Qualities you DON'T want in a guy/girl?
Surya wrote:
hyperlexian wrote:
fractals are wonderful, but my sister has a better understanding. she is the mathematician! she took the time to explain fractals and chaos theory to me over and over again until i could maybe understand just a little corner of them. something so soothing about things like that, like beautiful tales of wonder.
my dad used to explain electronics in the same way. to this day i am fuzzy about resistors vs. transistors for example, or watts vs. volts. but i liked to hear it over and over, and some small bits would soak in.
i enjoy trying to learn about things i can't really ever understand. i'll buy scientific american and read some of the harder articles several times before i grasp anything at all. but i am driven to know things, to somehow have some explanations of the things that confuse me.
mind-control self-control? do you mean like behaviour modification? i am uneasy about it. i tend to look at cognitive methods first, but i also believe that human potential is huge, but if we allow ourselves to be controlled by our own behaviour we might not succeed at whatever we desire to eventually do. not work-wise, but life-wise.
my dad used to explain electronics in the same way. to this day i am fuzzy about resistors vs. transistors for example, or watts vs. volts. but i liked to hear it over and over, and some small bits would soak in.
i enjoy trying to learn about things i can't really ever understand. i'll buy scientific american and read some of the harder articles several times before i grasp anything at all. but i am driven to know things, to somehow have some explanations of the things that confuse me.
mind-control self-control? do you mean like behaviour modification? i am uneasy about it. i tend to look at cognitive methods first, but i also believe that human potential is huge, but if we allow ourselves to be controlled by our own behaviour we might not succeed at whatever we desire to eventually do. not work-wise, but life-wise.
They were trying to explain to you verbally? Did they used diagrams.. or 'props? I would have thought you were more visual of a learner..
I had a lot of hands on learning growing up thankfully, and as you say ..I am driven to just know... so the hands on, is on going
I was known for taking things apart, to see how they work, and put them back together - earliest was a tv, then a sewing machine at school.. and a carburettor and it never seemed to stop.
I had a friend that worked in a morgue once and he arranged for me to come in - the smells were not what I had imagined them to be..
but still very interesting..
I never left the 'why does.....' stage lol
I should do a post on that I think.. the mind-control self-control equipment..
It fascinates me, as much as it disturbs me..
I think it could be used for some wonderful things..
my sister and father both explained things verbally, without props. but what was important to me wasn't to learn the information really well, but to experience the teaching. i enjoyed having things explained to me, as it was comforting. my mind is not a steel trap lol.
not sure if i can explain how i learn. not visually, as i have a very poor visual memory. i think i learn by reading things, and by performing things, but it takes a great deal of repetition. as much background as possible is necessary for me to really learn things, too - i can't learn a task in isolation from all of the surrounding knowledge. i need to logically understand things, which has annoyed the crap out of teachers and trainers.
on a break, so if you need assistance please contact another moderator from this list:
hyperlexian wrote:
my sister and father both explained things verbally, without props. but what was important to me wasn't to learn the information really well, but to experience the teaching. i enjoyed having things explained to me, as it was comforting. my mind is not a steel trap lol.
not sure if i can explain how i learn. not visually, as i have a very poor visual memory. i think i learn by reading things, and by performing things, but it takes a great deal of repetition. as much background as possible is necessary for me to really learn things, too - i can't learn a task in isolation from all of the surrounding knowledge. i need to logically understand things, which has annoyed the crap out of teachers and trainers.
not sure if i can explain how i learn. not visually, as i have a very poor visual memory. i think i learn by reading things, and by performing things, but it takes a great deal of repetition. as much background as possible is necessary for me to really learn things, too - i can't learn a task in isolation from all of the surrounding knowledge. i need to logically understand things, which has annoyed the crap out of teachers and trainers.
Take a look at this and see if it makes sense to you.. and what 'map' does..
http://blog.iqmatrix.com/mind-map/7-int ... g-mind-map
may be a helpful 'tool' for you.. to know the way best suited to you..
there are many different ways and tools.. its the finding of them that is not easy..
Surya wrote:
What makes you think that I am on the other side of the Atlantic? In a week I will be.. but not yet. And I cannot wait, I am soo excited, I feel like I am going 'home' or at least closer to what 'home' would feel like to me.
I am no longer surprised by the amount of people that do not know how to do one of our most needed things to survive. Cooking, is NOT difficult, 'putting away' for the seasons, is a bit more techie and time consuming then many would want to do.
