Oh girls have it so much worse....

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31 Jul 2015, 7:48 pm

Cafeaulait wrote:
League_Girl wrote:
Another good reason to have a six month rule. A 19 year old has to be on the sex offender list for the next 25 years and he is on probation for five years and he cannot have internet access or a smart phone so there went his computer career he was going to college for and he has other restrictions. How did this all happen? He met a 17 year old on a dating site and they met up and had sex in a park and it turned out she was 14 and she had lied about her age. She and her parents did testify in court and they didn't wish t press charges but the judge didn't care. Yes wait six months so you get to know the person. That should be plenty of time. Plenty of time to meet their parents or their brothers and sisters, see their house, etc.

http://abcnews.go.com/US/19-year-spend- ... d=32783206

I didn't have a six month rule but I did have the 'no sex before exclusive and official commitment'- rule. In the beginning when me and my boyfriend met I told him I need at least one month of dating before sleeping with a guy and that I didn't do sex without commitment anyway. So after about three weeks of dating he said he really wanted to be my boyfriend and that he wanted to make it official. Even though it was only three weeks I agreed, we changed our facebooks. A week after we had made it official he came to my appartment and we had sex. It just happened naturally because I simply didn't invite him to private spaces before we were exclusive. We are nearly 8 months together now and I still feel we match up. It just goes so easy between us.

I don't necassarliy disagree with the 6 month rule, but it would be way too long for me to abstain from sex with someone I have feelings for. Besides, I think I am able to 'assess' a guy in a shorter periode of time than that. My demands with regards to education level, intelligence, interests, etc. usually already filter out quite a large share of the 'bad guys' as well. So far it's worked for me. I do understand the use of time rules though.

see i agree with that all though for me and others might not take that long to become a couple and such. I just want to be more fluid and I too can't wait more then a month for sex with someone I have feelings for. I've usually been the one saying I want to wait. I'm fine with kissing and foreplay but I'm usually not comfortable enough with a person to have sex for I don't know how long but its not likely more then a month or so depending on the person.


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31 Jul 2015, 7:49 pm

No Escape wrote:
With regards to the circumcision issue, it's fine to get circumcised voluntarily when you're smart enough to make that decision. It's not fine to mutilate a child and cause him pain when he's still a baby. There's a reason some countries ban it.

I've been away from this thread a while and I come back to see this is being discussed.

To begin with, I was circumcised as a young child because I had a health problem that required it. I do remember the surgery and the recovery period.

It wasn't traumatic or life changing or anything of the sort. For a male, losing that flap of skin really is nothing at all. It does not affect how you urinate, does not affect your peer relationships (heck even in school where everyone got naked in the dressing room nobody ever commented or joked or anything about it) and it certainly does not affect sex in any way or form. If anything, its damn handy to never have to worry that much about infections or what not from that day you were so drunk you forgot to clean it well type of times.

Female genital mutilation on the other hand, does affect her health, her sexual experiences and the end result is practically a deformity (visually) which is not far fetched to say would attract negative attention from peers or partners. It is also a painful procedure and the recovery time is basically a lifetime.

If you want to make a valid comparison, compare female genital mutilation to a boy that got his glans split into two. That would be the closest equivalent and it still would not be as bad as to what this horrible practice does to girls.


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31 Jul 2015, 7:56 pm

The_Face_of_Boo wrote:
cathylynn wrote:
Spiderpig wrote:
cathylynn wrote:
circumcision prevents the spread of HIV and other STD's,

How so? By discouraging sex?

nope. male circumcision does not discourage sex.

http://www.webmd.com/parenting/baby/new ... th-reasons


Removing breasts decreases breast cancer too .

That's ridiculous, and a known propaganda to promote male circ.

Why whenever a guy talks about this, some women come to defend the practice and deny it's mutilation as FGM?

Why? They are both mutilations.
Yet you women always love trivialize this practice while it's being applied on masses of babies everyday.

