Ah, ok. Sorry Mojave.
When we were in the same class she would always sit with me, and when I use to write for the school newspaper she would come up and say she had read my article and thought it was nice, or whatever. Yesterday (this is the first week of classes) she came up to me and said hi, she was really excited to see me. I told her about a world trip I had taken and she said she had been thinking about me over the summer wondering how my trip went. Oh one more thing.... about 7 months ago there was a presentation by a lawyer defending an al-Qaeda terrorist suspect from Guantanomo bay that was invited to speak at our university. This girl asked me if I wanted to go to it and I said sure, so me and her went to it together, but with no one else. So that's it. Maybe she was sending out signs and I never picked up on it, being a f***ing ret*d Aspie, or maybe she was just being friendly. Your thoughts.
I don't think you're missing any signals here (unless she's sending out more that you simply haven't picked up on). All of the above actions sound like things you'd do with a friend, male or female.
One way to tell (if she's a nice person) would be if there was any difference between how she acted when she had a boyfriend and when she became single; a sudden increase in interest would suggest she's interested whereas if things continued as per usual then it is more likely she has always seen you as mainly a friend.
To find that out though, you do need to know if she currently has a boyfriend. I'd just ask if I were you; if she says yes, she says yes (I'm glad you're not planning on stealing someone else's gf- I hate people who do stuff like that) and if she says no but changes subject very rapidly, then I'd also take it as a 'not interested sign'. If she says no and then asks you your status you may be in more luck.