I knew there was no hope for many, after I had to teach someone how to make a BOILED EGG.. on MSN a couple years back :palmface:
A turkey, that I can understand, but a boiled egg... I nearly lost all hopes for society that day. lol
But, then again, I am the freak, because I make my own yoghurt and some cheeses..
And the looks I get and questions if I have roasted my own coffee beans.. too funny.
I have not played around with vehicles in years really, and have no 'real working knowledge' about the newer ones - nobody would just let me rip one apart.
The smaller electric ones, that people sometimes convert the engines for motorbikes, I once thought of trying to obtain on via a auction, but never got around to it.
Yes, but that warranty, will be worth as much as toilet paper if you touch a component on it, would it not?
I am no longer surprised by the amount of people that do not know how to do one of our most needed things to survive. Cooking, is NOT difficult, 'putting away' for the seasons, is a bit more techie and time consuming then many would want to do.
I knew there was no hope for many, after I had to teach someone how to make a BOILED EGG.. on MSN a couple years back :palmface:
A turkey, that I can understand, but a boiled egg... I nearly lost all hopes for society that day. lol
But, then again, I am the freak, because I make my own yoghurt and some cheeses..

And the looks I get and questions if I have roasted my own coffee beans.. too funny.
I have not played around with vehicles in years really, and have no 'real working knowledge' about the newer ones - nobody would just let me rip one apart.
The smaller electric ones, that people sometimes convert the engines for motorbikes, I once thought of trying to obtain on via a auction, but never got around to it.
Yes, but that warranty, will be worth as much as toilet paper if you touch a component on it, would it not?
You did say something about Wales.

I've roasted turkeys many times. It's not difficult as people make it to be. A little olive oil and kosher salt and a big oven is all you need, really. I've haven't delved into fermentation, I want to homebrew my own beer though.
And you guys don't have a self-service junkyard around?
Surya wrote:
hyperlexian wrote:
my sister and father both explained things verbally, without props. but what was important to me wasn't to learn the information really well, but to experience the teaching. i enjoyed having things explained to me, as it was comforting. my mind is not a steel trap lol.
not sure if i can explain how i learn. not visually, as i have a very poor visual memory. i think i learn by reading things, and by performing things, but it takes a great deal of repetition. as much background as possible is necessary for me to really learn things, too - i can't learn a task in isolation from all of the surrounding knowledge. i need to logically understand things, which has annoyed the crap out of teachers and trainers.
not sure if i can explain how i learn. not visually, as i have a very poor visual memory. i think i learn by reading things, and by performing things, but it takes a great deal of repetition. as much background as possible is necessary for me to really learn things, too - i can't learn a task in isolation from all of the surrounding knowledge. i need to logically understand things, which has annoyed the crap out of teachers and trainers.
Take a look at this and see if it makes sense to you.. and what 'map' does..
http://blog.iqmatrix.com/mind-map/7-int ... g-mind-map
may be a helpful 'tool' for you.. to know the way best suited to you..
there are many different ways and tools.. its the finding of them that is not easy..
ehhh, not so much for my thinking. i taught these tools to my students, but it doesn't fit the way my brain works. my world, and the inside of my head, i describe as an amorphous mass of sorts. people ask me if i think in pictures or words, and in all honesty it's a mess of all 5 senses.
i tend to prefer my information in textual format only, and my brain integrates it into the amorphous sea. in university i would write and rewrite my notes until the information stuck. i did well in school, so my method was effective if a little slow (i'm a member of the golden key international honour society).
what do your thoughts look like?
on a break, so if you need assistance please contact another moderator from this list:
Surya wrote:
Jono wrote:
Exactly what did I say that was so offensive? I'm working in theoretical physics but there is no requirement that I have to stick with one particular branch. I've already done an MSc in astrophysics but my PhD will be in something totally different (it has to do with relativistic quantum mechanics but not related to astrophysics at all). I'm working as a research assistant and may end up getting papers published related to a number of different fields/branches or whatever. I've not only been interested astrophysics but also particle or high energy physics, quantum field theory and string theory or other theories of quantum gravity. Additionally, doing work in string theory requires that you practically know just about everything else in physics.
You did nothing that was offensive, just like hyperlexian said. Except leave me dangling for a bit there..
and that is not nice..