And the benefits are stupid, we are born with this stuff, so it should stay there. There are so many recent medical researches about its uselessness and negative effect on sexual sensation.

not to mention its removing a s**t ton of nerve endings. I've seen quite a few cir men who feel horrible that it happen to them and they'll never know what it feels like with those nerve endings.

also women who say its ok and stuff scare me. know what there's warm moist areas in your vaginas too so you do what? clean it out ever night in the shower . so do men with their penis. I've never had germs in there and stds only happen if you sex with someone with stds. do you really think cutting off the foreskin will stop hiv from getting into the body? o.O


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31 Jul 2015, 7:59 pm

The_Face_of_Boo wrote:
Spiderpig wrote:
I'm sorry, but, to me, that sounds like having your lips cut off to help keep your teeth clean. In other words, noöne would take such a justification seriously if circumcision wasn't already an established practice. No more established than female genital mutilation, by the way.

The only difference is that FGM is taken seriously as a violations - while whenever any man talks about male circ, which is being practiced waaay more, you find women mocking him and repeat those benefits they hear about.

I've never mocked any males for disagreeing with circumcision..and wouldn't mock a guy if he hadn't had it done. Though yes in conversation about circumcision I might site some of the stupid benefits but why mock? Though the impression I get is some guys are glad it was done...from what I understand it is more painful to have it done when you're older. I myself think ideally it should be up to the individual but guess its hard to do that in infancy which is when it is most commonly done.

Also quite inaccurate to claim the only difference betwen FGM and Male Circumcision is one is taken as a serious violation...one is a serious violation and serves no medical purpose nor carries any benefits, whilst one is done for more health reasons. I mean in what way does circumcision 'harm' someone aside from the pain they experience as an infant when it happens? I'd be more than willing to look at any relevent information/sources that talk about that. If it is indeed proven to be just as harmful as female genital mutilation and also serves no medical purposes whatsoever then I can join the anti-circumcision crusade...rather than keeping my more neutral view on it, which is I am not a guy so I cannot tell guys how they should feel about or that they should support the idea. Also most any guy I've interacted with dont put circumcision on the same level as the FGM.

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Last edited by Sweetleaf on 31 Jul 2015, 8:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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31 Jul 2015, 8:03 pm

Sweetleaf wrote:
League_Girl wrote:
Another good reason to have a six month rule. A 19 year old has to be on the sex offender list for the next 25 years and he is on probation for five years and he cannot have internet access or a smart phone so there went his computer career he was going to college for and he has other restrictions. How did this all happen? He met a 17 year old on a dating site and they met up and had sex in a park and it turned out she was 14 and she had lied about her age. She and her parents did testify in court and they didn't wish t press charges but the judge didn't care. Yes wait six months so you get to know the person. That should be plenty of time. Plenty of time to meet their parents or their brothers and sisters, see their house, etc.

http://abcnews.go.com/US/19-year-spend- ... d=32783206

Well that is certainly a ruling I'd not agree with....that said does one really need 6 whole months to accomplish getting to know someone better and meet their parents/family as well as see their house? But yes just to be safe it is always best to be sure a girl is 'of age'...nonetheless they should not face the same charges and terrible record as a freaking pedophile/child predator which is what it seems has happened to the guy in your example.

check her id. take photos of it then take photos of her holding it. same thing people do for selling cars and other stuff that could be illegal. if really concrned call the local police and run a backround check on her. surely if shes worth it she'll go though all this? then if she passes all that take her to plan parent hood nd have std tests run on her and if after 2 weeks the test come back positive. then you can have non romantic sex. surely good women would go through all this?


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31 Jul 2015, 8:04 pm

dobyfm wrote:
XFilesGeek wrote:
Considering that men and women have completely different roles in the reproductive process, and are raised in different worlds with different frames of reference, I've always found the, "Who has it easier?" question to be nonsensical.

Additionally, as someone who has lived through social situations as both a man and a woman, I can assert that both have significant drawbacks.....

I agree with this. Both genders have it bad in different ways. I get the whole "men don't have to go through child birth" argument, but women also have the choice to not give child birth. And in my opinion, menstrual cycles are not so bad. Then of coarse there are the issues such as we girls have it harder when it comes to having to look a certain way. However, as I wrote earlier, I believe both sexes are balanced in this whole "who has it more bad" argument.

so tired of this girls have to look a certain way ,as if guys could walk out in muddy clothes muddy all over their face bed hari and a 4 foot long beard be ok. its not like we have to shave our face every day and style our hair, pick matching clothes that look good. we have to worry about zits and pimples too, but we aren't allowed to use makeup. and most the women I've talked to enjoy putting on make up just like I've found a way to enjoy shaving and I wont' stop just as they won't stop putting on makeup. its their hobby they enjoy going to all the stores and looking to see what new makeup they have and looking for that special new one they read about online.


