Would you ever date a fat or obese person?

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22 Apr 2013, 7:55 am

LiamN79 wrote:
nessa238 wrote:
You're aggressive and unpleasant - I've had enough of interacting with you

You've failed to make any points, or answer any of my questions. Win!

LiamN79, stop being such a jack***, no one likes an obnoxious jerk.
Going out with someone a little overweight is perfectly fine for me. The one I am going out with, and plan to move closer to, also expressed the desire to exercise and learn martial arts, lose a few pounds too. But I think she is beautiful just the way she is. The fact she wants to do martial arts and exercise with me is just a plus.
Don't ignore the voluptuous women when they are only a few pounds overweight.

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22 Apr 2013, 8:25 am

hyperlexian wrote:
jcarmel wrote:
I have dated an obese person before, but now I'm with someone of average weight.

Ideally, we wouldn't consider weight to be a factor when choosing a compatible partner. However, humans are somewhat shallow, and we can't help that. If you aren't attracted to larger ladies, then don't force yourself to date one. She deserves someone who is attracted to her, and you deserve someone whom you are attracted to.

a person can be focused on looks and still date an obese person, because obesity is not unattractive to everyone. some people find obese people attractive, others like a variety of body types.

You are absolutely right. I think what I meant to say was that a person who does not enjoy a "larger" physique will probably not be able to look past it. There are definitely people who prefer bigger body types and people who don't focus on the body type at all!


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22 Apr 2013, 9:41 am

jcarmel wrote:
There are definitely people who prefer bigger body types and people who don't focus on the body type at all!

LunaOsa, a bigger, more voluptuous woman, so pretty! And she wants to learn martial arts with me! I took mma class, almost got knocked out once! so I know what it is like to get beat up, so I can protect her.

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22 Apr 2013, 10:34 am

. I think what I meant to say was that a person who does not enjoy a "larger" physique will probably not be able to look past it.

I think there are more varieties then simply like or hate. So if its only about my external likings, so yes, muscular (but please not that ugly steroid bodybuilder guys that look like blown up frogs), sporty guys win. So if I had to choose a men out of ten I dont know personally and I have never spoken too, the external sexy one would win, simply because I only could choose from externals. So, yes I do like sporty, muscular men and think they are pretty sexy. You could call it the "surfer-typus". So please no arms as other people have legs, but sporty. ^^

But its only one thing that makes a men for me sexy. There are other skills as well, that are sexy for me. Not matching my external preferences for his body doesnt mean, that a man coudlnt fit in other preferences I have, that are sexy for me as well. So I think it would be nonsense of me to ignore every man, that doesnt have a surferbody, simply because the surferbody is only one thing I like, while in a relationship it is simply important that there are things you like about each other, it doesnt have to be the physical appearance. :) So my partner is no sexgod from his external appearance, but he is a wonderful person, this makes him sexy for me as well. :) I may not enjoy larger bodies, but I can enjoy persons that have larger bodies, because a person can have so much more attributes then only a large body. ^^

So I definitely would not cry, if I came home and my partner suddenly had a body like Brad Pitt in Troja *raaaauuuuuuurrrr*, but I dont mind him having no such body.

Liking something, doesnt mean that it is a must have. So sure you need something about another person you like for having a relationship. But someone that judges another person quality only for its external appearance doesnt seem very mature for me, and I dont think that such a person already is ready for a relationship. Because the physical appearance is nothing more then a little helper to start a relationship - to carry it on you will need internal preferences. :)


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24 Apr 2013, 1:06 am

I have and size really doesn't matter to me.


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24 Apr 2013, 4:08 pm

No. My step-dad hates fat people to an extreme level, and I would never hear the end of it.


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24 Apr 2013, 4:45 pm

Fat asin just chubby or carying aruond a bit extra pading? sure, whther man or woman. But fat as in I cuold stick my hand betwen two rolls and it wuold disapear? No - it is liekly a sign that thy don't exercis enuogh, or thy haev litle self-control when it coems to food, or they dont haev much respct for themselvs, or a combination of these, so wouldnt want to asociate with them in a sexul relationship besides that I am not atracted to that sorrt weight.

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24 Apr 2013, 5:58 pm

Most likely not.

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25 Apr 2013, 5:27 pm

I would, considering that I treat everyone equally, and to be honest, I tend to squee on chubby girls because I think they're so cute.


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25 Apr 2013, 5:52 pm

I love people as a sum of parts, so the physical is not a huge thing for me. Funny how much sex takes place in the dark, and yet the look of a person can be the most important thing to some people ,lol. We have five senses.

Also, weight can be lost. or gained. If you really have a problem with it in a great but otherwise chubby partner, help them to lose it. They will feel better as well.


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25 Apr 2013, 7:57 pm

I would also be scared that the overweight person I was with would not be in good health. I can barely take care of myself, much less another person. One of the many reasons I am not having kids.


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25 Apr 2013, 8:14 pm

Ratae wrote:
How about you? Could you date a fatty?

Yes, if I found them attractive.

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25 Apr 2013, 10:34 pm

PsychoSarah wrote:
I would also be scared that the overweight person I was with would not be in good health. I can barely take care of myself, much less another person. One of the many reasons I am not having kids.

A lot of people I've known get overweight mainly from alcohol, and lose the weight fast if they give it up. I've asked guys I've been in long term relationships with to give up alcohol before, because they were snoring from the weight. Each of them did it.


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27 Apr 2013, 2:12 pm

What nationality does my face look like?





If you look like Mick Avory or Ray Davies, give me a call. :wink:

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27 Apr 2013, 8:24 pm

You look Irish to me.


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27 Apr 2013, 9:33 pm

You really don't look like Mick Avory... just similar hair.

...and that's okay - really.