Why is Asperger's unattractive?

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12 Apr 2015, 7:37 pm

after some confusing interactions with women combined with online dating results. I simple assume no woman can be interested in me. this has been the result 99% of the time so seems silly to take risks and deal with making them uncomfortable for that small 1% chance.


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12 Apr 2015, 7:47 pm

nomoretears wrote:
sly279 wrote:
nomoretears wrote:
I think it could be attractive to have male hobbies if its in a cutsie "oh please help me kind of way." Last bf hated or it can be intimidating or embarrassing to his friends. Its easy to come across as one of the boys.

Ive dealt with lying manipulative guys, too, and didnt get a relationship out of it. I still dont get the implication, as if being in a relationship makes dealing with the bad side of people more tolerable.

Guys want women with less experience? Hmmm...Many people prefer to have mates pre-selected, in other words that popular mate. Personally, if im dating and in love with a guy, he doesnt have to be the best guy in tbe sack. I dont know too many guys who outright prefer virgins unless he is very religious.

Ummm...If a guy hits me and give me cuddles, id rather skip the cuddles (and the fear). Cuddling and kissing doesnt mean anything from someone who is abusive. Thats like saying, "Be happy with that man who is abusive because at least he cuddles with you!" Thats not a good message. No amount of kissing or cuddling is worth that.

I agree that people should slooow down. Dating and sex are marathons (or at least 5ks) not a sprint.

Anyway, I am slowly making peace with the fact that I may be FA. Its not the worst thing that could happen.

sounds like just faking interest in the stuff then. I prefer full on interest. even if she shoots better then me I don't care we still go shooting together. women tend to be better and more natural shots anyways. I just would enjoy actively doing activities together that we both love. but I guess I don't really have much of a pride to get embarrassed by. I'd be like upe and shes better at then you too :P if my guys though a fuss about it. now if you you were mean about it. and always putting it in my face that you're better that would be different but I hate it when so called friends do that too. theres joking about being better and theres being a jackass about being better.

the cuddles come first no? then later the beating. idk I only got the beatings. but most I've heard about the guy is a stand up guy for weeks to months before he starts beating them. so its kinda like if I got a great gf and she died. I'd still had enjoyed the time we had even if her death depresses me and makes me never want a relationship again. I still had more good than a person who had no relationship at all. beating anyone is wrong. I'm not jealous of getting beat. I'm jealous of the time up to that. I'd really like to be touched and held by another living person. even if later on it doesn't work out I'd still got to experience that.

you say that until every time you have sex with him you wish it'd just end already cause hes so bad. that you'd rather not have sex at all rather then do it with him. see so many post online of women talking about leaving their bf and comparing him to past lovers. good sex matters to a lot of women.
religious people want virgin to marriage. most guys fantasy of being the one to have first sex with a virgin. its a big big big guy thing. never met a guy who didn't want it. they talk about it like its a sport or trophy to get to take a womans cherry. its to them getting something that no other guy will get and they got it first. I doubt most guys would tell women this though especially if said woman they are dating and isn't a virgin. at least if they care about her as it'll just make her feel bad.

yep its a hard confusing balance for me. I want to just jump her but then other part of me is terrified and anxious. but by time I do I'll be crazy for her. or atleast I think I guess I'll never know.

fa=forever alone?

I think we'll have to agree to disagree. Giving cuddles doesn't make it ok to hit someone or to be emotionally abusive. Dealing with that isn't worth the cuddles and kissing. Cuddles and kissing alone do not make a relationship.

Yes, Fa means forever alone.

let me simple it enjoy the cuddles then when he starts hitting you leave him and call the cops. I never said one has to put up with abuse. once that starts get out. having enjoyed what was good relationship up until the abuse doesn't mean you are saying the abuse was ok. never heard from anyone where the abuse started right away it's usually after weeks or months of the guy being romantic, kind, caring super great guy, then he knows you're hooked and he lets his real side out. same thing happens in friendships. I had a great friend for years then he started being verbally abusive to me. this doesn't' just erase all the great years we had together. I still miss those times. I don't miss him well the him that was mean. but I miss the nice him. but reality is there isn't two hims. just the one he is now.

