Aspie male non-virgins, how did you lose it?
My BF totally chickened out this weekend. I took him out to get some condoms and while we were there his face lite up red and he walked out of the store slightly freaked out. We went back to the car where he told me he still wasn't ready. So I had a pretty bad weekend. We actually didn't talk for two days which was awkward because I was at his house sleeping next to him for two nights, and things didn't resolve until we had a few drinks and talked about it the morning I had to go home. Aspie guys!! ! If you want to get laid you need to get some freaking confidence!! !
This is totally Exhibit A in female pickiness.
First, you have the experience of being made fun of for your undeveloped social skills, but then you find a guy with the same issues (who hopefully can identify), yet you're already judging him for his virginity and the fact that he has a hard time telling that you're interested, and feel the need to mention this not once, but multiple times. And this is a guy you've "only" known for 6 years. Then, after you've taken years to justify to yourself actually trying to see how good he is--as opposed to just assuming he's bad and rejecting him preemptively (what a concept!)--you have the experience of him getting a little nervous (likely because you have proven yourself quick to judge him) and decide it isn't going to work.
If I were to wait for a girl to "get some freaking confidence" and be able to accept an invitation into my bed without any nervousness or hesitation, I'd likely die a virgin.
This reminds me of a study about the copycat mating in female humans, the study concluded that the female humans, like most female mammals, are attracted more to males who are already taken -or- were taken by a lot of women before with rich sex experience , those are strong indications of the male's biological quality as partner.
I think its more that she is annoyed that he wouldnt have sex with her. In my experience of propositioning aspie men, they have 'run scared' too. From my experiences I decided that aspie men were held back by their anxiety outweighing their sex drive.
when I first slept with my virginal ex bf said he was nervous, I told him it was ok and we would just cuddle, this was a lie but it got him into bed with his clothes off and he soon forgot about being nervous lol.
I agree. The first time I had sex I was extremely nervous, but I didn't want to not go through with it because I thought that it'd be even more nerve-racking if I didn't go through with it. I thought that she'd probably think I was a weirdo. lol
yes I dont think he would have forgiven himself if he had not 'gone through with it'. I think thats the most esteem crushing thing for guys when they realise they have 'missed opportunities'. I think I was right to press my advantage as I knew he would get over his nerves once he got started, and he did, more than made up for it lol!
I think its more that she is annoyed that he wouldnt have sex with her. In my experience of propositioning aspie men, they have 'run scared' too. From my experiences I decided that aspie men were held back by their anxiety outweighing their sex drive.
when I first slept with my virginal ex bf said he was nervous, I told him it was ok and we would just cuddle, this was a lie but it got him into bed with his clothes off and he soon forgot about being nervous lol.
Yeah I think that's pretty much what's going to happen. He really does have bad anxiety. I used to, but I've had enough experience that I'm kinda past that and he unfortunately isn't.
You know what he was really upset and so was I, because he didn't tell me the reasons he was nervous until two days later. When were talking in the car he just said this isn't how real relationships start. He basically made me feel like a slut for wanting to have sex with him two months in after we'd done all the oral stuff and slept in in the same bed a couple times, which I kinda didn't get. All I know is that I felt not good enough, and unwanted because he would brag about how excited he was that he was going to lose it. Anyway he got upset in the store when I started educating him on the different condom brands and types, he told me not to be so loud even though I was almost whispering and there was no one around. I over estimated him. When we made up he said he did need the extra push and that next time we hang he'll listen to what I have to say about the different types of protection. He changed his song from wanting to wait to wanting try after I told him about my past experiences and how safe sex can be if you know what your doing.
Last edited by Angel_ryan on 09 Aug 2010, 7:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
My BF totally chickened out this weekend. I took him out to get some condoms and while we were there his face lite up red and he walked out of the store slightly freaked out. We went back to the car where he told me he still wasn't ready. So I had a pretty bad weekend. We actually didn't talk for two days which was awkward because I was at his house sleeping next to him for two nights, and things didn't resolve until we had a few drinks and talked about it the morning I had to go home. Aspie guys!! ! If you want to get laid you need to get some freaking confidence!! !
This is totally Exhibit A in female pickiness.
