Most Aspie men are in over their heads with dating.
I'd go over your other unfounded claims, but this one is truly my favorite (considering that there are more women then men).
I'm not sure what your definition of "decent" is, but it seems as though it is at odds with the definition that most other people use.
Yes, you are right. I FEEL (adhering to DW_a_mom's rules) that most, but not all, women in feminist cultures suck. That is how I FEEL.
What is decent is somewhat subjective, but I suspect most people would agree that most men here who can't get dates are more decent than psycho-killers on death row. Yet these killers are inundated with love letter from women.
As to why, well, feminism tends to turn women into selfish obnoxious monsters. I feel too lazy at the moment to explain why, not that you would take what I write seriously anyway. But you should note that I am hardly alone in this belief, and there are numerous forums and blogs all over the web expressing the same opinion.
I don't think this is a good idea. It is more valuable to have home cooked meals and a well organized house than a part-time income. The quality of food is a big issue in America today, most of the food being terrible for one's health. Providing one's family with healthy food is an important task.
I have to say that whole idea of wanting to work, by either gender, strikes me as somewhat crazy. Work is not fun. Work is for the money one needs to live. Since I no longer have to work, I work part-time from home and I homeschool my kids. The general focus on work over family is one of the many ill effects of feminism.
Last edited by fs on 25 Aug 2010, 7:09 am, edited 1 time in total.
I don't even know where to begin on picking this one apart - its too late here.
All I can say for now is all these butthurt men who cant get a GF, who post on forums and blogs about what they think "femenists" are, and how its the womans fault they can't get any, really only need to look in one place, and it's here:
All I can say for now is all these butthurt men who cant get a GF, who post on forums and blogs about what they think "femenists" are, and how its the womans fault they can't get any, really only need to look in one place, and it's here:
the only thing that is reflected in a mirror is the physical appearance.
so i guess you are saying if they look bad then that is the answer to their quandary.
i see that most everyone is biased based upon their attraction to the physical appearance of a person.
what a world. i like my possums because they like the way i pat them and talk to them, and even if i was ugly, they would still feel exactly the same way.
humans are so visually oriented that if they like the way you look you will get undeserved passes to their heart, and if they do not like the way you look, then you will be barred from entering their world without consideration to what ever else is contained within your being.
most of how people feel about what other people have to offer is purely seen through the filter of their physical attraction.
i am never listened to or assessed properly in real life because what i say is often accepted quickly without examination, and i just think it is futile to talk with people because of that reason.
anyway, i do not want a reply because i have only a mouthpiece and no earpiece.
The guys who criticize feminism are hardly restricted to those who can't get a girlfriend. Many PUAs, like Roissy, have a very low opinion for feminism and feminist women, yet are very successful with these women. Such men only use feminist women for sex, which is appropriate, because that is all these women are good for. What these anti-feminist men share is generally an above average intelligence and an ability to think for themselves.
I would suggest that feminist women look in the mirror, but I realize that they are blind to their own defects, so it is pointless.
Its reflecting the person, even if you only see with your eyes the apperance.
Physical apperance is a very low priority of mine.
ok i realize i was wrong in taking what you said literally.
i have to go and answer other threads where i have failed to address peoples responses to me so bye.
so i guess you are saying if they look bad then that is the answer to their quandary.
i see that most everyone is biased based upon their attraction to the physical appearance of a person.
what a world. i like my possums because they like the way i pat them and talk to them, and even if i was ugly, they would still feel exactly the same way.
humans are so visually oriented that if they like the way you look you will get undeserved passes to their heart, and if they do not like the way you look, then you will be barred from entering their world without consideration to what ever else is contained within your being.
most of how people feel about what other people have to offer is purely seen through the filter of their physical attraction.
i am never listened to or assessed properly in real life because what i say is often accepted quickly without examination, and i just think it is futile to talk with people because of that reason.
anyway, i do not want a reply because i have only a mouthpiece and no earpiece.
b9, I am very sympathetic to what you write. We live in a terribly superficial world where people judge each other in seconds, so this judgement can only come from appearance. There is no depth to human relations in modern (feminist) culture. Even though I am an atheist, I bought for my daughter the book "Wonder of Becoming You: How a Jewish Girl Grows Up" written for Orthodox Jews. This book explains that the purpose of female modesty is to not let superficial appearance distract from judging a person's inner beauty. I think you would enjoy the movie "Arranged" which describes how dating works for Orthodox Jews and for Muslims.
