Why are women so insecure?
http://www.chinapost.com.tw/health/medi ... terone.htm
"In both sexes, testosterone enhances competitiveness and dominance, boosts confidence, and reduces fear."
"What the team found is that men were more willing to take risks than women. In fact, the researchers saw a kind of “ceiling effect” in men, in which differences in financial risk-taking tapered off as testosterone levels increased.
But there was no difference in risk aversion between women and men with similar testosterone levels and both sexes with high testosterone were more willing to gamble with their money."
Chronos wrote:
The_Face_of_Boo wrote:
and the very-socially-inept girls are accepted if they have a bit of beauty while the socially-inept guys are mocked and torn to pieces unless if they are drop dead hot or celeb.
As a very socially inept girl with a bit of beauty, I can say your perception that we are accepted is false...unless you mean accepted by 250lb, 50 year old married truckers who haven't showered for a few days.
Accepted by an average guy of average build who is within a few years of our own age, showered within the past few days and it not married, no, we generally are not.
First lets talk about what "a bit of beauty" actually means. I define it as not having butt ugly facial features. Quite simple.
But most of the men in my part of the woods would define it as exceptional facial features, pearly white straight teeth, a nice smile, no body hair below the eyelashes, no stretch marks, no abdominal pouch, no saggy skin, no saggy breasts, no cellulite...the list goes on.
If you don't want a woman with all of these imperfections, fine, but the problem is too many men around here will zero in on even one of these imperfections....for relationship purposes, not just a one night stand, because in the back of their mind they are comparing her to all the photoshopped images they have been brainwashed with.
The "average girl" doesnt have body hair below the eye lashes, or saggy skin...
See, this is what frustrates me. Women expect a better looking guy than them.
ApsieGuy wrote:
Chronos wrote:
The_Face_of_Boo wrote:
and the very-socially-inept girls are accepted if they have a bit of beauty while the socially-inept guys are mocked and torn to pieces unless if they are drop dead hot or celeb.
As a very socially inept girl with a bit of beauty, I can say your perception that we are accepted is false...unless you mean accepted by 250lb, 50 year old married truckers who haven't showered for a few days.
Accepted by an average guy of average build who is within a few years of our own age, showered within the past few days and it not married, no, we generally are not.
First lets talk about what "a bit of beauty" actually means. I define it as not having butt ugly facial features. Quite simple.
But most of the men in my part of the woods would define it as exceptional facial features, pearly white straight teeth, a nice smile, no body hair below the eyelashes, no stretch marks, no abdominal pouch, no saggy skin, no saggy breasts, no cellulite...the list goes on.
If you don't want a woman with all of these imperfections, fine, but the problem is too many men around here will zero in on even one of these imperfections....for relationship purposes, not just a one night stand, because in the back of their mind they are comparing her to all the photoshopped images they have been brainwashed with.
The "average girl" doesnt have body hair below the eye lashes, or saggy skin...
See, this is what frustrates me. Women expect a better looking guy than them.
In reality, the average girl does have these things. So I rest my case.
Chronos wrote:
ApsieGuy wrote:
Chronos wrote:
The_Face_of_Boo wrote:
and the very-socially-inept girls are accepted if they have a bit of beauty while the socially-inept guys are mocked and torn to pieces unless if they are drop dead hot or celeb.
As a very socially inept girl with a bit of beauty, I can say your perception that we are accepted is false...unless you mean accepted by 250lb, 50 year old married truckers who haven't showered for a few days.
Accepted by an average guy of average build who is within a few years of our own age, showered within the past few days and it not married, no, we generally are not.
First lets talk about what "a bit of beauty" actually means. I define it as not having butt ugly facial features. Quite simple.
But most of the men in my part of the woods would define it as exceptional facial features, pearly white straight teeth, a nice smile, no body hair below the eyelashes, no stretch marks, no abdominal pouch, no saggy skin, no saggy breasts, no cellulite...the list goes on.
If you don't want a woman with all of these imperfections, fine, but the problem is too many men around here will zero in on even one of these imperfections....for relationship purposes, not just a one night stand, because in the back of their mind they are comparing her to all the photoshopped images they have been brainwashed with.
The "average girl" doesnt have body hair below the eye lashes, or saggy skin...
See, this is what frustrates me. Women expect a better looking guy than them.
In reality, the average girl does have these things. So I rest my case.