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13 Apr 2015, 3:20 am

Lazar_Kaganovich wrote:
AusWolf wrote:

Women also expect men to flirt. I like it when girls start flirting with me, but I don't know how to respond. I don't understand facial expressions (I don't even know if a girl is flirting with me, or just taking note of my awkwardness), and I can't reproduce them. It happened to me once or twice that a girl was staring at me like crazy, so I went up to her and asked her out in my usual, emotionally neutral manner. The results were embarrassing, so I don't really do this anymore.

Flirting does not mean interest. Keep that in mind. Just goto any bar or club and you'll have drunk women flirting with you like crazy. A lot of women view a man flirting with them the same way: He's just having fun and nothing will come of it. Where did you get the idea that women expect men to flirt? They expect men to make the first move but do not confuse move making with flirting.

I think that this is a very serious problem, bars and clubs and drunken sex. It has just become the norm for our generation, this hook up culture. Once in a while my friends will drag me to a bar and next thing I know there is some drunk girl coming up to me and making out with me. It's nice in that moment, but when I ask myself if I would seek it out on my own or if such a scene is for me, absolutely not. Nothing good ever comes out of it, nothing sustainable.

These bar/club/party settings have become the default way of meeting people and in my opinion, it is unhealthy. The first problem is that it is shallow. Unless you are going there with only your close and trusted friends, and not to meet anyone - your appearance is the only thing that matters. Who one really is at heart and what one does with their life doesn't really matter, because the environments and the larger social scenes that are based around them are not conducive to anything personal, or sustainable for a deep connection. It's emotional alienation. Another theory that I came up with is that since courtship is now so closely attached to getting drunk, sex is for many people an addiction that is co-morbid with their alcoholism - so if you don't feed someone's addiction, if you're not the one taking them out and getting intoxicated with them, you're not the one giving them their fix and you're not a suitable partner.

So, if you have got your eye on someone, you'd better hope that they refrain from this scene - because there is literally a day/night difference in the way that a lot of people act and what they want while they are going about their daily business, and then how they act and what they want in nightlife social environments. But if a girl comes up to you and starts flirting with you and it's obvious (ie touching your arm, playing with her hair or touching her face, joking with you) at a park or whatever setting that is not necessarily social - that's actually something! She put thought into it and it probably took a lot of confidence on her part. Ask her out! It almost never happens to me :(

Another thing - I get the sense that some of you are thinking the AS traits are the only thing stopping you from being hot s**t and getting to be with anyone you could ever dream of. Uh, no. It's not like most NTs have an easy time finding partners who they are thrilled about, and if anything, I feel worse for a lot of these people around me who are such failures with the opposite sex than I do for myself. I have a condition that can be clinically diagnosed, which basically says I am locked in my own world; what is their excuse? NTs tend to get way more desperate and way more willing to engage in self-destructive behaviors just to meet someone. Aspies may not project much self-confidence but we usually have a great amount of self-respect, and also a lot to fall back on - our passionate interests! When I look at it as objectively as possible, I consider my lack of sex appeal like not having a ticket to a train that ends up crashing...

"Psychic kids, try to understand who made them this way, so they don't feel bad...floating in space, the ghost is out there, so you're not alone, only out there"
Sagittarius, ISFP, diagnosed with AS when I was 13.


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13 Apr 2015, 2:17 pm

Lazar_Kaganovich wrote:
hmk66 wrote:
Gauldoth wrote:
Lazar_Kaganovich wrote:
If you want women to make the first move, your best option is online dating.

Hate to break it to you, your chances of being approached by a woman online aren't much better than your chances of being approached by a woman irl (if at all). :roll:

For that reason, online dating is not for me. I think that in my case IRL dating is slightly better than online dating. Women do make eye-contact with me from time to time. I often don't know exactly what they want (there is no clear facial expression, which I could assign a meaning to), nor dare I ask.

Making eye contact does not by itself indicate attraction. There are a lot of other non-verbal cues that are present and more often than not, if she's nervous but interested in you she *won't* make eye contact. As for online dating, well, whatever floats your boat.

