cricketman123 wrote:
Sorry no, how ever much i might seem desperate or however depressed i might be i will never and i mean NEVER get an escort.
I would rather be alone at christmas and without a family then hire an escort
I'm with you on this. I just find the whole mixing sex and money thing to be a huge turnoff, personally. I figure why would I pay for it when there are plenty of sluts out there who'll willingly have sex for fun for free?? If that's one's solution, to get laid, then just find a willing partner and get it on IMO.
Plus here, where sex work is illegal, it's generally assumed that prostitutes are much more likely to be drug addicted and have STD's. It may be different in other cultures where it's legal, monitored, and controlled, making it safer and healthier for all involved.
But I do sort of get that poster's suggestion, though. Before I ever had sex being a virgin was like the biggest deal in the world.. even though friends who were sexually active said it wasn't, it still felt like it. Then once I had done it, I was able to relax a looooot more about it and move forward w/o it being on my mind any longer.
It's funny how life's changed since. I've had more partners than most people ever do in several lifetimes and now that sex is so easily obtained I can't really be bothered as I'd rather date someone and build a relationship. Stages of life, I guess. Especially gay life.

for supporting trump. Because doing so is deplorable.