No, the average girl does NOT have all those things. The average women over 30 yes. The average women under 30...no
Most 23 year old women I know do NOT have saggy skin, or sagging breast.
You need to clarify these things.
I work at a hospital too. I can tell you from all the women ive seen...and i see a crapload...most women under 30 do not have the qaulities you described. In fact, most women I see under 40 don't have those qaulities....
ApsieGuy wrote:
No, the average girl does NOT have all those things. The average women over 30 yes. The average women under 30...no
Most 23 year old women I know do NOT have saggy skin, or sagging breast.
You need to clarify these things.
I work at a hospital too. I can tell you from all the women ive seen...and i see a crapload...most women under 30 do not have the qaulities you described. In fact, most women I see under 40 don't have those qaulities....
Stop acting like you know anything about women when you're probably a virgin. You don't know crap. Do you know what a bra is? Its a thing used to stop breasts sagging which most women over 12 wear. Google it.
Everyone has body hair. You might want to look a bit closer next time.
Last edited by hale_bopp on 17 Oct 2010, 7:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
ApsieGuy wrote:
Chronos wrote:
ApsieGuy wrote:
Chronos wrote:
The_Face_of_Boo wrote:
and the very-socially-inept girls are accepted if they have a bit of beauty while the socially-inept guys are mocked and torn to pieces unless if they are drop dead hot or celeb.
As a very socially inept girl with a bit of beauty, I can say your perception that we are accepted is false...unless you mean accepted by 250lb, 50 year old married truckers who haven't showered for a few days.
Accepted by an average guy of average build who is within a few years of our own age, showered within the past few days and it not married, no, we generally are not.
First lets talk about what "a bit of beauty" actually means. I define it as not having butt ugly facial features. Quite simple.
But most of the men in my part of the woods would define it as exceptional facial features, pearly white straight teeth, a nice smile, no body hair below the eyelashes, no stretch marks, no abdominal pouch, no saggy skin, no saggy breasts, no cellulite...the list goes on.
If you don't want a woman with all of these imperfections, fine, but the problem is too many men around here will zero in on even one of these imperfections....for relationship purposes, not just a one night stand, because in the back of their mind they are comparing her to all the photoshopped images they have been brainwashed with.
The "average girl" doesnt have body hair below the eye lashes, or saggy skin...
See, this is what frustrates me. Women expect a better looking guy than them.
In reality, the average girl does have these things. So I rest my case.
ApsieGuy wrote:
No, the average girl does NOT have all those things. The average women over 30 yes. The average women under 30...no
Women do not stop being women when they turn 30.
ApsieGuy wrote:
Most 23 year old women I know do NOT have saggy skin, or sagging breast.
Since you've seen them all naked, right?
ApsieGuy wrote:
You need to clarify these things.
Being you have made the assumption that "women" means "under 30" I believe you are the one who needs to clarify.
ApsieGuy wrote:
I work at a hospital too. I can tell you from all the women ive seen...and i see a crapload...most women under 30 do not have the qaulities you described. In fact, most women I see under 40 don't have those qaulities....
As a woman, who has access to women's locker rooms, and most other places where women unclothe, and who has a lot of sisters, with a lot of friends, and is permitted access to their inner world, and things they do not discuss amongst men, and things they try to hide from men, and given the fact that I myself am a women and have been theoretically tasked with meeting the unrealistic requirements of "how an average woman is supposed to look" as set forth by the media, I am quite certain that I have more authority on this matter than you.
And I am perplexed as to why you bother asking questions when you inevitably reject the answers because they do not conform to your apparently misguided perceptions about the world.
What did you want the answer to be? Being you apparently did not ask the question for anything more than to enforce an already pre-existing belief, you must have had something in mind, so do share with us.
hale_bopp wrote:
ApsieGuy wrote:
No, the average girl does NOT have all those things. The average women over 30 yes. The average women under 30...no
Most 23 year old women I know do NOT have saggy skin, or sagging breast.
You need to clarify these things.
I work at a hospital too. I can tell you from all the women ive seen...and i see a crapload...most women under 30 do not have the qaulities you described. In fact, most women I see under 40 don't have those qaulities....
Stop acting like you know anything about women when you're probably a virgin. You don't know crap. Do you know what a bra is? Its a thing used to stop breasts sagging which most women over 12 wear. Google it.
Stop generalizing about "most women"
hale_bopp wrote:
ApsieGuy wrote:
No, the average girl does NOT have all those things. The average women over 30 yes. The average women under 30...no
Most 23 year old women I know do NOT have saggy skin, or sagging breast.
