I'm Catholic, and my religion is a big part of my life. But somehow I don't seem to have a lot in common, religiously, with most devout Catholics. I came to believe in AA/Al-Anon, and Christianity is more of a metaphorical language to express how I relate to the "God of my understanding" (as they say in the 12-step groups) than the source and foundation of my faith itself. Catholic practice, specifically the Eucharist, is a very powerful symbol of the love between God and me. I want to be with someone who understands that language, the metaphor of Incarnation and crucifixion and sacrament.
I had a Shia Muslim boyfriend once. I tried, I really tried to find a common language to express a common belief in God. His faith was a childish faith -- I think I understand that, I think it's because he was a refugee who had to leave his home before transitioning to an adult faith, and to reject his childish faith would have been to reject his country and family and all his hopes for a different future for his people. But the upshot was that we couldn't talk about God, I couldn't talk with him about this central force in my life, and it was alienating.
I would very much like to be able to marry a man with whom I could share that part of my life. When I was younger I fell in love with priests a couple of times ... thank God that hasn't happened in 20 years or so. If I ever do marry, I very much want to marry in the Church, so whether he's Catholic or not, please God he will be open to that.
Right now I have a killer crush on my landlady's boyfriend.... He's asked her to marry him but although she's been legally separated from her husband for 5 years, she hasn't gotten around to filing for divorce. She seems to care about the boyfriend but to be unenthusiastic about sharing his lifestyle, a lifestyle that looks like paradise to me (he lives on a beautiful, secluded 54 acres; she's an extravert, I'm an introvert, to her it no doubt looks depressingly isolated, but to me ... ah, idyllic). I think he's sick of waiting, and might be open to a woman who would really want him and all he offers. Well, he seems to be very open-minded and curious about religion, knows he doesn't know much, and maybe he'd be open to my religion, I don't know. His current girlfriend, my landlady, is a Mormon, and he sometimes goes to church with her; he's also somehow let the Jehovah's Witnesses in and is studying the Bible with them. I lent him a book last week to give him a different perspective on some of their assertions about the historical origins of the Nicene Creed and mainstream trinitarian theology. I think, as open-minded as he is, that he might be glad to have the opportunity to learn more from a more mainstream position. He just wants to learn, he's flexible and open (and *oh sigh* sexy as hell, might I add *sigh*). And honestly, I'm not a dogmatic Catholic, I don't really get the whole Trinitarian thing either -- it's all about the active relationship between me and God, how God changes my life, how much I need grace and how much grace does for me. So I just want someone with the open and humble orientation toward the divine, and not strictly tied to some other denomination -- I want him to participate in my church with me, I don't care if he totally buys all its dogma.