What is the main reason why guys have to do the approaching?
i have no idea. i never had to "approach" a girl. all the girls i have been intimate with have invited themselves into my life. the "social stage" is also thought of as fake by many NT's i can tell.
if you be who you really are at all times, then as long as you are not a condemnable person, you will get people who would like to know you in time except if you are boring and devoid of ideas i guess.
it takes no toil to sit,
and just be who is me,
there is no extra work,
when i can say what i can see,
and if what i see,
i can not set free
from my imagination...
it may be due to a slew of clues
that are locked in invaginations
of my brain that, i claim to understand,
and the newest innovations
of my thoughts are saying "stuff yourself"
i am a child of creation.
sorry i am tired and not very smart this juncture, but i will hit post anyway before i go to bed which will be in about 30 seconds.
I am glad that strategy worked for you but waiting for a woman to approach you[not something that happens to most men with AS] would likely severely limit your potential dating pool.