You need to clarify these things.
I work at a hospital too. I can tell you from all the women ive seen...and i see a crapload...most women under 30 do not have the qaulities you described. In fact, most women I see under 40 don't have those qaulities....
Stop acting like you know anything about women when you're probably a virgin. You don't know crap. Do you know what a bra is? Its a thing used to stop breasts sagging which most women over 12 wear. Google it.
Stop generalizing about "most women"
matt wrote:
isn't "funny" that a man might perceive being considered as having less responsibility and being taken less seriously as being a luxury if having been more responsible and serious has been an unmet societal expectation for him, while a woman who hasn't met society's expectation of being considered less responsible and serious but who wants more responsibility sees it as being a burden. It seems completely predictable.
In other words, stop complaining.
http://www.chinapost.com.tw/health/medi ... terone.htm
"In both sexes, testosterone enhances competitiveness and dominance, boosts confidence, and reduces fear."
"What the team found is that men were more willing to take risks than women. In fact, the researchers saw a kind of “ceiling effect” in men, in which differences in financial risk-taking tapered off as testosterone levels increased.
But there was no difference in risk aversion between women and men with similar testosterone levels and both sexes with high testosterone were more willing to gamble with their money."
"In both sexes, testosterone enhances competitiveness and dominance, boosts confidence, and reduces fear."
"What the team found is that men were more willing to take risks than women. In fact, the researchers saw a kind of “ceiling effect” in men, in which differences in financial risk-taking tapered off as testosterone levels increased.
But there was no difference in risk aversion between women and men with similar testosterone levels and both sexes with high testosterone were more willing to gamble with their money."
"Higher testosterone levels may spur women to take financial gambles that might have bigger payoffs, according to a new study." (emphasis mine)
Life is too complicated and is affected by too many factors.
ApsieGuy wrote:
hale_bopp wrote:
picard facepalm.
I know more about womens bodies than you do. I've probably also seen more naked than you have. Deal with it.
I know more about womens bodies than you do. I've probably also seen more naked than you have. Deal with it.
For whatever reason, I find your combative personaility attractive......
I hope that doesnt creep you out....
1. You get off by attempting to provoke women.
2. You you like being dominated by women.
3. Though you claim it is not, your intention is to creep Hale_Bopp out
4. The entire point of your question was just to get women talking about seeing other women naked to fulfill some lesbian themed fantasy of yours.
4. All of the above.
Either way it would probably do you some good to seek therapy.
Chronos wrote:
ApsieGuy wrote:
hale_bopp wrote:
picard facepalm.
I know more about womens bodies than you do. I've probably also seen more naked than you have. Deal with it.
I know more about womens bodies than you do. I've probably also seen more naked than you have. Deal with it.
For whatever reason, I find your combative personaility attractive......
I hope that doesnt creep you out....
1. You get off by attempting to provoke women.
2. You you like being dominated by women.
3. Though you claim it is not, your intention is to creep Hale_Bopp out
4. The entire point of your question was just to get women talking about seeing other women naked to fulfill some lesbian themed fantasy of yours.
4. All of the above.
Either way it would probably do you some good to seek therapy.
1.) false
2.) True for some reason:-(
3.) No, it wasn't
4.) what the hell...
You're right though, I do probably need to seek out therapy
ApsieGuy wrote:
hale_bopp wrote:
picard facepalm.
I know more about womens bodies than you do. I've probably also seen more naked than you have. Deal with it.
I know more about womens bodies than you do. I've probably also seen more naked than you have. Deal with it.
For whatever reason, I find your combative personaility attractive......
I hope that doesnt creep you out....
It doesn't creep me out, and I commend your honesty, I always do for guys who are brave and take the plunge to admit that to a girl. I dont see why you would though, I've done nothing but critisize your generalisations.
hale_bopp wrote:
ApsieGuy wrote:
hale_bopp wrote:
picard facepalm.
I know more about womens bodies than you do. I've probably also seen more naked than you have. Deal with it.
I know more about womens bodies than you do. I've probably also seen more naked than you have. Deal with it.
For whatever reason, I find your combative personaility attractive......
I hope that doesnt creep you out....
It doesn't creep me out, and I commend your honesty, I always do for guys who are brave and take the plunge to admit that to a girl. I dont see why you would though, I've done nothing but critisize your generalisations.
Because he likes being dominated by women, apparently.
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