visagrunt wrote:
n4mwd wrote:
Just curious how aspies fit the mold. I am asexual and male which is quite rare among non-aspies.
Asexual you may be, but that is one smokin' hot avatar.

I was thinking something similar. Heh. I found the sexual orientation and avatar combination amusing.
happymusic wrote:
I know you don't mean it this way, but that's similar to when people say bi's just haven't made up their mind. Though there may be a spectrum of preference, those who prefer both usually use the term bisexual to describe themselves. Homosexual isn't fitting, just as heterosexual isn't. It's like being of mixed race - though the person may look more like one race than the other doesn't make them less mixed.
Being bisexual is an experience unto itself. It has its own social implications that are distinct from heterosexuality or homosexuality, regardless of the sex of one's partner.
I'd select bi if it were on there, so I haven't done the poll.
I agree with this completely.
"...don't ask me why it's just the nature of my groove..."