hale_bopp wrote:
sinsboldly wrote:
Tim_Tex wrote:
I thought people didn't like drama.
This is very interesting.
goodness! Theater is nothing
but drama, TV is nothing
but drama, songs are dramatic, romance is drama, read a book, the drama is caring about the characters and then the conflict comes and how they work and deal with and then the resolution and denouement . . .
how can you even
think that people don't like drama?
He means in a relationship. People don't like drama queens and problems and hissy fits, and I think he's right.
now I think you are kidding, too, H_B!
Sorry, but I think you guys are missing the boat on why Jerks get chased by 'nice' girls. It is because they are bored by 'nice' boys and are searching for the drama that starts the juices flowing. Yeah, they think they can 'change him', and yeah, they think that somehow they (the girl) is the 'special one' that can make it happen, but even if this was done and somehow they
could change him, they would go back to being bored again and out again for the challenge for the next jerk. You might even say it is a sort of 'fetish' to the girl, because that is what turns them on like nothing the 'nice' boy can do.
lots of research in discourse analysis supports what sinsbodly is saying, they think all the folk tales such as beauty and the beast, and romantic storys such as mills and boon and tv such as 'angel' all encourage this attitude of 'being the special one to change the bad guy'.