I Have Given Up.
iamnotaparakeet wrote:
Forget the word "excuse" in relation to yourself. In a relationship there's usually more than one person though.
The morality of generation-x is not vogue regardless of your personal disposition either way.
The morality of generation-x is not vogue regardless of your personal disposition either way.
Of course; I'm looking for a guy who's of the same mind when it comes to sex.
What does "Generation X" have to do with anything? My amoral take on sexual relations has nothing whatsoever to do with the year I was born, or any social demographic.
Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. You are already naked. There is no reason not to follow your heart.
~Steve Jobs
Granite wrote:
Putting what NTs know about autism aside, I've had some rather interesting experiences recently, not just with my aspie nonboyfriend and our nonrelationship, but with some other people with challenges as well. I am starting the get the impression that those out there in the world labeled "special needs" might have social issues that have more to do with how they allow the special-needs label to affect them psychologically than their actual disability.
Does that make any sense?
Does that make any sense?
Yes, I mentioned something similar in one of Fickle_Pickle's threads in the Haven. The summary of that post was basically that while the AS label can help those with severe issues to get help and services to help them get back on their feet, the label can be a significant detriment to those with only mild issues, as those people with just mild issues will feel that they are powerless to do anything about something they "officially" have, when they actually can do something.
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Pileated woodpecker
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preludeman wrote:
I have decided to give up on this stupid "girlfriend quest".
Girlfriend quests are stupid, as are sex quests.
prelude wrote:
Women today want "HollyWood Hunk Beef Cake."
It's not nice to make generalizations about a group of people.
Dilbert wrote:
If you don't want to be alone, you'll need to improve your social skills. Read self help books and books about human psychology.
Straight-to the point: Become manipulative!
Nothing more fun then that, this is why I think dating and humanity in general is a joke.
Dilbert wrote:
Here's lesson number one. Stop thinking in terms of finding a girlfriend. That is creepy.
Thinking in terms of finding sex is the epitome of creepy man, infact it's creepier! Dating is a joke, you should try to make some good female friends and let whatever happens, happen.
Dilbert wrote:
The game works like this, in this order:
I feel like vomiting everytime I hear relationships or anything real-world related as being a "game".
Dilbert wrote:
Meet someone, chat her up, get her to laugh, exchange phone numbers. THAT'S IT. If you as much as hint that you are expecting something from her, like she's got something you want, you've blown it.
You clearly have some motive if you're trying to get the number of a complete stranger and the motive is quite obvious.
Dilbert wrote:
DO NOT under any circumstances suggest a relationship or heaven forbid ask her to be your girlfriend. (Unless you are in High School! Which you aren't.) Let things progress as they may.
Who does that? The dating "game" is a joke, it's full of creepers, both the men and women are creepers, they're there just looking for sex or an insta-relationship.
Pekkla wrote:
The most solid couples I have known (gay and straight) have been couples who have a really close friendship. I am so jealous of them. I wish I had married a friend.
That's along my line of thought, a relationship is means jack if you are not friends with the person, the "game playing", manipulation and what not is completely disgusting.
Janissy wrote:
Good advice. I hope it's taken.
How is it good advice to be told one should be a "game player"? I thought "game players" were creeps, or do we just say that to sound cool?
Janissy wrote:
If that were true, there would be a lot fewer couples in the world. But if you look through the wedding announcements of your paper on any given Sunday, there is barely a beefcake to be found. There are a lot of ordinary men marrying ordinary women.
Most relationships are made of failure, the good ones are born out of good friendships which doesn't occur alot.
Janissy wrote:
The "I want a girlfriend. Will you be my girlfriend?" vibe is a horrible turnoff.
He never stated that he said that directly to anyone so no vibe was sent, also the "I see you as a sexual object I can throw away at a whim" vibe is horrible as well, but it certainly doesn't stop "playas" or "playettes".
Also alot of people like talking about looking desparate, but most people sound desperate to me, "game players" look as desperate as "pathetic guy" in my eyes. A person who is truly not desperate has no need of stupid games and manipulation and could care less if he/she gets a girl/boyfriend or sex.
The asylum is run by lunatics.
Last edited by Demon-Chorus on 09 Sep 2009, 1:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
iamnotaparakeet wrote:
SINsister wrote:
pekkla wrote:
The most solid couples I have known (gay and straight) have been couples who have a really close friendship.
I can't imagine it any other way.
In reality, I don't think there can be another way. However, people tend to get the wrong ideas from James Bond and the like...
