Basically, those social skills are only really fine for men who were beating up other kids and eating sand at age six, as that risky, dangerous and socially dominant stuff apparently attracts women subconsciously. According to men who are left out, women say they want nice and caring men, but end up dating these 'sand eaters'.
Makes sense, though - while nice guys can give them immediate emotional satisfaction until it gets boring, 'sand eaters' are capable of protecting them.
I don't think women end up with nice guys in the long run. Probably not the most heinous bad guys, but certainly dominant ones.
Perhaps that's a reason for many men being involuntarily single and many women being voluntarily single. More supply than demand, and high requirements.
As for the supply and demand thing, I found this Wikipedia article about sex ratios recently.
It's interesting - in most areas where WrongPlanet users tend to live, there's a noticeable surplus of males in the age category of 15-64.
The world average, and the average where I live, is 102 males per 100 females in that category. In the UK, it's 103 males per 100 females.
The United States has a nice 'clean' rate of 1:1, but, like most countries, a large surplus of male births.
So, unless you're willing to date someone sixty-five or older, males are at a demographical disadvantage.
And with such a disadvantage, women considered less desirable seem to have more of a chance to find a partner than men considered equally undesirable.
Perhaps that's why so many men with Asperger's or related syndromes are complaining.