First, you have the experience of being made fun of for your undeveloped social skills, but then you find a guy with the same issues (who hopefully can identify), yet you're already judging him for his virginity and the fact that he has a hard time telling that you're interested, and feel the need to mention this not once, but multiple times. And this is a guy you've "only" known for 6 years. Then, after you've taken years to justify to yourself actually trying to see how good he is--as opposed to just assuming he's bad and rejecting him preemptively (what a concept!)--you have the experience of him getting a little nervous (likely because you have proven yourself quick to judge him) and decide it isn't going to work.
If I were to wait for a girl to "get some freaking confidence" and be able to accept an invitation into my bed without any nervousness or hesitation, I'd likely die a virgin.
This reminds me of a study about the copycat mating in female humans, the study concluded that the female humans, like most female mammals, are attracted more to males who are already taken -or- were taken by a lot of women before with rich sex experience , those are strong indications of the male's biological quality as partner.
I think its more that she is annoyed that he wouldnt have sex with her. In my experience of propositioning aspie men, they have 'run scared' too. From my experiences I decided that aspie men were held back by their anxiety outweighing their sex drive.
when I first slept with my virginal ex bf said he was nervous, I told him it was ok and we would just cuddle, this was a lie but it got him into bed with his clothes off and he soon forgot about being nervous lol.
I agree. The first time I had sex I was extremely nervous, but I didn't want to not go through with it because I thought that it'd be even more nerve-racking if I didn't go through with it. I thought that she'd probably think I was a weirdo. lol
yes I dont think he would have forgiven himself if he had not 'gone through with it'. I think thats the most esteem crushing thing for guys when they realise they have 'missed opportunities'. I think I was right to press my advantage as I knew he would get over his nerves once he got started, and he did, more than made up for it lol!
You know what he was really upset and so was I, because he didn't tell me the reasons he was nervous until two days later. When were talking in the car he just said this isn't how real relationships start. He basically made me feel like a slut for wanting to have sex with him two months in after we'd done all the oral stuff and slept in in the same bed a couple times, which I kinda didn't get. All I know is that I felt not good enough, and unwanted because he would brag about excited he was that he was going to lose it. Anyway he got upset in the store when I started educating him on the different condom brands and types, he told me not to be so loud even though I was almost whispering and there was no one around. I over estimated him. When we made up he said he did need the extra push and that next time we hang he'll listen to what I have to say about the different types of protection. He changed his song from wanting to wait to wanting try after I told him about my past experiences and how safe sex can be if you know what your doing.
He could have just gotten overwhelmed (because I know there's many different kinds of condoms alone). Not to mention you're taking the private thing (sex) and talking about it in the store, even though there was no one around he probably was still nervous. I'm male and it took me awhile to get comfortable buying condoms. Now I don't worry about what the cashier things because I'm the male, so I should buy the condoms, and it's good that I'm playing it safe. lol
You took it slower than I did my first time lol In fact my first time we didn't even do much foreplay, just makeout and then the sex.
It's nothing you did, he's just got to get comfortable that if you guys do want to have sex, it'll most likely require condoms, and that there's really not much difference to them. I've tried many different kinds and I haven't noticed a difference from the ribbed ones vs regular. Although those warming ones worked.
Aspie score: 110/200, Neurotypical score: 89/200. Apparently I have Aspie and NT traits.
He could have just gotten overwhelmed (because I know there's many different kinds of condoms alone). Not to mention you're taking the private thing (sex) and talking about it in the store, even though there was no one around he probably was still nervous. I'm male and it took me awhile to get comfortable buying condoms. Now I don't worry about what the cashier things because I'm the male, so I should buy the condoms, and it's good that I'm playing it safe. lol
You took it slower than I did my first time lol In fact my first time we didn't even do much foreplay, just makeout and then the sex.
It's nothing you did, he's just got to get comfortable that if you guys do want to have sex, it'll most likely require condoms, and that there's really not much difference to them. I've tried many different kinds and I haven't noticed a difference from the ribbed ones vs regular. Although those warming ones worked.
I know I'm too upset anymore, I asked him when we first got in the store if he wanted me to buy the condoms and he got very defensive. I know it's his comfort level that's the problem but I'm giving him a break because he is a little immature in that department.
