Teach51 wrote:
Personally I don't get this b..ch trend it's all a bit crude.
Before I met my wife it almost seemed like it was an arms race for women to be the bitchiest, most stuck up, condescending and "independent" that they could possibly be. I'm not sure if they think it is attractive to men because it certainly isn't to any I know. I even had one women write "if you want to take me on a date you need to step up your game" and she wasn't the least bit attractive and worked a minimum wage job. I am still trying to figure out if she was being serious all these years later because she was actually seemed very nice and friendly when I later recognized her at her workplace.
Teach51 wrote:
An interesting observation is that in my country shirts with English slogans are very popular. I say to my students "hmm I like your shirt. Do you know what is written on it?" 100% say they don't. I say to them: "Why on earth would you walk around with a slogan you don't understand?" It could say: " I'm an imbecile" or "I eat turds for breakfast" how dumb is that? They couldn't care less
It seems to be a trend locally where young people (usually women) get a quote, saying or phrase tattooed, often times in a foreign language that they don't speak or read. At least you can take off a shirt!