Talk about yourself for a bit
I'm andrew.
I don't talk alot. Or really at all. I walk around with my hood up and ignore 99% of the people who try to talk to me. Except when I'm at work.
I do alot of skiing, I try to go 3 times a week. I drive the crappiest car to ever disgrace the roads. I'm pretty bad at talking, so I'm going to stop.

Ok, I can be bothered now.
My real name is Melinda. I turn 18 in February. I live at Mt. Lofty, which is about 10-15 minutes away from Burnside and Adelaide. I live with my mum and dad, my sister, who's 21, and my brother, who turns 20 in March. I go to a supported employment program called TASC twice a week. I'm not really a social person, but I guess that's something I'll have to work on this year.
Autism Speaks: We can haz ur moneyz, Y/Y?
Hello. I don't think my name really says a lot about me, since I plan on changing it for various reasons. I'm male, 16 and a huge fan of [primarily] useless trivia. My obsession w/ trivia has to do with the fact that I am out to prove that I can teach myself more than the public school sytem can, at least in areas other than Math and the sciences. I am approximately 5"1-5"4, and have short brown/black hair and blue/grey eyes. I'm a pretty academic person, and I quite enjoy being called a Nerd, even though most people consider it to be an insult. I'll read nearly anything, though my prime favorites are sci-fi and anything about Russia or by Russians. Despite being fairly academic, I don't enjoy school very much, owing partially to the fact that being the only outwardly Jewish looking person in a school of 1,500 non-Jews can be scary, among other factors. I am not 'officially' diagnosed w/ Asperger's, but I figure that if 90-95% of the traits apply to me, then I'd say that's pretty darn close. I'm currently in the process of trying to get a diagnosis. I'm also very obsessed w/ patterns, which I see everywhere and can get easily distracted by, so thus a huge fan of Psychedelic paintings and pictures. I can't stand 99% of people and social situations, appart from from my one friend who I suspect has Asperger's [but I haven't asked him yet]. I like most kinds of music, except country and Christian music. I play the violin, and am part of a band w/ my best friend.

Nice to meet you, NATAN.

Sounds like a great idea to me.
"You are the stars and the world is watching you. By your presence you send a message to every village, every city, every nation. A message of hope. A message of victory."- Eunice Kennedy Shriver

Joined: 25 Dec 2007
Age: 68
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Location: 1 Observatree Close, Pointless Forest, Low Countries
I'm andrew.
I don't talk alot. Or really at all. I walk around with my hood up and ignore 99% of the people who try to talk to me. Except when I'm at work.
I do alot of skiing, I try to go 3 times a week. I drive the crappiest car to ever disgrace the roads. I'm pretty bad at talking, so I'm going to stop.
hi andrew ('andy'?) 886 uh - WELCOME - BUT
forget it, mate, my last two saabs got themselves torched, the first just having turned 25, which in Holland defines any car as a classic, hence no longer road tax
burdened, the second if i remember correctly had just reached that age when the subject receives the keys to the owning parentel house (or garage)
in tax terms those torchings have cost me - & been carless last three years
however, both cars had a bit of a reputation in the dutch cricket world
(i played and umpired officially so got around a bit) & i will guarantee:
there is no way thinkable that i'll let you get away with 'ever'
quoth the raven - Nevermore

