I'm engaged!! !
History recorded HUMAN dealings about many gods, and the one God which is the most famous. No one can't see God, not christians, not agnostics, not atheists, not animals, not little children, no one.
No, human history didn't recorded every single fact on earth, but it recorded things that tells us how people where at the time, how where their attitudes about moral values in their society, and by analyzing it, the Bible was based in those attitudes. Not good for a time when people were ignorants because of lack of knowledge we have today.
That quite a partial set of facts to believe in 100%. Your religion is that God doesn't exist.
Christianity is different than Judaism only in people's minds -- not in the Bible.
You've also said you think you might never find a girlfriend. But you're hanging on to that seeming unlikelihood. All this discussion would have a bit more relavence if/when you have a girlfriend.
doesn't hurt to plan ahead
Just making an observation. It still has relevance, it's just increasingly hypothetical.
Christianity is different than Judaism only in people's minds -- not in the Bible.
Aye, very civil.
Women don't have rights, you see? the Bible says so.
God permitted that because he is a guy, all women should accept that or they will pay to consequences.
Stoke it, buddy, stoke that anti-God anger!
Christianity is different than Judaism only in people's minds -- not in the Bible.
You've also said you think you might never find a girlfriend. But you're hanging on to that seeming unlikelihood. All this discussion would have a bit more relavence if/when you have a girlfriend.
doesn't hurt to plan ahead
Just making an observation. It still has relevance, it's just increasingly hypothetical.
It has no relevance at all actually: a straight man could be single but still have the RIGHT to marry a woman, whether he ever wants to or not. I don't have that right.
Forget it guys, Ragtime is relying on weak circular 'logic' and blind adherence to a work of fiction that is fraught with internal inconsistencies and is largely incompatible with the modern world. Our free-thinking, exploratory natures can't gain any footing within this close-minded idiocy.
"Pray...NOW!" -Auron, before Bushido attack
Aye, very civil.
Women don't have rights, you see? the Bible says so.
God permitted that because he is a guy, all women should accept that or they will pay to consequences.
Stoke it, buddy, stoke that anti-God anger!
First you say greenblue doesn't believe in God, now you say he's angry with him... Which is it?
And before you say I'm angry with God, no I'm not because I don't believe in a god. Just like I don't get mad at Santa for breaking and entering every Christmas.
I wonder why I even bother posting in these threads sometimes. I guess I'm addicted though. Even though it's going nowhere I still feel compelled to reply to each idiotic post I see.
Aye, very civil.
Women don't have rights, you see? the Bible says so.
God permitted that because he is a guy, all women should accept that or they will pay to consequences.
Stoke it, buddy, stoke that anti-God anger!
great response Mr Lukewarm.
I think you have found your level.
It's not anti-God, it's anti fundamentalist idiocy. Some people give christians a bad name, i think you are one of them.
If you're looking for converts amongst some of the young people on here, then you are not doing much good. If you are just trolling, then your doing well.
A lot of things in the Bible don't make sense, the god in the Bible is described in a way people thought HE (male ) should be, is logical to think is not actually like that giving the time.
Reading for the first time about the history of that time period and how people were, with a focus in a scientific and anthrolopical manner, that was one of other main reasons I started question all I've been learning in a realigius school, when I was 14.
I wonder why I even bother posting in these threads sometimes. I guess I'm addicted though. Even though it's going nowhere I still feel compelled to reply to each idiotic post I see.
I know, like its our mission to cure all this stupidity. I think our attempts make it worse though.
If we can convert a single Christian to Atheism then our efforts were worth it.
"Pray...NOW!" -Auron, before Bushido attack
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internal_c ... _the_Bible
Don't be scared Ragtime, open your mind!
"Pray...NOW!" -Auron, before Bushido attack
I wonder why I even bother posting in these threads sometimes. I guess I'm addicted though. Even though it's going nowhere I still feel compelled to reply to each idiotic post I see.
Me too
Sometimes things said here are very funny, I laugh sometimes, I get a good time
Last edited by greenblue on 31 May 2007, 3:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
History shows us the attitudes of the time towards women and sex.
That's a true statement, but you're cleverly avoiding addressing Christian (biblical) attitudes toward women in the first century. It was very civil and egalitarian.
Biblical attitudes to women in the 1st century.
Let's see ...
Yep, he was very sexist
Aye, very civil.
Women don't have rights, you see? the Bible says so.
God permitted that because he is a guy, all women should accept that or they will pay to consequences.
Stoke it, buddy, stoke that anti-God anger!
I was stating that the Bible is sexist, there was the example of the rape scene.
I was being sarcastic, but also was illustrating the notion that God is male, that made it easier to enforce the rules that favour men over women.