Your brain is a playground on natural philosophy from the looks of it.. damn..
The little I know/understand of string theory is just enough to 'see' how beautiful it is..
and as I said.. each type/field.. has more types/fields/branches/theory... supersymety (sp)... string has what - superstrings, holographic principles.. ohh and superstrings and bosnic(sp?) have the hybrid between them I believe.. heter????something..
gahh its been awhile.. well.. not really long for a branch or two.. but not a bunch..
went and did a tour of the synchrotron here after speaking to a Prof that teaches quantum physics and comes here during the summer months to work with the synchrotron.. he offered to take me around his section once he realised I was not just 'amusing' him with my interest..
Seriously, to have the ability to spend an hour seeing what you see.. would be incredible. And I believe they waste that technology on
teaching children self-control..
Thanks, that's quite flattering.
With regards to the hybrid between bosonic strings and superstrings, I believe the word you're looking for is heterotic strings. If you don't mind me asking, what got you interested in physics? Also, what do do for a living?
hyperlexian wrote:
Surya wrote:
hyperlexian wrote:
my sister and father both explained things verbally, without props. but what was important to me wasn't to learn the information really well, but to experience the teaching. i enjoyed having things explained to me, as it was comforting. my mind is not a steel trap lol.
not sure if i can explain how i learn. not visually, as i have a very poor visual memory. i think i learn by reading things, and by performing things, but it takes a great deal of repetition. as much background as possible is necessary for me to really learn things, too - i can't learn a task in isolation from all of the surrounding knowledge. i need to logically understand things, which has annoyed the crap out of teachers and trainers.
not sure if i can explain how i learn. not visually, as i have a very poor visual memory. i think i learn by reading things, and by performing things, but it takes a great deal of repetition. as much background as possible is necessary for me to really learn things, too - i can't learn a task in isolation from all of the surrounding knowledge. i need to logically understand things, which has annoyed the crap out of teachers and trainers.
Take a look at this and see if it makes sense to you.. and what 'map' does..
http://blog.iqmatrix.com/mind-map/7-int ... g-mind-map
may be a helpful 'tool' for you.. to know the way best suited to you..
there are many different ways and tools.. its the finding of them that is not easy..
ehhh, not so much for my thinking. i taught these tools to my students, but it doesn't fit the way my brain works. my world, and the inside of my head, i describe as an amorphous mass of sorts. people ask me if i think in pictures or words, and in all honesty it's a mess of all 5 senses.
i tend to prefer my information in textual format only, and my brain integrates it into the amorphous sea. in university i would write and rewrite my notes until the information stuck. i did well in school, so my method was effective if a little slow (i'm a member of the golden key international honour society).
what do your thoughts look like?
I have a thread on how I was trying to figure out how I 'see' things.. it is not easy..
images.. that I can manipulate .. I 'talk' a lot with my hands.. even when I am typing my hands stop typing to make gesters.. like rewinding the images.. spinning them.. zoom in out..
sounds.. taste.. touch all contribute to what I process..
I need to try and post that thread.. but I have tried 3 times and every time I have typed the silly thing out.. it has crashed on me..
when I draw out my thought processes.. they can look kinda like those mappings .. BUT much messier..
I have been known to write on windows and fridges and all sorts of things because I needed a bigger space to do it in..
Thankfully.. I have had enough tests done I am not labelled 'cookoo for cocoa puffs'
nice about the key..
what did you take?
nthach wrote:
Surya wrote:
What makes you think that I am on the other side of the Atlantic? In a week I will be.. but not yet. And I cannot wait, I am soo excited, I feel like I am going 'home' or at least closer to what 'home' would feel like to me.
I am no longer surprised by the amount of people that do not know how to do one of our most needed things to survive. Cooking, is NOT difficult, 'putting away' for the seasons, is a bit more techie and time consuming then many would want to do.
I knew there was no hope for many, after I had to teach someone how to make a BOILED EGG.. on MSN a couple years back :palmface:
A turkey, that I can understand, but a boiled egg... I nearly lost all hopes for society that day. lol
But, then again, I am the freak, because I make my own yoghurt and some cheeses..
And the looks I get and questions if I have roasted my own coffee beans.. too funny.
I have not played around with vehicles in years really, and have no 'real working knowledge' about the newer ones - nobody would just let me rip one apart.
The smaller electric ones, that people sometimes convert the engines for motorbikes, I once thought of trying to obtain on via a auction, but never got around to it.
