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24 Jun 2011, 3:38 pm

hyperlexian wrote:
okay, here's some potentially unpopular advice.... i think it would be advantageous to completely throw out the idea of a soul mate. here's are some potential problems with the soul mate idea:
Let me hear you definition of soulmate before I throw that out, I get the feeling your interpretation of the idea is open for debate now!

hyperlexian wrote:
-it's possible that nobody will ever be good enough to qualify as the mythical soulmate. i've had friends like this who are holding out for that one perfect person.... and they meanwhile reject every potential person because there weren't instant fireworks
I agree with that and question at the same time what specificity is so 'mythical' as you call it about that. Now are you refraining that is only one soulmate? Now lets be realistic here and now; do you remember what I said about a reason, season and a lifetime?

hyperlexian wrote:
-if a potential soul mate is ever found, the concept idealises or pedestalises the eventual relationship and the other person so that they can do no wrong... until tehy do something wrong and everything crashes to earth
Now would you class a romantic friendship as a soulmate relationship? Also would you class a friendship as a soulmate relationship? You getting the definitions of twin flame and soulmate mixed up now.
A soulmate relationship as how I define it is a spiritual and sometimes romantic relationship in which there are opportunities for spiritual growth and learning

hyperlexian wrote:
-if the relationship ends, then a person can end up with "oneitis" (thanks for teaching me that word, spongy!), and then they will be pining for the loss of the one true love forever and ever, and potentially never find happiness again
Again your assuming that there is only one soulmate (your definition of soulmate) plus making the assumption that all soulmate relationships should and must last forever.
Again its a reason, a season and a lifetime! :P

hyperlexian wrote:
putting the concept of soul mate aside for a moment, i think it can be a bad idea to have a relationship as a goal unto itself. better to focus on meeting people in general and work from there. watch for chance to take the first step when you meet a person that you like, and learn to take advantage of opportunities.

there isn't a special "way" of finding a significant other. most people will find someone eventually and the ones who do finally find love didn't have a special key to happiness. that's why it is very hard to give general advice and it can come across as trite - there is no exact recipe. more specific details about your life and activities, or about your past attempts to meet people, could help us give more specific guidance.

I total agree with that hun :wink:


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24 Jun 2011, 3:58 pm

most people intend it to mean a "one true love". one definition, from wikipedia:

A soulmate ( or soul mate) is a person with whom one has a feeling of deep or natural affinity, similarity, love, intimacy, sexuality, spirituality, or compatibility. A related concept is that of the twin flame or twin soul, which is thought to be the ultimate soulmate. In New Age spirituality, the ultimate soulmate is the one and only other half of one's soul.

i accept that there are lots of other definitions for it, but i was going with the most commonly accepted one. i have no idea if friends can be soul mates. it's not a terminology i would be comfortable with.

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24 Jun 2011, 4:22 pm

hyperlexian wrote:
most people intend it to mean a "one true love". one definition, from wikipedia:

A soulmate ( or soul mate) is a person with whom one has a feeling of deep or natural affinity, similarity, love, intimacy, sexuality, spirituality, or compatibility. A related concept is that of the twin flame or twin soul, which is thought to be the ultimate soulmate. In New Age spirituality, the ultimate soulmate is the one and only other half of one's soul.

i accept that there are lots of other definitions for it, but i was going with the most commonly accepted one. i have no idea if friends can be soul mates. it's not a terminology i would be comfortable with.

Fair do's about the definitions. Without putting my foot in it as I felt I have done over the last few days hyperlexian lets call this friendship based soulmate relationship a spiritual friendship for the sake of being comfort with terminology. I had a few friendships as in spiritual friendships like one them was also a romantic friendship with a woman, now you know I don't what to talk about that friendship now.


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24 Jun 2011, 6:24 pm

hyperlexian wrote:
okay, here's some potentially unpopular advice.... i think it would be advantageous to completely throw out the idea of a soul mate. here's are some potential problems with the soul mate idea:

-it's possible that nobody will ever be good enough to qualify as the mythical soulmate. i've had friends like this who are holding out for that one perfect person.... and they meanwhile reject every potential person because there weren't instant fireworks

-if a potential soul mate is ever found, the concept idealises or pedestalises the eventual relationship and the other person so that they can do no wrong... until tehy do something wrong and everything crashes to earth

-if the relationship ends, then a person can end up with "oneitis" (thanks for teaching me that word, spongy!), and then they will be pining for the loss of the one true love forever and ever, and potentially never find happiness again

putting the concept of soul mate aside for a moment, i think it can be a bad idea to have a relationship as a goal unto itself. better to focus on meeting people in general and work from there. watch for chance to take the first step when you meet a person that you like, and learn to take advantage of opportunities.

there isn't a special "way" of finding a significant other. most people will find someone eventually and the ones who do finally find love didn't have a special key to happiness. that's why it is very hard to give general advice and it can come across as trite - there is no exact recipe. more specific details about your life and activities, or about your past attempts to meet people, could help us give more specific guidance.