Personally, I think it's not so much feminism that's the issue as to why it's difficult for Aspies or others who find it hard to form relationships with the opposite sex. If feminism has had any influence I think it's only as part of the wider individualistic culture, feminism only being one feature of that. But I think it's the wider individualism that's more to blame, a culture that encourages a self-oriented "me me me" attitude where people go their own way and much altruism has been lost. A culture that's not unique to America above all countries, rather it's the English speaking world above all countries.
Also, as an Aspie with the social skills deficits I have, I know these deficits far outweigh feminism as a reason for why I'm chronically single.
I think there is something to be said for going down the foreign dating route, as countries like Mexico and others outside the femisphere are not as individualistic as the US or other English speaking countries and have more traditional family/community values.
And I'd be interested in your views on this, fs, but I also think people in America shouldn't need to leave America, if they look into the right parts of America. Many Americans who post here, and on other sites, about feminism and how difficult it is for them to find a partner live in the more urban, cosmopolitan and liberal parts of the US, where things are a lot more individualistic. That is the type of America many of them have experience with. Although it's only online that I've been able to form relationships with women, and online relationships don't work, it's at least given me clear clues that the red states or rural areas or areas off the beaten track are the parts of America to look into. That tends to be where the women I've met online are from.
Unfortunately I don't think anything in the UK is in comparison with the types of areas the American women I formed relationships with are from.
so i guess you are saying if they look bad then that is the answer to their quandary.
i see that most everyone is biased based upon their attraction to the physical appearance of a person.
what a world. i like my possums because they like the way i pat them and talk to them, and even if i was ugly, they would still feel exactly the same way.
humans are so visually oriented that if they like the way you look you will get undeserved passes to their heart, and if they do not like the way you look, then you will be barred from entering their world without consideration to what ever else is contained within your being.
most of how people feel about what other people have to offer is purely seen through the filter of their physical attraction.
i am never listened to or assessed properly in real life because what i say is often accepted quickly without examination, and i just think it is futile to talk with people because of that reason.
anyway, i do not want a reply because i have only a mouthpiece and no earpiece.
b9, I am very sympathetic to what you write. We live in a terribly superficial world where people judge each other in seconds, so this judgement can only come from appearance. There is no depth to human relations in modern (feminist) culture. Even though I am an atheist, I bought for my daughter the book "Wonder of Becoming You: How a Jewish Girl Grows Up" written for Orthodox Jews. This book explains that the purpose of female modesty is to not let superficial appearance distract from judging a person's inner beauty. I think you would enjoy the movie "Arranged" which describes how dating works for Orthodox Jews and for Muslims.
Oh great you have a daughter...that's just sad. Wonder how she will be treated if she actually has the nerve to want to go to college, get a job and find a man that actually respects her or in another case I wonder how she will feel as a person as you've insulted women on this forum as nothing more than things to control. No wonder so many women are having to go through what they are in third world countries.
And don't worry the west still treats its women to a degree like s**t. We still pretty much have higher expectations to look and behave a certain way. FYI I come from a family where most women have had to take care of their husbands. I'm not at all affected by this but I did grow up with self esteem issues. My mom's the one who's had to work and raise us while our dad went out and drank. It's been the same with my sister and other family members. You have no idea what women have had to put up with because of your rubbish.
I live as I choose or I will not live at all.
~Delores O’Riordan
stop going on about "feminists" and you may sound more sensible.
if i exclude the word "feminist" in brackets from your post, then i have no resistance to accept what you say.
lay down your arms and just talk generically and you will not have an "upturned nail" that people step upon to injure their assessments of what you say.
you should believe that there are lots of beautiful people in the world apart from those in the crinkled fold that contain the people that you have focused your microscope on for so long.
i hope your daughter lives an unobstructed life and i commend you on giving her material to digest that will help her to be able to sort out what to see when she is faced with prejudice.
you seem like a good father.
Keeno, you make a very interesting point about individualism. But let me answer your easier question first. While women (and people generally) in small towns are friendlier than people in big cities, I personally would not recommend American women from anywhere. The legal system, the language (meaning media), and the education system are fairly uniform across the country, and all are dominated for the same culture. I have been to small towns America and there is just no comparison between women there and women in non-feminist cultures.
I am active on anti-feminist forums and I have been pushing the point that individualism is largely to blame. But what is happening here is a self-reinforcing loop. Individualism promotes feminism and feminism promotes individualism. So they are two side of the same thing, until society finally collapses and feminism becomes irrelevant.