Congratulations Ragtime, I only wish that you would take a little more time on getting to know one another on a more intimate level that only dating can bring. Heres a rather long article I found on a husbands role in a marriage. I wish you both the best God Bless Husbands
Many women are militant feminists because they have seen too many men abuse their role as the husband. God actually has much more to say to the husband than he does to the wife. Listen to what the Bible has to say to the husband…
“Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it” (Ephesians 5:25).
God commands the husband to love his wife. The word “love” here means, “to welcome, to entertain, to be fond of, to love dearly.” Hence, a man is to give his wife the attention, respect, admiration and the cheering up she needs.
“Husbands, love your wives, and be not bitter against them” (Colossians 3:19).
“Likewise, ye husbands, dwell with them according to knowledge, giving honour unto the wife, as unto the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life; that your prayers be not hindered” (1st Peter 3:7).
It is wrong for a man to be a tyrant towards his wife. A husband is to be loving, kind and considerate. So many men today are woefully ignorant of the Bible.
“Let the husband render unto the wife due benevolence: and likewise also the wife unto the husband” (1st Corinthians 7:3).
The word “benevolence” means, “goodwill, kindness.” “Goodwill” means, “a disposition to kindness and compassion.” Hence, the husband is to be a nice guy! He’s not to be a tyrant jerk. God COMMANDS the husband to be kind and compassionate. This is the wife’s “DUE” treatment. A husband is not supposed to bring his job frustrations home with him to take out on the wife. The husband is to deal with the wife “according to knowledge” the Bible says (1 Peter 3:7). This means use your head guys, you’re in charge! You get more bears with honey. Some fellas are just plain selfish and rotten towards their wives. My father used to buy my mom cleaning supplies for Christmas. Though she never complained, he didn’t treat her very nice. A husband should love and value his wife. “Honor” means “to value” in the Bible. A man who values his wife WILL treat her with dignity and respect. Some men are complete pigs at home. Unless your wife is a pig also, I’m sure she would appreciate your better manners.
Likewise, the wife is to show kindness and compassion on the husband. A man told me he was out front of his house cutting the grass. He was sweating. He asked his wife if she’d get him a drink of water. She said, “Get it yourself!” How wicked! How rebellious! If this is you, I pity you on judgment day. A wife is to give “DUE” kindness and compassion to the husband. Surely…a hug, drink, slippers and something to eat are not too much to ask if your man goes to work for you. Fellas, if your wife works—you should split the housework accordingly.
Mutual Submission
I’m now going to share with you the truth of the matter and I think you’ll be amazed.
“Submitting yourselves one to another in the fear of God” (Ephesians 5:21).
The honest truth is that the husband is also commanded by God to submit to the wife. Yes, the man is the head of his home; however, he is supposed to yield to his wife’s requests and wishes whenever possible—this is love. Many men think that the wife is to be a slave, having no will of her own. This is untrue! The Bible never teaches that submission is a one-way street. This is what the Bible says. I believe that a loving husband will yield to the wife’s wishes 95% of the time; however, for that 5% area where the husband feels he knows best, the wife is to submit to the husband. It basically means that the wife gives the husband veto power over her life. This should not be a problem if the husband is a godly man. A godly man is a kind and compassionate man!
The problems arise when the husband is not fulfilling his role and responsibility as a man. Too many husbands expect their wife to obey, but then they provoke their wives to anger by not being kind, respectful and considerate. On the other hand; some wives are abusive; no matter how much the husband gives, the wife takes and takes and takes. My pastor used to say from the pulpit,” If either one of you were a good Christian, there would be no arguments.” He use to also say, “It takes two to tango.”
I only included this truth on mutual submission because I believe that many folks have gotten the wrong idea about all this. Yes, the man is to be the head of his home. Yes, the wife is to give her husband “veto power” over her life.” However, a godly and loving husband will not try to manipulate and control his wife. A wife is not to be kept in a cage. The husband is to love his wife; encourage her; brag on her; build her up. The wife is to do the same for the husband. Marriages could be revolutionized if couples across America would take this truth to heart.
The same principle applies to the employer/employee relationship. The employer should allow the employees to have their way most of the time; however, at times the employer will have to say, “I’m sorry, but you cannot do that.” The employees are to submit to the employer, and then a good employer will submit to the employees—but the employees must submit first. Likewise, a wife is to submit to her husband, and then the husband submits to the wife—but the wife must submit first. A wife is more likely to submit to a husband that allows her to do things her way most of the time. An employee is more likely to submit to the desires of management if management allows the employees to have their own way most of the time. Whether it is a marriage, a family, a church, or a business; this is God’s method for management—mutual submission.
“Submitting yourselves one to another in the fear of God” (Ephesians 5:21).
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