These people took it too far though.
Jacoby said he believes people
e must want someone 'dumber' purely to control the other person, and showed some contempt on those who aren't interested in intellectual pursuits.
Don't even get me started on the pompous, elitist drivel Luhluhluh spouted.
Oh yes of course the general population are all willfully ignorant philistines and of course you imply in your posts that you belong to this apparent superior class of enlightened intellectuals like you and Jacoby in your ambitious adventure in intellectualness.
If I'm as intelligent as I've consistently thought I am and been told my entire life, that is above average intelligence, though I'm not one to decide I am, then I can say with confidence that 'intelligence' f*cking sucks a good amount of th time, as does self awareness.
I want a simple, non-studious girl with very y little academic knowledge aside from the minimal amount of 'common sense' necessary to navigate modern living, basic mainstream level knowledge of politics, philosophy, history, etc. The answer to that is very little/jack all.
Short answer is if I meet a girl with few/no knowledge in most academic topics, I, the more studious one who researches a lot of this stuff, would be delighted to be the one to say "you're not interested in politics? Good, maybe its better you dont know much about it, because it certainly didn't help me!"
Because the only thing knowledge has turnt me into is a cynic.
Ignorance is bliss they say.
Of course if she wants to know more she can, of course its a bad idea to always shelter people from the atrocity that is this world, but most people know the world is bad without needing to know the specifics.
Seriously, its probably less impactful to know 'war has always existed. War is bad. Australia was in ww1 and 2. America, the Nazis and england and Russia and Japan were too.' then to know hundreds and thousands of wars throughout history and know the motivations behind each one and all sorts of detailed personal accounts that make you hate the human condition with a passion.
Guess which one turns you more cynical and misanthropic if you're not careful?
Better to know 'racism is bad. The White europeans mistreated the indigenous Australians' than to know the kind of detailed accounts I know about it.
I'm too far down the rabbit hole, I need a girl who hasn't been so broken by knowledge,who can help me climb back out and live a more simple, laid back life again though I am already doing this myself she would help. Lets eat at fast food places and joke, lie under the stars, be young, dumb and immature. Let's get drunk and dance awkwardly, get high and chill, screw politics or history or science, etc. "Basic" common denominator Philosophy while high is all we need and small talk. I love child-like tomboys. A girl I crushed on even still made 'pinky promises' at 17. <3
FYI, my mother didn't even know about Hitler and the atrocities he did in WW2.