ToadOfSteel wrote:
Guys, i didnt want this to turn into a huge flame fest... I just wanted to know why feeling loved is so impossible in this days world. The Golden Rule is something that many religious and philosophical figures ascribe to, so if I give as much of my love out to others as possible, I should at least get some of it back, right? But I'm not...
That wonderful fallen (if you believe in original
Sin) mudball known as earth doesn't give two craps about how good you are. Your only reward for doing good is in the afterlife. So you've got 50+ years until ass cancer or something just as hilarious strikes you down and you can enjoy the rewards of love in heaven. 50 years is a long assed time to mope nonstop. Have some joy in your life. I have comics, things that go bang, and ladies of the evening.
What do you have? Video gamer?