Yes, but that warranty, will be worth as much as toilet paper if you touch a component on it, would it not?
I am no longer surprised by the amount of people that do not know how to do one of our most needed things to survive. Cooking, is NOT difficult, 'putting away' for the seasons, is a bit more techie and time consuming then many would want to do.
I knew there was no hope for many, after I had to teach someone how to make a BOILED EGG.. on MSN a couple years back :palmface:
A turkey, that I can understand, but a boiled egg... I nearly lost all hopes for society that day. lol
But, then again, I am the freak, because I make my own yoghurt and some cheeses..

And the looks I get and questions if I have roasted my own coffee beans.. too funny.
I have not played around with vehicles in years really, and have no 'real working knowledge' about the newer ones - nobody would just let me rip one apart.
The smaller electric ones, that people sometimes convert the engines for motorbikes, I once thought of trying to obtain on via a auction, but never got around to it.
Yes, but that warranty, will be worth as much as toilet paper if you touch a component on it, would it not?
You did say something about Wales.

I've roasted turkeys many times. It's not difficult as people make it to be. A little olive oil and kosher salt and a big oven is all you need, really. I've haven't delved into fermentation, I want to homebrew my own beer though.
And you guys don't have a self-service junkyard around?
I am heading there.. this week.. well SAturday I start my travels..
That is why my spelling and everything has gone to crap.. I am over excitted..
we have some.. BUT sometimes.. they are soo over priced it is not worth it..
I had a recipe for vodka.. I wonder if I still have it..o or if I lost that as well.. hmmm..
was potato.. and not bad..
used to do wine as well. and beer..
easy thing though is feta cheese.. it is soo inexpensive to make at home.. like 20p an 100grs..
instead of 2GBP a 100grms
Jono wrote:
Surya wrote:
Jono wrote:
Exactly what did I say that was so offensive? I'm working in theoretical physics but there is no requirement that I have to stick with one particular branch. I've already done an MSc in astrophysics but my PhD will be in something totally different (it has to do with relativistic quantum mechanics but not related to astrophysics at all). I'm working as a research assistant and may end up getting papers published related to a number of different fields/branches or whatever. I've not only been interested astrophysics but also particle or high energy physics, quantum field theory and string theory or other theories of quantum gravity. Additionally, doing work in string theory requires that you practically know just about everything else in physics.
You did nothing that was offensive, just like hyperlexian said. Except leave me dangling for a bit there..
and that is not nice..
Your brain is a playground on natural philosophy from the looks of it.. damn..
The little I know/understand of string theory is just enough to 'see' how beautiful it is..
and as I said.. each type/field.. has more types/fields/branches/theory... supersymety (sp)... string has what - superstrings, holographic principles.. ohh and superstrings and bosnic(sp?) have the hybrid between them I believe.. heter????something..
gahh its been awhile.. well.. not really long for a branch or two.. but not a bunch..
went and did a tour of the synchrotron here after speaking to a Prof that teaches quantum physics and comes here during the summer months to work with the synchrotron.. he offered to take me around his section once he realised I was not just 'amusing' him with my interest..
Seriously, to have the ability to spend an hour seeing what you see.. would be incredible. And I believe they waste that technology on
teaching children self-control..
Thanks, that's quite flattering.
With regards to the hybrid between bosonic strings and superstrings, I believe the word you're looking for is heterotic strings. If you don't mind me asking, what got you interested in physics? Also, what do do for a living?
your welcome.. but it is true..
thank you for the correct spelling for bosonic as well.. YES that was it..
Umm I have had a foster father that was a physicist and have had friends and have known a lot of different people over my life..
one was a female.. that used to create fashion for different actresses/musicians.. to pay for her schooling.. havent seen her in years.. hmmm..
But.. to me.. it is just another .. hmm part of us, just as much as we are a part of it..
how can we NOT want to know at least a bit..
everything should work in sync with everything should it not?
one thing over there.. effects something a billion light years away.. one tiny little spec could hold the answer to pandoras box.. or open it..
do you understand what I am trying so poorly to describe..
there is soo much to know and it is all so beautiful.. how can we not want to know just a tiny part of it..
surely you see the interweavings/intertwinnings the connections to all..
there is a phrase.. Brohm how he describes is.. is pure beauty.. hologram/graphic..hmm universe... .. the sublevels.. and umm.. the 'not local'.. not the correct term, but close enough I hope. We are all connected.. you, hyperlexian, nthach, foreveryoung, me.. the stars the milky way.. the new galixy that was just 'found' / discovered - the one with a planet about 1.4 times earth..