I see, this changes things a little. I didn't know you'd already done oral, seen each other naked, etc.
I actually really have nothing to say here, as I myself am mostly interested in getting experience with foreplay, oral, etc. I actually don't feel that much of a hurry to lose my virginity in the sense of full sex either, mainly because of the risks. It has nothing to do with being against "sluttiness" in my case, it has to do with avoiding the possible responsibility of getting someone pregnant, when there are other ways to experience contact with the female body that don't carry that risk.
Aside from AS we're both freaks that's why were so attracted to each other, if the roles are reversed it doesn't matter as long as we can maintain a decent relationship I don't care which part I have in it.
He'll probably want it more after he has it.
You know what he was really upset and so was I, because he didn't tell me the reasons he was nervous until two days later. When were talking in the car he just said this isn't how real relationships start. He basically made me feel like a slut for wanting to have sex with him two months in after we'd done all the oral stuff and slept in in the same bed a couple times, which I kinda didn't get. All I know is that I felt not good enough, and unwanted because he would brag about how excited he was that he was going to lose it. Anyway he got upset in the store when I started educating him on the different condom brands and types, he told me not to be so loud even though I was almost whispering and there was no one around. I over estimated him. When we made up he said he did need the extra push and that next time we hang he'll listen to what I have to say about the different types of protection. He changed his song from wanting to wait to wanting try after I told him about my past experiences and how safe sex can be if you know what your doing.
Oh man I understand your feelings. I really do. It's a terrible feeling. But thankfully it doesn't seem to have driven a permanent wedge between you which is a very good sign. I hope the two of you can find a pace which works for both of you. I see so much good that could come from this relationship once these very awkward wrinkles have been ironed out.
He could have just gotten overwhelmed (because I know there's many different kinds of condoms alone). Not to mention you're taking the private thing (sex) and talking about it in the store, even though there was no one around he probably was still nervous. I'm male and it took me awhile to get comfortable buying condoms. Now I don't worry about what the cashier things because I'm the male, so I should buy the condoms, and it's good that I'm playing it safe. lol
You took it slower than I did my first time lol In fact my first time we didn't even do much foreplay, just makeout and then the sex.
It's nothing you did, he's just got to get comfortable that if you guys do want to have sex, it'll most likely require condoms, and that there's really not much difference to them. I've tried many different kinds and I haven't noticed a difference from the ribbed ones vs regular. Although those warming ones worked.
I know I'm too upset anymore, I asked him when we first got in the store if he wanted me to buy the condoms and he got very defensive. I know it's his comfort level that's the problem but I'm giving him a break because he is a little immature in that department.
Yea it sounds like the only thing you can do is support him, and not freak out. It sounds like this is something he wants to do on his own (because of his defensiveness to you buying the condoms, when society says usually it's the man that should protect that since it's his manhood, yet he's gotta get over his anxieties.
Aspie score: 110/200, Neurotypical score: 89/200. Apparently I have Aspie and NT traits.
yes I thought that too
someone else called their sexual partner an 'it'
oh dear.
Around the last month of my junior school year of High School (late May/Early June), a female classmate I had briefly gotten to know in a class that I had dropped started getting much more friendly to me. When we had met, she had had a BF, but apparently was right about to break up with him -- had I stuck around the class and talked with her longer, I probably would have gotten going with her even earlier. Instead, she was single for a couple of months and getting hornier, and I apparently was next on her list.
So we got friendly, started hanging out during lunch, and then she brought me a card for my birthday. At the end of the year, I had some school-related stuff I was going to do that Summer, and she was briefly a part of that. One day she took the bus over from her part of town and came over to my house to hang out. We got friendlier and more physical, but not anything that was intimate yet.
A week later, we went out on our first date to a movie, and I think this is where my experience might deviate from a lot of others here. Apparently she was some kind of sex addict or was aberrationally high libido, because she was the one who pulled "the move" on me and started groping me, even before we had our first kiss. And this was on a semi-chaperoned date!
Later on, we did kiss, and a few days later, I lost my virginity in my room, in my parent's house, at age 17.
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