BTW best quote i found on WP yet (forget who from):
"i talk about things that interest me...
otherwise, i don't talk at all"
a point in every direction is the same as no point at all - or is it
may your god forgive you
Hey there, NATAN. I swear, palindromes always remind me of stereoisomerism... It also reminds me of primes that are palindromes, etc.
But yeah. I love science and math. Well, I love English and all of the Social Studies as well... Heck, I just love learning! That's the easy way to sum me up. If I focus enough on the subject for a long period of time, I'll become an expert. There is no subject that I just "don't get," though economics certainly frustrates me. I see connections between all of the subjects, between life, between anything and everything. That's how I see the world: a crazy spaghetti bowl of connections that must be sorted out and analyzed.
Granted, most people don't like to hear me talk about these connections. I hope that's a bit different here. For instance, I'll be walking down the hall at school, and notice that that number of tiles times three is the time. Heck, I factor the time all the time (this can definitely bother people)! I've also noticed that people tend to either hang out in groups of three or less, or otherwise stick to large packs. Yet, these large packs are still just like smaller groups that clump together. I like to count large numbers of objects rapidly, just to see if I get the right number after counting individually. Usually, I am either right or off by one. Not to mention, I like the times: 0314, 1123, 1248, etc. I get excited and remark about them, and people think I'm a bit... off. However, I don't see this as any different than using the beginning of a new year as an excuse to get wasted, but apparently it is "very" different. And now I'm rambling, and will stop.
Socially, I just try my best. Being in JROTC has helped me with that social/leadership aspect, primarily because there is a strict set of rules. It's not this confusing free-for-all that any other sort of social event or club seems to be. Sure, there are still those weird unsaid things, but it's not nearly as bad. However, I am still definitely... "different," as they(my fellow cadets) constantly remind me. Regardless, socially I've improved by leaps and bounds compared to middle school. In middle school I would just shut down completely. Now, I try to fit in when it is absolutely necessary from a practical standpoint, and other wise I am myself. I guess you could say that... "I learned a long time ago that I can't keep from shocking people. So, I just make it work for me (most of the time.)"
And for some reason, I seem to like writing sentences with a preparatory subordinate clause. I mean, it seems to be a common habit...
hello everyone. i am luminar. my mother and i have recently found information about aspergers syndrome and i am almost positive i have it. i also like a wide variety of music pretty much anything but country but mainly heavy metal and classical. weird huh. anyway i am also obssesed with werewolves and wolves. i practice martial arts and love bruce lee. i am currently in high school as a junior. i have a bit of an anger problem but would not want to harm anyone unless they were evil or did something to harm me or my freinds. i am extremly loyal. well thats about all i can think of for now. soooooo see ya.
Hi everyone, my name is Josh and I'm kind of a new member (I haven't posted before, but I've been reading the forums for a while.)
I haven't officially been diagnosed with Aspergers, but I'm pretty sure I have it. I struggle socially at times, and a lot of things that I've read on Aspergers just seem to click with me.
Anyway, just wanted to say hi.
i just wanted to say hi, maybe ill come back and write a bit about myself.
But until then take care
I haven't officially been diagnosed with Aspergers, but I'm pretty sure I have it. I struggle socially at times, and a lot of things that I've read on Aspergers just seem to click with me.
Anyway, just wanted to say hi. Very Happy
Nice to meet all three you.

"You are the stars and the world is watching you. By your presence you send a message to every village, every city, every nation. A message of hope. A message of victory."- Eunice Kennedy Shriver
im dennis, i am 22, and im from southern california, but i have moved around about 13 times in my short life, and only once on my own accord ( kinda) .
i come from a loving and deeply damaged family.
when i was young i was obsessed with water, which later became an obsession with fluid dynamics, and basically any spatial stuff really. nts often underestimate my spatial intelligence, which i find frustrating.
my childhood wasnt picturesque, i lived with my mother, whom i love, but i understand that she isnt very smart, and because of that didnt really understand how to take care of me, let alone herself.
i was shy and introverted, i would often stay inside playing with anything electical (an other obsession that grew into an interest in computers)
when i was about 14 i found a few boxes of tapes that had been a family members, which grew into a love for music, and patterns in it. my favorite type of music involves a juxtaposition of various time signatures played simultaneously, i like how if i listen to that kind of music my mind will fill in the gaps and make new patterns that fit along with the music. im glad i live in time i do, i was born just in time to buy an ipod right when my music collection was exploding.
most of my life up untill high school was difficult, my family thought i had mental problems, but they couldnt figure it out, and they didnt have the money to get me diagnosed.
in high school i came out of my shell to some extent, i remeber the first friend i made on my own. the first conversation was a rather one sided conversation about the athlon xp processor, and how much i hated the netburst engine found in the pentium 4 ( a 20 stage pipeline should be in a dsp, not a general purpose x86 engine ) i hated intel until they redesigned the p3 as the pentium m ( good times ) my main pc still has a p3 ( the 512k tualatin variety ) its sdr, but it gets the job done.
at this time i build sound responsive video installations for local bands here in santa maria. i suppose i let my work speak for me, and at this time i have made friends who are ok with the fact that i need constant encouragement to know if i am doing the right thing.
Pileated woodpecker

Joined: 18 Feb 2007
Age: 39
Gender: Male
Posts: 191
Location: The Planet Cybertron, Bazinga!
i'm Steve Burrow aka starscream,
I'm 22 and Live in the UK county known as cornwall lol
my obcessions are, video games/PC's, Anime', Transformers(as in the TV show, toys and comics), Gundam modelkits, Star Trek, Star Wars, Pool, Snooker, old school cartoons such as 80's TMNT, He-Man, Thundercats, SWAT Kats etc and Heavy Metal mainly bands like Iron Maiden, Metallica, Megadeth and Trivium
guess i like to call meself a kid in a adult's body mainly cause i have a bigger toy collection as an adult then i ever did as a kid(mainly due to collecting Transformers figures which i have 98 of hehe) i was said to have AS when i was round 14, most of the time i find the "real world" a uphill struggle mainly cause i dont like being out in it, i just feel safer at home then anywhere else, i live with me dad and sister, and i've kept a job going for a year with a supermarket which i'm proud of mainly cause anywhere else i've worked for just turned their noses up at me due to the fact i have AS.
oh well thats all for now
Till All Are One!
"Freedom Is The Right Of All Sentient Beings"
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