There was a Swedish physicist.. that provided proof of the 'not local' gahh what is the term.. light waves and such.
Anyway.. with that as a very early 'teaching' and the fact that I see visually everything as a whole.. and then 'zoom' into the different parts.. how could I not have an interest.
Now I have not read much lately .. last 2 or so years - been crazy with my own schooling. So maybe Brohms therory has been changed? I do not know..
but that is how I see us.. them .. everything is so interconnected to me - and crystal clear in my head.. I just can't get it down on words.
Give me ideograms and I am sure it would be so much easier. But unfortunetly I need to do stuff in this slow teddiest way..
Do you know the thing I am so badly explaining? and if you do.. can you please explain it a bit better, because I slaughtered it..

I am not 'working', I am preparing to head back to university..
But I have done many things to 'live' not just for a 'living'
Surya wrote:
I have a thread on how I was trying to figure out how I 'see' things.. it is not easy..
images.. that I can manipulate .. I 'talk' a lot with my hands.. even when I am typing my hands stop typing to make gesters.. like rewinding the images.. spinning them.. zoom in out..
sounds.. taste.. touch all contribute to what I process..
I need to try and post that thread.. but I have tried 3 times and every time I have typed the silly thing out.. it has crashed on me..
when I draw out my thought processes.. they can look kinda like those mappings .. BUT much messier..
I have been known to write on windows and fridges and all sorts of things because I needed a bigger space to do it in..
Thankfully.. I have had enough tests done I am not labelled 'cookoo for cocoa puffs'
nice about the key..
what did you take?
images.. that I can manipulate .. I 'talk' a lot with my hands.. even when I am typing my hands stop typing to make gesters.. like rewinding the images.. spinning them.. zoom in out..
sounds.. taste.. touch all contribute to what I process..
I need to try and post that thread.. but I have tried 3 times and every time I have typed the silly thing out.. it has crashed on me..
when I draw out my thought processes.. they can look kinda like those mappings .. BUT much messier..
I have been known to write on windows and fridges and all sorts of things because I needed a bigger space to do it in..
Thankfully.. I have had enough tests done I am not labelled 'cookoo for cocoa puffs'
nice about the key..
what did you take?
i started in anthropology to become an archaeologist. but i am allergic to dust and cockroaches, so that was a bad choice. took a year off and considered BFA, but ended up in education. hated the education system/administration/fellow teachers/parents... the amazing experience of connecting with children and helping them to learn DID NOT make up for having to work with the grown-ups.
what are taking when you return to school?
on a break, so if you need assistance please contact another moderator from this list:
hyperlexian wrote:
Surya wrote:
I have a thread on how I was trying to figure out how I 'see' things.. it is not easy..
images.. that I can manipulate .. I 'talk' a lot with my hands.. even when I am typing my hands stop typing to make gesters.. like rewinding the images.. spinning them.. zoom in out..
sounds.. taste.. touch all contribute to what I process..
I need to try and post that thread.. but I have tried 3 times and every time I have typed the silly thing out.. it has crashed on me..
when I draw out my thought processes.. they can look kinda like those mappings .. BUT much messier..
I have been known to write on windows and fridges and all sorts of things because I needed a bigger space to do it in..
Thankfully.. I have had enough tests done I am not labelled 'cookoo for cocoa puffs'
nice about the key..
what did you take?
images.. that I can manipulate .. I 'talk' a lot with my hands.. even when I am typing my hands stop typing to make gesters.. like rewinding the images.. spinning them.. zoom in out..
sounds.. taste.. touch all contribute to what I process..
I need to try and post that thread.. but I have tried 3 times and every time I have typed the silly thing out.. it has crashed on me..
when I draw out my thought processes.. they can look kinda like those mappings .. BUT much messier..
I have been known to write on windows and fridges and all sorts of things because I needed a bigger space to do it in..
Thankfully.. I have had enough tests done I am not labelled 'cookoo for cocoa puffs'
nice about the key..
what did you take?
i started in anthropology to become an archaeologist. but i am allergic to dust and cockroaches, so that was a bad choice. took a year off and considered BFA, but ended up in education. hated the education system/administration/fellow teachers/parents... the amazing experience of connecting with children and helping them to learn DID NOT make up for having to work with the grown-ups.
what are taking when you return to school?