I have more than one family member who met their eventual wives through personals. How relationships begin is a bit of a gap in my knowledge but I am also aware of many that begin in the manner that Dilbert described.
Demon-Chorus wrote:
A person who is truly not desperate has no need of stupid games and manipulation and could care less if he/she gets a girl/boyfriend or sex.
Please don't tar everyone with your narrow and judgmental brush. There are loads of NT (and non-NT) folks who desire sex for its own sake, and successfully manage respectful no-strings-attached and/or non-"romantic," non-exclusive sexual relations via "f*ck buddies," through BDSM scenarios, etc.
Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. You are already naked. There is no reason not to follow your heart.
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SINsister wrote:
iamnotaparakeet wrote:
Forget the word "excuse" in relation to yourself. In a relationship there's usually more than one person though.
The morality of generation-x is not vogue regardless of your personal disposition either way.
The morality of generation-x is not vogue regardless of your personal disposition either way.
Of course; I'm looking for a guy who's of the same mind when it comes to sex.
What does "Generation X" have to do with anything? My amoral take on sexual relations has nothing whatsoever to do with the year I was born, or any social demographic.
I have no clue what year you were born or where you are from. Your "amoral" stance is similar to that of the version of morality in vogue during the hey day of Generation-X. I am not saying that you go with the flow or anything about you personally. Just that this generation holds different values. They are far more prudish than many of the generations behind them, like say from the 1960's through 1990's. Heck, you should see all the stares of derision my girlfriend and I get if we show any PDA.
Pileated woodpecker
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SINsister wrote:
Please don't tar everyone with your narrow and judgmental brush.
Thanks, it's a compliment to be called judgemental by someone who is most likely even more judgemental then myself. Perhaps you should'nt talk about creeps if you don't wish the judgement?
SINsister wrote:
There are loads of NT (and non-NT) folks who desire sex for its own sake, and successfully manage respectful no-strings-attached and/or non-"romantic," non-exclusive sexual relations via "f*ck buddies," through BDSM scenarios, etc.
Then don't judge other people, if you wish not to be judged then don't judge. I could care less if you have sex for sex's sake, just don't call people creeps when you could be considered creepier because it's hypocritical.
The asylum is run by lunatics.
iamnotaparakeet wrote:
I have no clue what year you were born or where you are from. Your "amoral" stance is similar to that of the version of morality in vogue during the hey day of Generation-X. I am not saying that you go with the flow or anything about you personally. Just that this generation holds different values. They are far more prudish than many of the generations behind them, like say from the 1960's through 1990's. Heck, you should see all the stares of derision my girlfriend and I get if we show any PDA.
Ohhhhh - *now* I understand.
Yeah, well: the U.S. is an ignorant country full of liars and hypocrites. I'd have been (and would be) so much better off in western Europe, where (in general, anyway) human sexuality is viewed as a normal part of life, and not a sick and filthy aberration to be shunned...
Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. You are already naked. There is no reason not to follow your heart.
~Steve Jobs
Demon-Chorus wrote:
Then don't judge other people, if you wish not to be judged then don't judge. I could care less if you have sex for sex's sake, just don't call people creeps when you could be considered creepier because it's hypocritical.
Would you please tell me what you're on about? I've not made any public, "real life" sexual overtures to any males, nor do I go "trolling" for sex, either online or off. In this thread and elsewhere at WP, I've stated what I'm looking for in a sexual relationship. I've not solicited sex, nor acted in a "creepy" manner toward anyone, and I've no intention of doing so.
Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. You are already naked. There is no reason not to follow your heart.
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SINsister wrote:
iamnotaparakeet wrote:
I have no clue what year you were born or where you are from. Your "amoral" stance is similar to that of the version of morality in vogue during the hey day of Generation-X. I am not saying that you go with the flow or anything about you personally. Just that this generation holds different values. They are far more prudish than many of the generations behind them, like say from the 1960's through 1990's. Heck, you should see all the stares of derision my girlfriend and I get if we show any PDA.
Ohhhhh - *now* I understand.
Yeah, well: the U.S. is an ignorant country full of liars and hypocrites. I'd have been (and would be) so much better off in western Europe, where (in general, anyway) human sexuality is viewed as a normal part of life, and not a sick and filthy aberration to be shunned...
Do you get the joke then that the phrase, "It's the Zero's!" would sound like a reference to World War 2 and "It's the Teen's!" would sound ephebophilic?
