kraftiekortie wrote:
LOL....I am an advocate of NOT allowing the general trend to determine the possibility of my success. I fail because I didn't do something right, not because of some macrocosmic tendency.
Well then, I'd wish you good luck, but it honestly wouldn't make a lick of difference... just try not to waste too much of your life before you come to the realization you're fighting a losing battle.
androbot01 wrote:
I get that men are geared to be the pursuers in relationships and that's fine. I also get that autistic men have a harder time with pursuit than nts. I get that the rejection that stems from the pursuer's role is greater because of this. What I don't get is why this means that women have it easier with regard to dating. If we're going for anecdotal evidence, I can offer that my autism has left me vulnerable to exploitation and abuse. I think the burdens of dating with autism even out between the genders.
Men aren't "geared" to be the pursuers, and Aspie men certainly aren't. Men "pursue" because they have no other choice. Trust me, the overwhelming majority of men (both Aspie and NT) would be more than happy to take a passive approach to dating, if they could afford to do so and still get results, but they simply CAN NOT.