Do you miss someone right now?

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Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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18 Aug 2016, 12:00 pm

I miss someone that never been in my life. I have never had a boy to cry with, laugh with or doing daly stuff with. I once met a boy at town, he seemed so perfect. I started to get in love, but it was only one evening with him. Now he is a dad for two wonderful big kids. I was never in his plan of life. I just was a failed one night stand. His name started on F. He learned me to love Jeff Buckley.


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26 Aug 2016, 1:20 am

text removed - repeat spammer and multiple sock puppet

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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22 Sep 2016, 11:20 am

I won't mention who she is because she wouldn't want me to but I miss someone so much who I cared about very deeply for many many months.... and I still care about them. More than ever despite my anger and sadness and hurt: and it gives me huge amounts of emotional pain that they don't think I care about them and that they don't notice it when I'm considerate towards them and when I'm validating their feelings and listen to them.


Okay I needed to vent like that. I feel better now. I wanna be here for new friends I make and also for an extremely awesome friend who I made recently here :)


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24 Sep 2016, 1:02 pm

There is someone I used to work with. They were really nice and we had a lot of things in common. I left that job due to stress, but we are still Facebook friends. I thought they were really cute and I really wish I could see them again. I don't think I ever will though.

"Have you never seen something so mad, so extraordinary... That just for one second, you think that there might be more out there?" -Gwen Cooper, Torchwood


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25 Sep 2016, 2:09 am

A girl I've been talking to over the past couple of years.

I missed my first chance to ask her out by a couple of days not long after we first met. I was devastated; she's far from the first girl to slip through my fingers. Despite this, she paid more attention to me than most girls ever had. I think it was the hugs she'd give me.

As it turns out...I'd dodged a bullet. We remained friends throughout, but I watched her go through a pair of boyfriends, and that's when I started to see the red flags. She turned out to be moody, self-centered, and had a desperate need for attention. She styled herself as a writer, but wrote almost exclusively self-insert fan fiction with airbrushed versions of herself as the main character...and got extremely defensive whenever we criticized her writing (Mind you, she asked us what we thought, but if it wasn't "brilliant", she shot it down and ignored it). She became unbearable whenever her boyfriend was around, since she would forget that her friends were present in favor of being all lovey-dovey with her current boyfriend.

I think it was her friends realizing that I was crushing on her hard and warning me away when I realized that I was playing with fire. She's beautiful and captivating, but I know that if I try to reach out and touch her...I'm going to get burned.

She's still around; in fact, she lives withing easy walking distance from me, and I'm welcome over there any time. But I'm through being weak, since 99% of the reason I was still going over there was because she would give me hugs.

I'm still single, and have never been in a serious relationship. I'm still terribly, terribly lonely in my apartment at night. Being around her helped, because it made me feel like I had a chance...but I know that our relationship is only going to end in pain. So I'm getting it over with.

"There are three things that all wise men fear: the sea in storm, a night with no moon, and the anger of a gentle man."

-Count Threpe, The Wise Man's Fear by Patrick Rothfuss


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25 Sep 2016, 4:01 am

No, there's nobody to miss, which seems sadder than when there was someone


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25 Sep 2016, 5:19 am

Yes, but it doesn't matter. I've rarely been around so many people but whatever it looks like I have no friends, because the closer they get, the thicker the walls around me. I know how they talk and I know how to act like them now. And burn out. Not with you, but it doesn't matter either because in the end you're no less self-absorbed than I am. I'd rather miss myself, at least there's something I can do about it.

"Ever since I was a child, I’ve never allowed myself to get too close to people. I’ve avoided emotional attachment. Perhaps I’ve been so afraid of death and dying that any connection just seemed like a bad thing, something that wouldn’t last." Dana Scully - Christmas Carol.


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25 Sep 2016, 11:02 am

I miss my boyfriend, even though I saw him Friday.