And thus not have a very good ring to them for being used in the manner that "It's the 90's!" and "Get with the times!" were used for the last century.
iamnotaparakeet wrote:
Do you get the joke then that the phrase, "It's the Zero's!" would sound like a reference to World War 2 and "It's the Teen's!" would sound ephebophilic?
And thus not have a very good ring to them for being used in the manner that "It's the 90's!" and "Get with the times!" were used for the last century.
And thus not have a very good ring to them for being used in the manner that "It's the 90's!" and "Get with the times!" were used for the last century.
Erm...I suppose, but I tend to not pay such things much mind.
Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. You are already naked. There is no reason not to follow your heart.
~Steve Jobs
SINsister wrote:
iamnotaparakeet wrote:
I have no clue what year you were born or where you are from. Your "amoral" stance is similar to that of the version of morality in vogue during the hey day of Generation-X. I am not saying that you go with the flow or anything about you personally. Just that this generation holds different values. They are far more prudish than many of the generations behind them, like say from the 1960's through 1990's. Heck, you should see all the stares of derision my girlfriend and I get if we show any PDA.
Ohhhhh - *now* I understand.
Yeah, well: the U.S. is an ignorant country full of liars and hypocrites. I'd have been (and would be) so much better off in western Europe, where (in general, anyway) human sexuality is viewed as a normal part of life, and not a sick and filthy aberration to be shunned...
We're not that ignorant.
Who’s better at math than a robot? They’re made of math!
SINsister wrote:
Demon-Chorus wrote:
Then don't judge other people, if you wish not to be judged then don't judge. I could care less if you have sex for sex's sake, just don't call people creeps when you could be considered creepier because it's hypocritical.
Would you please tell me what you're on about? I've not made any public, "real life" sexual overtures to any males, nor do I go "trolling" for sex, either online or off. In this thread and elsewhere at WP, I've stated what I'm looking for in a sexual relationship. I've not solicited sex, nor acted in a "creepy" manner toward anyone, and I've no intention of doing so.
That's what I was trying to do in the other thread (stating what I wanted in a relationship).
Who’s better at math than a robot? They’re made of math!
Last edited by Tim_Tex on 09 Sep 2009, 2:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Pileated woodpecker
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SINsister wrote:
Would you please tell me what you're on about? I've not made any public, "real life" sexual overtures to any males, nor do I go "trolling" for sex, either online or off. In this thread and elsewhere at WP, I've stated what I'm looking for in a sexual relationship. I've not solicited sex, nor acted in a "creepy" manner toward anyone, and I've no intention of doing so.
Sorry I went abit off tanget, I wasn't calling you a "creep", I was telling people that it's hypocritical for a person who engages in manipulative game playing to call anyone or any behaviour on a flaky basis creepy because their own motives and behaviour is creepy in itself. You are upfront with your intentions and clearly not a gameplayer, so despite I wouldn't engage in the same behaviour as yourself, I wouldn't say you are a creep.
Sorry if I gave off the impression of calling you a creep.
The asylum is run by lunatics.
Stinkypuppy wrote:
Yes, I mentioned something similar in one of Fickle_Pickle's threads in the Haven. The summary of that post was basically that while the AS label can help those with severe issues to get help and services to help them get back on their feet, the label can be a significant detriment to those with only mild issues, as those people with just mild issues will feel that they are powerless to do anything about something they "officially" have, when they actually can do something.
Let's take a look at the label, not autism, but "special needs". The subliminal message is that one is special and needy, you can't really infer anything else, it's pretty straight forward. You take any child with special needs and their entire relationship during childhood years with nonspecial-needs people is primarily parents, teachers, therapists, counselors, diagnosers, evaluators, etc. who are catering to a special-needs child's special needs. The special message is received loud and clear. A special needs child may end up in a classroom where the student-teacher ratio is as low as 3:1. If they look down the hall to the nonspecial-needs kids they have 1 teacher for 35 kids. The message is loud and clear, special needs get more deserve more.
Now fast forward to graduation. Special needs kids are no different from everyone else, they want a romantic relationship. However, after being bombarded for 18 years that they are special and needy it probably becomes very difficult to switch gears and try to operate on a compromise, 50-50, loving, caring giving relationship with another person.
Mind you, I understand about the whole no-child-left-behind concept and that everyone deserves an education. But I do have some concerns about the difficulties this system creates on an adult social level, not just for auties but for all special-needs students in public schools.