Do you miss someone right now?

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27 Sep 2015, 5:24 am

Actually, yes. I miss my best and only friend. I haven't seen her for 1 1/2 years due to that we live
far away from each other.

not seeing is a flower

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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30 Sep 2015, 4:24 pm


I miss someone I had a crush on, on and off, for several years. Not while I was with the man I thought I'd marry. But when that relationship splintered (on/off/on/off hell) the crush feelings came back. Anyway I told him right after the seventh and final split that I'd fancied him but I knew it was impossible and could we be friends? I meant that. Apparently it came over as a great big come-on. He said No angrily. Maybe he thought I was just rebounding - maybe I was. Dunno. I thought we'd sorted it out but then he blocked me on Facebook.

Then he just vanished from the places I used to see him. Then he got a girlfriend, which shattered me into even smaller pieces. Apparently that's over now. I heard all this at third hand - I haven't seen him to speak to since February this year.

You know what, I don't miss him - not him, the actual human being. I miss the person I wanted him to be. That sounds like psychobabble but it's true. This lovely friend, lover, companion - he was never that. But I miss the loss of that daydream. I miss the person I daydreamed he could be.

I probably still miss my ex, deep down, but oh that was horrendous and it's taken me a year nearly to get some distance from it. I am terribly lonely.

These ghosts I am in love with.


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02 Oct 2015, 7:02 am

I miss my arts teacher from my final 2 years of school. *sigh*
She was very kind and positive, and everyone liked her.
Every time she came to open the class room door she had a smile on her face.
Her lessons were actually fun! Lots of fun. All the other arts teachers I had before her were boring and didn't go into the important details of topics. She cared that her students actually learned something valuable and she wasn't snobbish at all when it came to handing in projects. Most importantly she knew how to teach with grace. I was one of the most ambitious people in class, I was ridiculously motivated.
This really showed me how much of a difference the right teacher can make. I knew it before... but from not really caring about what's going on, I basically did a 180 and became almost obsessed with paying attention in class.
At the museum we could talk to each other about paintings/statues, how we see them, the composition, the colors, the effect of them, little details that most people would probably miss... it didn't feel like a school event at all, it was thrilling.
Good times. I hope she's doing ok.


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07 Oct 2015, 6:20 pm

I miss my best friend/cousin. She moved away to Texas for a few years, moved back here with the intent of get married and starting a family and then ended up getting into a fight with her parents and moving back to Texas a year later to live permanently... I still miss our 'dinner dates'...which is odd because she ended up having to cancel half the time. She was never someone I could really count on, sadly. :|


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07 Oct 2015, 6:28 pm

My mom. As I've mentioned before, she's in Florida right now. She'll be coming home Saturday, and I'm planning to come over Sunday for our Thanksgiving meal. (Thanksgiving is on the second Monday of October in Canada

I wonder if mom has seen any Columbus Day sales in Florida? Personally I believe Columbus was a murderous tyrant and the way Americans act like he was some kind of hero is disgusting, but still a sale is a sale.

Emu Egg
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08 Oct 2015, 6:58 pm

missing someone

longing for someone

only missing

why do I always get to miss you more?

why is it like that?

I miss my girlfriend.
My best friend.
My brother.
Michael Jackson.


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13 Oct 2015, 7:19 am

I miss my younger self. A person with many problems who had no idea she was on the autistic spectrum. If I could go back to that time and have the insight I have now I would probably be able to wade through life a little easier :?


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13 Oct 2015, 7:22 am

I miss everybody that I have ever shared a moment of my life with, whether good or bad. I just wish that I didn't feel so lonely at the time, when I was surrounded by the people from my past :(


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13 Oct 2015, 7:24 am

I miss the people that are still in my life; my mum, my son, my daughter, my granddaughter, my partner. As I feel I'm never really with them, even when I am :cry:


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13 Oct 2015, 7:25 am

I miss my daughter when I make up an excuse not to see her that day. I miss my mum as she leaves after a visit and I realise how inhospitable I was.


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13 Oct 2015, 7:29 am

I miss all of the special people in my life when I'm not with them. When I am with them I can't wait to be alone.

Blue Jay
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13 Oct 2015, 10:01 pm

I miss my estranged wife. She was the only person most like me.


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14 Oct 2015, 1:52 am


My parents (Dad died in August of 1986, Mom in November of 2011)

My brothers (none of whom I'm even on speaking terms with, especially when I ask for help. The only thing I hear out of them is f!ck you, go kill yourself, and good riddance.)

My choral conducting professor I had as an undergraduate student. The only professor, which I found out too late, that gave a damn about me.

My old church choir. You don't sing with these people over the last 40 years without the love and respect we had for each other. (Not that I don't get that right now in my current choir, as a lot of them are finding out that hard way of what I'm capable of musically. It's just that some are still suspicious of my motives, especially after the comment I made about hearing harmonic garbage in the choir. It royally hacked off the choir director at me. I wasn't trying to make jabs at anyone, I was just stating a fact from what I was hearing during rehearsal. Yes, I know how hard it is to recruit new choir members, especially tenors of any kind. Yes, I have problems with contemporary church music, especially when it comes to "praise bands". No one knows that I'm on the spectrum in this congregation, except the pastor and possibly his wife. Then, again, this is a relatively small LC-MS congregation that is going through some growing pains, since moving from their downtown location over 10 years ago. At least they're not making the mistake the ELCA congregation I left last year made 25 years ago when they decided to move out of center city: they grew too fast for their own good.)

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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19 Oct 2015, 5:38 pm

I miss "Before."

David Colby
Tufted Titmouse
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20 Oct 2015, 10:58 pm

I miss one of my good friends Masha Aleskovski who I want to be my girlfriend and be romantic with again!! !

I want to hang out with her way more often than I do, which is about once a month; I miss her so much!! !

"Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. ... And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love."
--Corinthians: 13


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20 Oct 2015, 11:58 pm

Y e s