LyraLuthTinu wrote:
The_Face_of_Boo wrote:
In most countries, this is what they first do to a one born as male:
They do not even call it "Male Genital Mutilation"
Unicef does not even list it as a violation to Child protection ... s.html#121Male cutting is so outrageously adopted and normalized.
Circumcision happens once, to most men before they are old enough to remember it occurring, it is done by contract between parents and practitioner and it didn't exactly scar you for life mentally though it may have physically.
FGM causes pain throughout life and complicates periods and sex every time.
Rape is a daily threat.
Periods are once a month and very unpleasant.
Contract my ass.
Men also have daily threats:
Most dangerous jobs are held by men.
Men are sent to wars.
Men's suicide rates is 3-4 times more than women- except in China (because in Chinese culture women are held responsible for the happiness and stability of family; while it's the opposite in the rest of world).
Men victims of sexual assault or domestic violence are mocked and taken less seriously.
80% of homeless are men and they stay homeless longer.
Boys are being discriminated against in school, google it for researches and studies on this.
Men basically don't have the option of being a stay at home parent; and the very few who do that are disrespected.