hyperlexian wrote:
you are incorrect.
well, I wouldn't say you are correct on this, as your point looks questionable.
I want to point out that Ancalagon missed to mention emotional and psychological distress, a part from the physical distress, which is likely how most people would define it.
Also, would like to point out the term sadism is even brought up into BDSM consensual activities (just so you know
Psychiatry . sexual gratification gained through causing pain or degradation to others
The psychatric definition of sadism is different from an ideological one (and your justification is ideological rather than medical), given that sadism is an abnormality in Psychiatry, I believe related to paraphilias. The degradation, in Psychiatry, as I pointed above, seems to be related with causing mental and emotional distress and the person feeling humilliated (that if that definition is an actual psychatric definition though), rather than coming from plainly an idealistic morality or a given philosophy, which is how "prostitution is by nature degrading" is being justified.
prostitution is by its very nature degrading***.
Depends on your definition of "degrading", but I tend to ask "all forms of prostitution?" I mean, there is the need to specify and recognize different forms of prostitution and how each is "degrading" and why and which seems worse, etc. I mean, the research cover all forms of prostitution, or the focus is only when there are problems? Omitting other aspects of prostitution (if that's the case) looks questionable.
but even setting that aside, considering some of the research done into the personality types that GENERALLY form the ranks of customers... in many cases, the word fits.
***EDIT: i keep trying to reword this part to indicate it is only one school of thought. but at the same time, i don't see any evidence for the the opposite school of thought, that says it is NOT degrading. so i am stuck on the wording there.
I doubt a person identified as a sadist, would actually agree with your broad definition though.
It depends on how you define degrading in the end, and even if that really matters, and how said definition favors a view or ideology on morality, as it seems to be the case here, as for the wording, people usually bastardise concepts and defintions to fit ideologies.
Last edited by blunnet on 24 Jul 2011, 9:39 pm, edited 3 times in total.