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31 Jul 2015, 8:05 pm

kraftiekortie wrote:
I didn't get the link, Sly

Anyway....I, definitely, wasn't saying that people should avoid YOU.

Why do you obsess over these kinds of things?

because it hurts seeing others say you're to be avoided or worthless.

if i talk about how bad black people are and a black person over hears me, can I just say oh I wasn't talking directly about you. I doubt that would fly over well.


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31 Jul 2015, 8:06 pm

Spiderpig wrote:
Why six months? True love waits, doesn't it? Then wait eighteen years. No matter whether they lied about their age, they'll be guaranteed not to be a minor by the time you have sex with them.

or wait til death. there's one couple who abstain for sex at all they first did it to be good Christians and then decided its the christian thing to do to be holy by abstaining from it forever. why at it join with the extreme feminist just castrate your men, problem solved and now hes stuck with you til you decide to throw him out.


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31 Jul 2015, 8:11 pm

Sweetleaf wrote:
The_Face_of_Boo wrote:
Spiderpig wrote:
I'm sorry, but, to me, that sounds like having your lips cut off to help keep your teeth clean. In other words, noöne would take such a justification seriously if circumcision wasn't already an established practice. No more established than female genital mutilation, by the way.

The only difference is that FGM is taken seriously as a violations - while whenever any man talks about male circ, which is being practiced waaay more, you find women mocking him and repeat those benefits they hear about.

I've never mocked any males for disagreeing with circumcision..and wouldn't mock a guy if he hadn't had it done. Though yes in conversation about circumcision I might site some of the stupid benefits but why mock? Though the impression I get is some guys are glad it was done...from what I understand it is more painful to have it done when you're older. I myself think ideally it should be up to the individual but guess its hard to do that in infancy which is when it is most commonly done.

Also quite inaccurate to claim the only difference betwen FGM and Male Circumcision is one is taken as a serious violation...one is a serious violation and serves no medical purpose nor carries any benefits, whilst one is done for more health reasons. I mean in what way does circumcision 'harm' someone aside from the pain they experience as an infant when it happens? I'd be more than willing to look at any relevent information/sources that talk about that. If it is indeed proven to be just as harmful as female genital mutilation and also serves no medical purposes whatsoever then I can join the anti-circumcision crusade...rather than keeping my more neutral view on it, which is I am not a guy so I cannot tell guys how they should feel about or that they should support the idea. Also most any guy I've interacted with dont put circumcision on the same level as the FGM.

idk growing up knowing that a part of you that is meant to be there for health reasones and protect your penis was cut off without your permision maybe.

how how about that you lost 20,000 nerve endings meant to make sex more pleasureable.

then knowing that it all about made up health reasons that have ben componded with lies to support the lies. if in 40 years they stop all cir and it becomes normal to not do it like it is in the us right now. when ti becomes normal to not to it they will change the medical reasons to support not doing it. all this comes down to "well our dad did it and his dad did it and his dad's dad did it, so we should do it." they don't do cir in the us anymore unless asked for and insurance wont' pay for it. my brothe got it but then when I was borned they stopped mandating it and then it wouldnt' be payed for and I'm so freaking happy it did or I'd be super pissed at the world, women and doctors for taking a part of my body away.

so yeah both should be banned. the foreskin has a purpose that's why its there.


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31 Jul 2015, 8:14 pm

sly279 wrote:
dobyfm wrote:
XFilesGeek wrote:
Considering that men and women have completely different roles in the reproductive process, and are raised in different worlds with different frames of reference, I've always found the, "Who has it easier?" question to be nonsensical.

Additionally, as someone who has lived through social situations as both a man and a woman, I can assert that both have significant drawbacks.....