If she is not nervous her looking pattern is different. It is almost for sure, that a woman won't look at a man, if she is definitely not interested in him or even more if she is slightly frightened of him. Some women ignore me (not a problem, they do not have to pay attention to me, after all), others look at me with a smile. If a woman looks at me for a second (literally for a second) it doesn't mean anything; it just means that she is noticing me, and that's it.


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13 Apr 2015, 2:52 pm

hmk66 wrote:
Lazar_Kaganovich wrote:
hmk66 wrote:
Gauldoth wrote:
Lazar_Kaganovich wrote:
If you want women to make the first move, your best option is online dating.

Hate to break it to you, your chances of being approached by a woman online aren't much better than your chances of being approached by a woman irl (if at all). :roll:

For that reason, online dating is not for me. I think that in my case IRL dating is slightly better than online dating. Women do make eye-contact with me from time to time. I often don't know exactly what they want (there is no clear facial expression, which I could assign a meaning to), nor dare I ask.

Making eye contact does not by itself indicate attraction. There are a lot of other non-verbal cues that are present and more often than not, if she's nervous but interested in you she *won't* make eye contact. As for online dating, well, whatever floats your boat.

If she is not nervous her looking pattern is different. It is almost for sure, that a woman won't look at a man, if she is definitely not interested in him or even more if she is slightly frightened of him. Some women ignore me (not a problem, they do not have to pay attention to me, after all), others look at me with a smile. If a woman looks at me for a second (literally for a second) it doesn't mean anything; it just means that she is noticing me, and that's it.

or if she likes you but is very shy and doesn't want you to know she might also avoid looking at you.
no way to know a woman likes you by if she looks at you or not or talks to you or not. could mean a whole bunch of things.


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14 Apr 2015, 8:09 am

I feel it has to do more with economics than anything else. A woman sees a person with Aspergers as possibly not being able to provide for her if the need arose or providing a financially sound environment to raise potential offspring.


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14 Apr 2015, 11:33 am

Really? I always thought that it was more about the image than money. I think an admirable career makes you more attractive even if it's more dangerous and not that well paid. I hang around with engineers and phds and quite a lot of them are single. Many aspies are engineers but still struggle with relationships. Is it because those professions aren't paid well enough or maybe it's that people in my age range (early twenties) don't care about the money?

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14 Apr 2015, 4:22 pm

sly279 wrote:
nomoretears wrote:
sly279 wrote:
nomoretears wrote:
I think it could be attractive to have male hobbies if its in a cutsie "oh please help me kind of way." Last bf hated or it can be intimidating or embarrassing to his friends. Its easy to come across as one of the boys.

Ive dealt with lying manipulative guys, too, and didnt get a relationship out of it. I still dont get the implication, as if being in a relationship makes dealing with the bad side of people more tolerable.

Guys want women with less experience? Hmmm...Many people prefer to have mates pre-selected, in other words that popular mate. Personally, if im dating and in love with a guy, he doesnt have to be the best guy in tbe sack. I dont know too many guys who outright prefer virgins unless he is very religious.

Ummm...If a guy hits me and give me cuddles, id rather skip the cuddles (and the fear). Cuddling and kissing doesnt mean anything from someone who is abusive. Thats like saying, "Be happy with that man who is abusive because at least he cuddles with you!" Thats not a good message. No amount of kissing or cuddling is worth that.

I agree that people should slooow down. Dating and sex are marathons (or at least 5ks) not a sprint.

Anyway, I am slowly making peace with the fact that I may be FA. Its not the worst thing that could happen.

sounds like just faking interest in the stuff then. I prefer full on interest. even if she shoots better then me I don't care we still go shooting together. women tend to be better and more natural shots anyways. I just would enjoy actively doing activities together that we both love. but I guess I don't really have much of a pride to get embarrassed by. I'd be like upe and shes better at then you too :P if my guys though a fuss about it. now if you you were mean about it. and always putting it in my face that you're better that would be different but I hate it when so called friends do that too. theres joking about being better and theres being a jackass about being better.

the cuddles come first no? then later the beating. idk I only got the beatings. but most I've heard about the guy is a stand up guy for weeks to months before he starts beating them. so its kinda like if I got a great gf and she died. I'd still had enjoyed the time we had even if her death depresses me and makes me never want a relationship again. I still had more good than a person who had no relationship at all. beating anyone is wrong. I'm not jealous of getting beat. I'm jealous of the time up to that. I'd really like to be touched and held by another living person. even if later on it doesn't work out I'd still got to experience that.