Nice, anthropology is very cool...
That is what I am thinking I would have problems with.. the system and the parents..
I am going over for a joint (HONS) Education and Psychology BAs programme.. first step to BPS
Lots on child development etc..
From there, the plan is MA and on to a PhD in Psychology
I <3 research and there really is no age cut off which is wonderful..
Surya wrote:
your welcome.. but it is true..
thank you for the correct spelling for bosonic as well.. YES that was it..
Umm I have had a foster father that was a physicist and have had friends and have known a lot of different people over my life..
one was a female.. that used to create fashion for different actresses/musicians.. to pay for her schooling.. havent seen her in years.. hmmm..
thank you for the correct spelling for bosonic as well.. YES that was it..
Umm I have had a foster father that was a physicist and have had friends and have known a lot of different people over my life..
one was a female.. that used to create fashion for different actresses/musicians.. to pay for her schooling.. havent seen her in years.. hmmm..
Did your foster father talk to about this stuff? Anyway, it's nice to know someone who's interested in physics like I am.
Surya wrote:
But.. to me.. it is just another .. hmm part of us, just as much as we are a part of it..
how can we NOT want to know at least a bit..
everything should work in sync with everything should it not?
one thing over there.. effects something a billion light years away.. one tiny little spec could hold the answer to pandoras box..
or open it..
do you understand what I am trying so poorly to describe..
there is soo much to know and it is all so beautiful.. how can we not want to know just a tiny part of it..
surely you see the interweavings/intertwinnings the connections to all..
how can we NOT want to know at least a bit..
everything should work in sync with everything should it not?
one thing over there.. effects something a billion light years away.. one tiny little spec could hold the answer to pandoras box..
or open it..
do you understand what I am trying so poorly to describe..
there is soo much to know and it is all so beautiful.. how can we not want to know just a tiny part of it..
surely you see the interweavings/intertwinnings the connections to all..
You are talking about quantum entanglement. Quantum entanglement is when two or more quantum particles are correlated in some way, no matter how far apart they are separated in space. This means that you can quantum states whereby, if you measure, say the spin of one then you automatically no the spin of the other even though the spin of either one is fundamentally indeterminate until a measurement is made, according to the laws of quantum mechanics. Einstein found this kind of situation intolerable because he thought it meant that the information from one particle could travel to the other faster than light, which violates his principle of special relativity. That's why he wrote the paper about the EPR paradox. However, we now know that no information is being transmitted, so the speed of light is still the communication speed limit.
Surya wrote:
there is a phrase.. Brohm how he describes is.. is pure beauty.. hologram/graphic..hmm universe... .. the sublevels.. and umm.. the 'not local'.. not the correct term, but close enough I hope. We are all connected.. you, hyperlexian, nthach, foreveryoung, me.. the stars the milky way.. the new galixy that was just 'found' / discovered - the one with a planet about 1.4 times earth..
There was a Swedish physicist.. that provided proof of the 'not local' gahh what is the term.. light waves and such.
There was a Swedish physicist.. that provided proof of the 'not local' gahh what is the term.. light waves and such.
David Bohm formulated an alternative interpretation of quantum mechanics to show that it can be deterministic, but at the price that it has to be non-local. Non-local means that space and time no longer separate particles so that there can be connections between them irrespective of how far apart they are or even if they exist at different times. The theory involves particles being pushed around by a pilot wave. This has nothing to do with the holographic principle which is something different.
Surya wrote:
Anyway.. with that as a very early 'teaching' and the fact that I see visually everything as a whole.. and then 'zoom' into the different parts.. how could I not have an interest.
Now I have not read much lately .. last 2 or so years - been crazy with my own schooling. So maybe Brohms therory has been changed? I do not know..
Now I have not read much lately .. last 2 or so years - been crazy with my own schooling. So maybe Brohms therory has been changed? I do not know..
No, Bohm's theory has not been changed but it's not mainstream.
Surya wrote:
I am not 'working', I am preparing to head back to university..
But I have done many things to 'live' not just for a 'living'
But I have done many things to 'live' not just for a 'living'
Good luck with that. I'm sorry I didn't respond to your post yesterday. And in any case, this is way off topic from the original thread.