I agree with this. Both genders have it bad in different ways. I get the whole "men don't have to go through child birth" argument, but women also have the choice to not give child birth. And in my opinion, menstrual cycles are not so bad. Then of coarse there are the issues such as we girls have it harder when it comes to having to look a certain way. However, as I wrote earlier, I believe both sexes are balanced in this whole "who has it more bad" argument.

so tired of this girls have to look a certain way ,as if guys could walk out in muddy clothes muddy all over their face bed hari and a 4 foot long beard be ok. its not like we have to shave our face every day and style our hair, pick matching clothes that look good. we have to worry about zits and pimples too, but we aren't allowed to use makeup. and most the women I've talked to enjoy putting on make up just like I've found a way to enjoy shaving and I wont' stop just as they won't stop putting on makeup. its their hobby they enjoy going to all the stores and looking to see what new makeup they have and looking for that special new one they read about online.

What do you mean you aren't allowed to wear make up? who says...not to mention I know guys who wear make up. You mean its not a social norm for guys to wear make up, well social norms can be wrong. Also make up is not a solution for zits/pimples it actually clogs your pores more and makes them more likely, it can be uncomfortable and feel heavy on your face I just criticize that social norms dictate women wear make up since it can be a hassle and unpleasant. It should be up to individuals if they wear make up...also though for zits/pimples best thing to do is keep your face clean and get some stuff to treat acne not cake make up onto it.

of course lots of women like to put on make up, lots of guys like to work out.....doesn't mean people should be coerced/pressured from society to do those things based upon their gender even if some people do like it .

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31 Jul 2015, 8:22 pm

Will you send me the link, please.

So I can comment on it.

I don't even know what "type" of guy you are.

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31 Jul 2015, 8:31 pm

Dantac wrote:
No Escape wrote:
With regards to the circumcision issue, it's fine to get circumcised voluntarily when you're smart enough to make that decision. It's not fine to mutilate a child and cause him pain when he's still a baby. There's a reason some countries ban it.

I've been away from this thread a while and I come back to see this is being discussed.

To begin with, I was circumcised as a young child because I had a health problem that required it. I do remember the surgery and the recovery period.

Understand that you not caring about it doesn't make it OK, and there are valid reasons why other men care about it. Not only that, but since you didn't do it ritually (I'm assuming you had phimosis) you probably did it under anaesthesia. Most circumcisions in the USA do not happen like this and the baby goes through immense pain and shock.

It wasn't traumatic

If you did it under anaesthetia it probably wasn't, no.
or life changing or anything of the sort.

How do you know? You don't know how your life would have been if you hadn't been circumcised.
For a male

For you
losing that flap of skin really is nothing at all.

It's not just a flap of skin. The underside of the foreskin has thousands of nerve endings and it's an erogenous zone. Now, if you restore your foreskin (there are exercises to do this) it is indeed just a flap of skin, because the nerve endings were permanently destroyed by circumcision and you will never regenerate them.

It does not affect how you urinate, does not affect your peer relationships (heck even in school where everyone got naked in the dressing room nobody ever commented or joked or anything about it)and it certainly does not affect sex in any way or form.

Actually, it does. First, as I said before, you lost nerve endings when you were circumcised and so your pleasure is affected. Second, the woman's sexual experience is improved because the foreskin slides along the vagina, keeping the moisture there.

If anything, its damn handy to never have to worry that much about infections or what not from that day you were so drunk you forgot to clean it well type of times.

There is evidence that shows circumcision actually increases risk of STIs. Also, why does cleaning yourself suddenly become such a burden when you're arguing against circumcision? It's called a shower.

Female genital mutilation on the other hand, does affect her health, her sexual experiences and the end result is practically a deformity (visually) which is not far fetched to say would attract negative attention from peers or partners. It is also a painful procedure and the recovery time is basically a lifetime.

If you want to make a valid comparison, compare female genital mutilation to a boy that got his glans split into two. That would be the closest equivalent and it still would not be as bad as to what this horrible practice does to girls.

I never mentioned female genital mutilation so it's not relevant to my post. FGM is very rare in the west. Also, you're generalising all FGM. Not all FGM is equivalent to a man's glans being cut in two and some FGM can be fairly compared to removal of the foreskin. In some FGM the clitoris is not even touched.


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31 Jul 2015, 8:39 pm

Sweetleaf wrote:
sly279 wrote:
dobyfm wrote:
XFilesGeek wrote:
Considering that men and women have completely different roles in the reproductive process, and are raised in different worlds with different frames of reference, I've always found the, "Who has it easier?" question to be nonsensical.