you say that until every time you have sex with him you wish it'd just end already cause hes so bad. that you'd rather not have sex at all rather then do it with him. see so many post online of women talking about leaving their bf and comparing him to past lovers. good sex matters to a lot of women.
religious people want virgin to marriage. most guys fantasy of being the one to have first sex with a virgin. its a big big big guy thing. never met a guy who didn't want it. they talk about it like its a sport or trophy to get to take a womans cherry. its to them getting something that no other guy will get and they got it first. I doubt most guys would tell women this though especially if said woman they are dating and isn't a virgin. at least if they care about her as it'll just make her feel bad.

yep its a hard confusing balance for me. I want to just jump her but then other part of me is terrified and anxious. but by time I do I'll be crazy for her. or atleast I think I guess I'll never know.

fa=forever alone?

I think we'll have to agree to disagree. Giving cuddles doesn't make it ok to hit someone or to be emotionally abusive. Dealing with that isn't worth the cuddles and kissing. Cuddles and kissing alone do not make a relationship.

Yes, Fa means forever alone.

let me simple it enjoy the cuddles then when he starts hitting you leave him and call the cops. I never said one has to put up with abuse. once that starts get out. having enjoyed what was good relationship up until the abuse doesn't mean you are saying the abuse was ok. never heard from anyone where the abuse started right away it's usually after weeks or months of the guy being romantic, kind, caring super great guy, then he knows you're hooked and he lets his real side out. same thing happens in friendships. I had a great friend for years then he started being verbally abusive to me. this doesn't' just erase all the great years we had together. I still miss those times. I don't miss him well the him that was mean. but I miss the nice him. but reality is there isn't two hims. just the one he is now.

We are having a fundamental disagreement. It sounds to me like you are saying something is better than nothing. Im saying nothing is indeed better than something.

I still cant agree with"Hes abusibe, but at least he kissed and cuddled with you beforehand." I dlubt most women would look back and reminisce upon that fondly but instead recognize it as a lure.


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14 Apr 2015, 4:36 pm

idk most i've talk to still look back at the good parts and miss them.

I still look back at the good parts with girls, despite the fact they went out of their way to hurt me later.

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14 Apr 2015, 5:15 pm

sly279 wrote:
idk most i've talk to still look back at the good parts and miss them.

I still look back at the good parts with girls, despite the fact they went out of their way to hurt me later.

I think this is a two-sided coin. I can hate the girls who hurt me, because they caused me irreversible damage. Or I can be grateful for them for making me stronger. The choice is mine, and no way is better than the other.

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15 Apr 2015, 8:07 am

Aspinator wrote:
I feel it has to do more with economics than anything else. A woman sees a person with Aspergers as possibly not being able to provide for her if the need arose or providing a financially sound environment to raise potential offspring.

There are plenty of men with Aspergers who make good money -- like, rather a lot of my colleagues (quants, like me).

There's also a HUGE difference between a girl who considers gainful employment and an ability to support oneself as a "must have" in a guy (that'd be me) and a girl who will only date uber-rich guys (not me).

Aspinator, why is it okay to expect a woman to be capable of supporting herself but horribly discriminatory for that same woman to expect the same from her dates? Or YOU?!


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15 Apr 2015, 10:02 am

Diningroom wrote:
Aspinator, why is it okay to expect a woman to be capable of supporting herself but horribly discriminatory for that same woman to expect the same from her dates? Or YOU?!

Even if he does expect a woman to be capable of supporting herself, he didn't say that it's wrong to expect the same from a man.


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17 Apr 2015, 3:42 pm

I apoligize; I was under the assumption that only women can get pregnant. Most people I know are not capable of returning to work immediately after delivery. Here is another shocker for some of you: sometimes when 2 people pair off as a couple, pregnancies can occur.

Sea Gull
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17 Apr 2015, 5:01 pm

sly279 wrote:
idk most i've talk to still look back at the good parts and miss them.

I still look back at the good parts with girls, despite the fact they went out of their way to hurt me later.

I can look back on the good parts, too, but id overall be happier without the relationship.