Afr0 wrote:
hyperlexian wrote:
the guy in the article sounds like he would be an as*hole.
That's either a lie, or you have an... eccentric taste in men.
Anyways, as other men have already stated; that is so not me. Except for the fact that I make a point out of studying to get a job I can be passionate about, and I don't have a problem with being aloof towards individuals in an unfamiliar setting. That's more an aspie trait than a personality trait though.
As for sleeping on the first night, I wouldn't really know...
yes, eccentric taste. i was the major breadwinner in my home for many years, and my husband was a stay-at-home dad. he was a philosopher and an artist (he made a movie with marionettes and stop-motion that got into a festival of short films).
he is not cocky, never wanted kids (oops!), doesn't think the world of his dad... etc. i couldn't get through the whole list, sorry.
now he chooses to be a lucrative salesman, but i don't care about that. i am ambitious and i make my own money.
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