Additionally, as someone who has lived through social situations as both a man and a woman, I can assert that both have significant drawbacks.....

I agree with this. Both genders have it bad in different ways. I get the whole "men don't have to go through child birth" argument, but women also have the choice to not give child birth. And in my opinion, menstrual cycles are not so bad. Then of coarse there are the issues such as we girls have it harder when it comes to having to look a certain way. However, as I wrote earlier, I believe both sexes are balanced in this whole "who has it more bad" argument.

so tired of this girls have to look a certain way ,as if guys could walk out in muddy clothes muddy all over their face bed hari and a 4 foot long beard be ok. its not like we have to shave our face every day and style our hair, pick matching clothes that look good. we have to worry about zits and pimples too, but we aren't allowed to use makeup. and most the women I've talked to enjoy putting on make up just like I've found a way to enjoy shaving and I wont' stop just as they won't stop putting on makeup. its their hobby they enjoy going to all the stores and looking to see what new makeup they have and looking for that special new one they read about online.

What do you mean you aren't allowed to wear make up? who says...not to mention I know guys who wear make up. You mean its not a social norm for guys to wear make up, well social norms can be wrong. Also make up is not a solution for zits/pimples it actually clogs your pores more and makes them more likely, it can be uncomfortable and feel heavy on your face I just criticize that social norms dictate women wear make up since it can be a hassle and unpleasant. It should be up to individuals if they wear make up...also though for zits/pimples best thing to do is keep your face clean and get some stuff to treat acne not cake make up onto it.

of course lots of women like to put on make up, lots of guys like to work out.....doesn't mean people should be coerced/pressured from society to do those things based upon their gender even if some people do like it .

shaving use to be the worse and for many many guys is still the worse. yet we are forced to do it if we want to live in society. I enjoy it now by having spent lots of money on wet shaving stuff, but I still don't' think it should be forced like it is. but if you want to work, find love, be successful then you need to shave. there's exceptions yes but society still demands it at large.

it really sucks when you get razor bur, bumps or cut yourself and besides the pain then you have the embarrassment of walking around the next few days with everyone seeing it. I had gashes in my neck for few weeks that looked like I tried to slit my throat. the scars are still somewhat there if you look close enough. shaving with canned cream and disposables also left me with anxiety attacks. :(


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31 Jul 2015, 8:58 pm

All I use is hot water and a razor.

And I almost always come out just fine.


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31 Jul 2015, 9:33 pm

kraftiekortie wrote:
All I use is hot water and a razor.

And I almost always come out just fine.

yeah and some men can go a week or more and still be smooth. many men get horrible cuts and hate shaving.

I can't shave without shave cream made from soap. its made a huge difference that and the de razor only having one blade.

why i glad you and few others can shave that way or not at all and be fine it doesn't get rid of the tons of others who can't heck most men need som kind of cream to provide slickness and protection. you're face probably has more natural glide and slickness. shave soap also gives cushion. more to that I enjoy the different scents though they aren't needed for a comfortable shave. I've also found I need to only shave with the grain if i don't want irritation.


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31 Jul 2015, 10:16 pm

No Escape wrote:
Sweetleaf wrote:
XFilesGeek wrote:
EmeraldGame01 wrote:
I'm glad somebody FINALLY came out with something like this. Girls have it so bad, did we mention what we have to go through every month? Plus we have more to cover up about ourselves.

Guys; you think you're tough? Have you ever experienced menstruation? No? Childbirth then???
It is said that when a woman goes through childbirth, the level of pain goes past the average human pain threshold.

Who says girls have it easier???? :|

Considering that men and women have completely different roles in the reproductive process, and are raised in different worlds with different frames of reference, I've always found the, "Who has it easier?" question to be nonsensical.

Additionally, as someone who has lived through social situations as both a man and a woman, I can assert that both have significant drawbacks.....

Exactly why I posted this thread....lol when it comes down to it neither one actually has it 'easier' such arguments are rather stupid I mean with any difficulty a male says they have, a female could come up with a different one they face and vice versa. Also dependending on the individual they might find a specific thing more or less difficult than another person would find it to be But the menstruation cycle and child-birth is certainly another good example of a difficulty women face than men don't.

Respond to my posts then.

Sweetleaf is responding to your posts.

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