Herein You Will Find Various And Numerous And Innumerable Hexes, Curses, Words In The Old Tongue To Cleave A’Twain Friend, Foe, Family Alike. If You So Choose. Money Hates Me, God Hates Me, My Wife Hates Me, My Own Hands Hate Me. But Thats All Beside The Point. The Point Is That My Time Here On Earth Runs Short. Im Not Dying But You All Are. Im A Glass Of Wine. Nothing Beats A Glass Of Wine. When The Kids Arent Home And Your A Mother Theres A Glass Of Wine There. A Glass Coffee Table And I’m A Glass Of Wine. Stressful Day When The Kids And you're Husband Then Glass Of Wine. Dark Chocolate Indulge. Petty Indulgences. When you're A Glass Of Wine And Let The Body’s Hit The Floor. When Your Glass Of Wine Is Running Short And You Say Heck What Of It. Why Dont I Have Another. Bartender I Am A Glass Of Wine. Bottoms Up And The Devil Laughs. The Bartender Remembers When It Happened. They All Remember When It Happened And If They Knew That You Dont Remember Then They Would Know That Something Is Awry Here Or So They Would Think. Something Would Be Amiss Or Smells Fishy. So Theyre All Relating There Stories Of Where They Were When That Event Happened And The Eyes Move Clockwise About The Room Where We All Share Our Glass Of Wine And Suddenly The Clock Ticks To You And They Ask The Fatal Question That Destroys Your Reputation, The Question You Could Never Answer, The Dead Giveaway: Where Were You When The Bodies Hit The Floor

Emu Egg
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28 Sep 2016, 12:07 am


I miss my mom. Not the woman she is now but he person she was when I was still innocent. The person she was when she could do no wrong in my eyes.

Now, she is killing herself slowly with the use of hard drugs.

Emu Egg
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28 Sep 2016, 7:49 am

I miss my ex boyfriend. God, I hate having to use "ex". Sigh. I have ADHD. He has Asperger's. I think a characteristic of his crazy clashed with a characteristic of my crazy and that was the end of it. We lasted almost three years. The thing is, it felt like we've always known each other and that we'd always be together. He said his intent was to marry me. What confuses me is he said he understood what ADHD was. If that's so, how could he have caused the events that led up to our breakup?

Emu Egg
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28 Sep 2016, 10:34 am

I miss all the great people I got to know and have been friends or could have been friends with, but that I never have put much efforts in my relationship with them. And I miss my sister who died in an accident years ago... :(

Emu Egg
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02 Oct 2016, 5:23 am

I do miss somebody right now! I'm a Spanish girl living in Manchester. I'm 25 years old and I do not have a diagnosed asperger syndrome, but I believe I am an asperger that learned very well how to pretend.
I'm living in a very weird situation since last year when I met this guy; we had a 3 weeks relation, I actually knew him before, but we never knew each other deeply because I never left him know me. By the way, we had this 3 weeks relation, for me it has been the first time when I tried what sex means, and I really liked somebody. Then he left. He had to, we knew that from begin. Since that time he kept texting me once in while; I don't, because I prefer like that, even though I think about him every day, sometimes all day long, sometimes less. I believe that I still think of him because he still text me, otherwise if it was up to me I would have never text him again after he left. The point is: I think I have an obsession, I starting be worried about. I don't want to think about him anymore. He doesn't come back because he is sick, and he is trying to heal. But I'm going mad, what does he want? Our relation doesn't go further than a text once in a month. I know I should not freaking out , but I really liked him, but I can't understand many things maybe I'm just idealizing him. Maybe I just like impossible things, or perhaps I just want to create troubles. Can somebody tell me if he never experienced a situation like that. I'm writing here because I know that a neurotypical can not understand. Thank you all.


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02 Oct 2016, 10:21 am

Yep. And I always will...


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12 Oct 2016, 1:34 pm

I have a crush on my friend who is moving across the country soon. I wish I could tell them how I feel, but it's too late. I'm kicking myself for not saying something sooner. I've been a fool and now it is time to suffer the consequences.

"Have you never seen something so mad, so extraordinary... That just for one second, you think that there might be more out there?" -Gwen Cooper, Torchwood

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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12 Oct 2016, 11:56 pm

Someone? Yes, always.

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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13 Oct 2016, 10:32 pm

Not in a romantic sense, but yes. I miss a lot of people right now, and I miss them pretty badly.

There's a small part of me tucked away in a dark and repressed corner of my psyche that hopes that they miss me too, and it makes me feel like an awful person, and that just makes me miss them more.