Would you ever date a fat or obese person?

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28 Apr 2013, 12:03 am

You've got really great natural features, that's why you wear your weight well and can have your hair short. You have especially great eyes, skin, and facial symmetry.

In case you want some encouragment (not saying you do, or should lose weight if you don't want to. That should be a personal choice!!) , excercise bikes are great to have at home to lose weight. I wanted to lose a lot of weight after my last pregnancy, and started off with 30 minutes a day to build fitness, then moved onto 2 X 40 minute sessions a day, and cut out sugar & booze. The weight melts off pretty fast and you feel much better. Its pretty boring so I watch youtube vids & browse internet forums when I work out at home. If you're going to be on the computer anyway, may as well spend some of it on a bike.

I really think people should mind their own business when it comes to other people's weight though. Hope i didn't overstep. Weight doesn't define a person, its a just thing. And you can lose it or keep it as you choose.


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28 Apr 2013, 1:43 am

I've rejected two, sort of. My sisters said they liked me. I didn't pursue, and didn't want to either (though I don't really ever pursue when I like any girl because I just suck at everything). One I was mad at and was kind of a dick to after a really bad day, when she was messing with me. I do notice my standards with girls get a lot wider as I get older, and I'm more open to lots of different types of girls. I wouldn't mind dating a "thicker" girl, but once it got to obese/fat level, probably not. Basically, once the girl's curves look like ) then it's no go for me.

I don't know, lots of people eventually settle for fatter/obese people, as they're like 30% of the US population and all. But then again, most people who do settle are fat themselves. I do feel like, even if the girl was very nice, there'd be a 90% chance I'd feel like I was "settling" for her, rather than me actually feeling really attracted to her. Which I don't think would be good longterm, as I'd be lying to myself, and I'd either try to "fix" her, or I'd be comparing her to skinnier girls I could have gotten and probably feel terrible. It'd be wrong of me to "settle" with a girl I didn't really care for and try to "upgrade" later, so I don't wanna even go down that road. That and health and fitness is a big part of my life. I do spend on average at least an hour a day "exercising" in some fashion, cook most of my own food, etc, so big lifestyle difference.

I've not really even been presented with any girls I thought were really ugly and had really compatible personalities, actually. In fact, the girl I've met with the closest interests/personality to me compatibility-wise (probably had NVLD/AS) was really good looking and thin. I had a fear for the longest time that girls similar to me might only be unattractive, but I was wrong apparently. I used to think perhaps if a less attractive girl had a really good personality or whatever, then maybe I'd have to make a choice between personality or looks, but then I found out attractive girls can have good personalities, too, so that dichotomy isn't always going on.

So I guess the simple answer is "probably not."


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01 May 2013, 7:14 pm

hyperlexian wrote:
1. which one of these bodies qualifies as obese in your opinion (not morbidly obese, just obese)?

2. which one is the biggest size you would date?


My intellectual knowledge of BMI says that 6 would be obese, although I would have only considered 7 and above to be obese, if I didn't know anything about BMI.

As for biggest I'd date: 7 if she's NOT trying to lose weight, and 8 or even 9 if she is.

2-6, to me, are all beautiful in different ways and I'm not even sure I have a clear-cut "ideal" in there! They probably reflect the range of IDEAL weights different women can have!

I'd date 1, but she could clearly stand to gain weight to me. Kind of like the 7, but at the thin end.

Extrapolating to the left, like with 8-9, with a "0" the deciding factor would be whether she eats at least as much as she wants. (in other words, whether she's naturally like that or anorexic/bulimic.)

I myself have ranged from 2 to 4. (2 when I was 18-20, 4 at my heaviest ~2 years ago (cutting it kinda close to the "overweight" mark BMI-wise), and 3 now.) In childhood it becomes hard to tell since I'm comparing a kid's body with an adult's, but that was probably 1-2.

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02 May 2013, 10:54 am

No, fat is not attractive to me.

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02 May 2013, 11:24 am

Looking at that chart 3-5 in women and 2-4 in men look good to me. 6 for women and 5 for men aren't too bad.

I wouldn't date a fat person but I wouldn't date a skinny or in between person either. I don't date or have sex at all. If I did date I suppose it would depend on what other qualities they have.

I'm not as thin as I used to be but so far I think I'm carrying my weight well as I think I weigh more than people that know me would guess that I weighed. I'd like to not go over 200 but I'm not even worried about dieting unless it affects my health.


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09 Aug 2013, 5:33 pm

This guy I dated for a while was about a 7 i guess, a comfort food eater like me. I would have been only about a 5 or 6, but the weight was a flux due to the combined pill.
Who am I kiddin? my ex bf was huge but I adored him. The chunkier the better, and he always smelt nice.
Of course, when the weight is unstable its when you have to pause for better thought..
Extra rations is protection so they say. :lol: