RICKY5 wrote:
AngelRho wrote:
Why would I not date fat chicks? Because they might explode if I try to...
Wait, you meant women...
I've dated overweight or "oddly proportioned" women before. And while there are a lot of big girls out there who are really nice, I've also found that they tend to be more contentious than slimmer girls.
I'm not saying all big girls ARE like that, but that has just been my personal experience, and after breaking up with one in particular who made my life a living hell I avoided big girls. It might be coincidence, but those girls I've been with since seemed to have a much happier outlook on life!
Chubby girls with bad attitudes are just a big plate of suck.
I think there is some sort of subconscious thing where they will sh** test you harder because they think there is something wrong with you for dating because they are profoundly aware of what is wrong with them.
Which is really an example of a maladaptation. The only guys who will pass these sh** tests are the complete as*holes who have other factors holding them back from getting someone higher up in dating market value.
I've never thought about it that way before, but this does seem to be accurate, at least from my perspective.
I don't want to come across as a misogynist because I do have a lot of respect for women, regardless of size and shape. But yeah, I got "tested" on a daily basis with one girl.
What happened to me was that EVERY FREAKING DAY I was accused of doing something disgustingly horrible. It didn't matter how important whatever "it" happened to be that day really was, but I ALWAYS ended up having to apologize for SOMETHING, half the time I didn't even know what it was.
The problem is eventually you just get used to being "wrong" all the time and just take your punishment. For me, I got a wake-up call that made me really ponder whether it was right to just live with that crap for the rest of my life. There are two words women in general should just eliminate from their vocabulary when talking to or about men: "Always," and "Never." My reawakening happened when I could look at myself in the mirror and honestly say that AT LEAST 85% of the time I'm a nice guy. So I made up my mind that from that point forward I'd "NEVER" be wrong again.

And I was amazed by how often I seemed to be "right" after I broke up with her!
The test is definitely a setup in which the man must necessarily fail. I'm not saying big girls always do this, but assuming for the sake of argument that they do, isn't it hypocritical that such unreasonable demands be made when the girl making said demands fails to address her own perceived faults? Putting a girl, regardless of her looks, through that kind of trauma is just more than I can stand. Don't MAKE me responsible for your own insecurities.