Historically, successful cultures start as tribes where the men of the tribe are unified and cooperate, and where individualism is seen as selfishness. Since the men are unified, they enforce patriarchy and monogamy. This guarantees that each man has a wife and so has a vested interest in the tribe. Once the tribe becomes successful and becomes an empire, the bonds holding men together lose traction and individualism takes over. As a result, men lose control of women who also express individualistic selfishness in the form of feminism. But this feminism, which is primary about removing sexual restraints on women, in turn destroys whatever little unity and integrity is left in men. This is because women flaunt their sexuality and encourage men to compete for them. So men start stabbing each other in the back to get sex. This is how cultures collapse. Once the culture does collapse, feminism disappears since women once again need men for protection. Women are again forced to try to get a man to commit to her, and so start considering chastity and other things that men value.
Most societies today outside of the feminist world are basically in the culturally collapsed state. Feminism doesn't exist because society has disintegrated and can no longer support it. But individualism remains and men do not cooperate, so these societies do not function well.
Last edited by fs on 25 Aug 2010, 8:22 am, edited 2 times in total.
b9, if you do watch the movie "Arranged", please let me know what you think. I think it would help you understand my point of view.
You should do the same. I recommend Lysol.
i love this!! !!
on a break, so if you need assistance please contact another moderator from this list:
ummm, really? because a lot of people enjoy working. including myself.
funny that you want a woman to follow the traditional role, but you can't be bothered to do so yourself. so you want to take away women's rights, and yet still get the benefits of modern society (the benefit of being able to sit at home, work part-time and 'homeschool' instead of working full-time in gainful employment. it is a man's traditional role to go out and work, whether it is a financial necessity or not)... it's a double standard you have going on there. you want traditionalism for women and progressiveness for men.
honestly, your arguments are unsubstantiated that feminism has had any negative effect at all - your only example was the rate of illegitimate children, which you cannot show is a bad thing. in truth, higher rates of illegitimacy could literally be caused by higher rates of people marrying immediately *after* the child is born as opposed to *before*. obviously this is likely not the case, but it illustrates that the statistic in isolation is meaningless.
you also mentioned people eating fast food and having disorganized (?) houses as being an example of how feminism is bad, but that is frankly silly. people can work full-time AND cook good food and keep a clean house. BOTH men and women can.
on a break, so if you need assistance please contact another moderator from this list:
I am active on anti-feminist forums and I have been pushing the point that individualism is largely to blame. But what is happening here is a self-reinforcing loop. Individualism promotes feminism and feminism promotes individualism. So they are two side of the same thing, until society finally collapses and feminism becomes irrelevant.
Historically, successful cultures start as tribes where the men of the tribe are unified and cooperate, and where individualism is seen as selfishness. Since the men are unified, they enforce patriarchy and monogamy. This guarantees that each man has a wife and so has a vested interest in the tribe. Once the tribe becomes successful and becomes an empire, the bonds holding men together lose traction and individualism takes over. As a result, men lose control of women who also express individualistic selfishness in the form of feminism. But this feminism, which is primary about removing sexual restraints on women, in turn destroys whatever little unity and integrity is left in men. This is because women flaunt their sexuality and encourage men to compete for them. So men start stabbing each other in the back to get sex. This is how cultures collapse. Once the culture does collapse, feminism disappears since women once again need men for protection. Women are again forced to try to get a man to commit to her, and so start considering chastity and other things that men value.
Most societies today outside of the feminist world are basically in the culturally collapsed state. Feminism doesn't exist because society has disintegrated and can no longer support it. But individualism remains and men do not cooperate, so these societies do not function well.
I'm not very well clued up on why, when or where cultures collapsed because of feminism, that are not considered feminist today. Or why, when or where they collapsed because of male competitiveness. Maybe because I've not heard of instances where they collapsed for these reasons, in the way nations have done through economic, political or military causes.
Even then it does feel like I'm living, here in the UK, in a society near the brink of collapse. Collapse because of sex, and sexual openness. Even though I've said I don't know about specific examples, what better to cause the collapse of a society but sex? Your figures on illegitimacy are interesting and if you take the time to look at them with a critical eye, very revealing. Interesting also that America isn't at the top of the table, I guess if these figures are anything to go by the Nordic countries will be the first to collapse.
Yet it's bad enough in the UK, where it feels as if promiscuity is not only more than socially acceptable, but almost celebrated and feted. It strikes me that sexual openness in the most individualistic societies is what more than anything else makes it difficult for incels there. Additionally, countries in the English speaking world especially have developed a clear and present danger for incel men: paedophile hysteria. This type of hysteria is indicative of societies that, surely, don't have too far to go before they implode.
Surely economics, and supply and demand, are highly relevant too. As a relevant factor, this works both ways. On one hand, it helps explain why from the point of view of someone from a richer country, it's easier to get a partner in a Third World country. On the other hand, the social safety net and social welfare in progressive nations (often the most individualistic ones) have a side effect of encouraging promiscuity among people who know they aren't going to go without being provided for.
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