sunshower wrote:
Do you ever doubt your suitability as a life partner for someone in the future? I often do, I often wonder if I could inflict myself on someone like that for life, and whether I'd fail as a mother to any kids we might have.
I know this is not a very positive post from me, sorry

but does anyone else worry about this? I worry about this a lot, I'd rather isolate myself and be alone forever than being a bad partner for someone else and ruining their life and the lives of our children by failing as a parent.
Please discuss, any viewpoints or insights on the issue are much appreciated.
My friends who think that I'm really social, and we have a little internal joke that it is a "fake disease" that I have, and they think that I will be able to find a guy. But hell yeah, I have doubts. Or rather, I go between to feel confident that I will find someone, to accept that I may live my life alone. But I have a feeling that I share that concern with many others with Asperger.
I have had a few guys, unfortunately, have been some not too good guys. But now I have been in love again for a guy from when I was in high school. It is a bit strange, we are each other's opposites and yet we are drawn to each other again and again. So you can say that I hope that there may be something there, at least for a while.