrong with me, than someone would have wanted to date me at some point in the past 12 years.


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04 Jul 2021, 12:30 pm

dorkseid wrote:
That is not true at all. I have no control over that fact that I am poor. Poor people can't just magically choose to become wealthy by following some get rich quick scheme like whatever this fire nonsense is. If it was that simply nobody would be poor.

Yes, you have control. FIRE isn't get rich quick scheme, it's mostly about simple financial literacy and discipline. Ways how you can optimize your finances, how to pay you debts to reduce interest rates, how to track and reduce your expenses and maximize all possible benefits, how you can persistently save money even having a very modest income. A lot of people are poor because they don't have this knowledge and don't even try to assume control. Google FIRE and read couple articles.

dorkseid wrote:
I also have no control over the fact that I have major depression and maladaptive disorders that prevent me from being able to commit consistently to a health diet or exercise routine. If losing weight was as simple as just making better choices, nobody would be obese.

Yes, you have control over your major depression, I just gave you one tip. Losing weight is simple if you know how to do it the right way. I can help you.

dorkseid wrote:
I have no control over the stigma associated with being a male exhibiting symptoms of ASD. I have no control over what women find attractive or unattractive, or over the genetic factors that determine such things.

Yes, you don't have control over the stigma, neither does anyone on the spectrum. You have control over how you choose to react to this stigma, whether you let it to discourage you from doing something. You have control at least over your physical shape, women find fit people more attractive. Genetic factors are not some fixed things, gene expression depends on external triggers, you have control over a lot of these things.

dorkseid wrote:
I appreciate that people are just trying to help. But I've already heard and tried all this advice a hundred times already, and for one reason or another none of it ever works.

Did you try to get as fit as you realistically can? I don't think so.

dorkseid wrote:
Am I the only person on this forum who understand how cause and effect works??? What do I need to do to get you people to understand that an effect cannot be its own cause?! Yes, I am a bitter jaded sour cuss. But I only became that way after many years of constant rejection as a result of that rejection. The rejection came first! The coffee mug did fall off the table because it was broken. The dog did not run out into the rain because it was wet. This makes no freaking sense!! ! I am bitter because I've been rejected by women my entire life, not the other way around!

You get cause and effect wrong. Right now depression makes you unattractive and makes you feel hopeless. You believe the reason is rejection, but this is just rationalization, this is effect of your ongoing depression, not it's cause.

Like I already said, I'm fully aware that your depressed brain would try to reject and dismiss this tip, but there is still hope you can make a RATIONAL decision to try it despite having overwhelming IRRATIONAL feelings against doing so and urge to rationalize these feelings by coming up with another excuse.