emlion wrote:
men aren't usually that subtle with flirting.
it's more 'my face is up here'

Hi Emilion,
That one is actually not that difficult to comprehend. There is a difference between men and women on their spatial perception, which goes like this:
Men where hunters, back in the day, so their brain and sight where preprogrammed to search one area at a time to seek out prey. When a man looks at a woman, he will "discover" her piece by piece, from top to bottom, to see if she is indeed a woman. BUT men also have a an innate interest in "boobs" since it is something that is very fascinating to them, because they do not have them themselves. Some guys gets all weird over boobs and can't stop looking, but that is just rude behaviour and cannot be excused.
Women have periferal sight, meaning that they can "check out the whole package" from head to toe, in one glance. Studies show that women are just as "bad" as men, and they too check out the crouch of the man, to check to see if he indeed is a man. But since no one can see where they are looking, because they are looking everywhere at the same time, the don't get "caught".
These behaviours are hardwired in our Limbic System, i believe, and is out of our control, it is the animal in us that control this
Ever seen a man standing in front of the fridge asking he wife where the blo.... butter is? Only to see her go right up to it and picking it out, handing it over with a grimace telling him "Come on.....". Same reason as the above.