therange wrote:
Toad, as an overthiinker myself, I think you're pre-planning too much about how the interaction with a woman is supposed to go. People just meet, then have a conversation, simple as that. And it's pretty obvious by the end of the conversation if the two people want to talk to one another again. People don't label things "dating" until much further into the process.
But what happens if you want to talk to someone but you'll probably never see them again?
Btw, since you say you're not bad looking, have you tried online dating and trying to find a woman with similar values? I'll admit it, I'm a picky bastard when it comes to looks. For some reason, I'm stuck on the pale dark haired thing. Even non pale dark haired women I like look smart and modest. That's why I'm not getting results online.
Well, I'm not exactly good looking either. I'm 100 lbs or so overweight... but on the other hand I'm not one of those people that goes weeks without a shower, on the contrary the first two things I have to do when I wake up is brush my teeth and a take a shower, or else I start getting headaches for some reason. Yet there are guys I know that are fatter than me and have worse-off personal hygiene than I do, and have no problems finding a loving relationship...
People tell me that I'm not bad looking, but sometimes I wonder if they're just saying something nice, regardless of the truth...
Online dating would never work for me... almost everybody I've met in life was directly introduced to me through someone else (the few exceptions are people I've met in classes and don't really know that well, and walk-ins to my church)... I need that familiarity in order to not shut down completely in front of somebody...