You make a lot of valid points.

Not everyone has a soulmate; not everyone is destined to be with one if they have one. Better to look for a good love than a soulmate.

Mom to an amazing young adult AS son, plus an also amazing non-AS daughter. Most likely part of the "Broader Autism Phenotype" (some traits).


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24 Jun 2011, 10:39 pm

"Soulmate" is just the idea that we are entitled to perfect romantic happiness. I suspect that anyone who has the achieved the smallest amount of lasting romantic happiness has worked rather hard for it and knows that their partner is not perfectly compatible. Of course that's just a hunch, since I'm still waiting for Miss Fireworks to come along.


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24 Jun 2011, 11:05 pm

JohnOldman wrote:
"Soulmate" is just the idea that we are entitled to perfect romantic happiness. I suspect that anyone who has the achieved the smallest amount of lasting romantic happiness has worked rather hard for it and knows that their partner is not perfectly compatible. Of course that's just a hunch, since I'm still waiting for Miss Fireworks to come along.

I actually agree agree that soulmates don't exist. It's a nice fantasy, but a fantasy none-the-less.

Still looking for that blue jean baby queen, prettiest girl I've ever seen.

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05 Jun 2013, 12:19 am

TheygoMew wrote:
There is a difference between soulmates and twin soul. When people say soulmate they usually underneath it all mean twin flame or also called twin soul.

Soulmates can appear to be your twin flame but when later on you actually meet your twin flame (it's happening more now), it is undeniable.

There is a problem though. Often times when you meet your twin flame, there are MANY obstacles to face. Your twin soul may also be married and you aren't or you are both already with someone. Your twin flame will sometimes act childish about the strong undeniable magnetism between you two and can pull you in then push you away.

When you are next to your twin soul, you feel tingly. You don't even have to touch.
When you look into their eyes if you do that, it freaks you out. It feels like you know that person without really knowing the person.
Your whole world turns upside down.
When you aren't around that person you feel sad as if a part of you is missing.
If the person upset you, you forgive with ease when around that person.
If you are a woman, you notice suddenly all the women that surround the two of you start driving wedges between you.
If you are a man you probably don't care because the attention makes you smile.

The two of you have so much in common. Same hobbies, similar taste in music, same type of quirks, similar thoughts on life etc..
While you won't have every little thing in common, the things you don't have in common are complimentary towards each other.
You'll notice that you are seeing double digit numbers often like 11:11, 22, 33 etc..
You met in a strange way that you would have never guessed you would meet your twin soul.

Then suddenly, the two of you go your separate ways.
You only come together when meeting if both of you have resolved your life issues prior to meeting.
If you've both tried to keep together somehow, others will come in to make sure that doesn't happen.
You are split apart and now you face another challenge. Being without that person.
You feel sad. You may even think of suicide but something inside lets you know it's temporary.

During this time you grieve. You may even wake up crying.
If you are separated, it means the two of you have other battles in life that you must deal with alone.
After you do that however and are ready to reunite, sometimes the other person is so sad about being rejected that they leave without a trace. Nowhere to be found.
If that happens, it wasn't meant to be this life. Maybe next time.
If you do come together after the separation, congrats!

Having a twin flame isn't really pleasant unless the two of you are ready to stop pushing each other away and embrace each other.

This is exactly what I'm going through.
First I couldn't imagine I was gonna meet a person like him, then I couldn't believe my eyes about the incredible magnetism and similarities, I couldn't realize that our "love bubble" was true... now I can't realize that life forced us to "break up" after a really short (but oh so intense) "love bubble" phase. I don't know how I'm gonna manage that separation but it seems that I don't have the choice and that it actually has a purpose. I hope I'm gonna be lucky (for once) and that we will reconnect in this life.
Meeting our twin flame is absolutely fantastic, the best feeling ever but it is also a deep pain and suffering when everything goes wrong. It's crazy to cry suddenly because of the absence or wake up in panic/crying. It's like I have been losing my real twin. I hope this sad period is not gonna last too much longer... -_- :(

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05 Jun 2013, 12:31 am

I don't think there is such a thing as a soul mate, buddy. You just gotta love the one you're with! That being said, I did get a nice girlfriend from She was Brazilian. If I found another girl who was a lot like her but not exactly the same, mind you, I think I'd be happy. I've grown a bit and changed my views on women. One thing I learned, for example, is that relationships aren't a two-way street. Just because ladies complain to you doesn't mean you get to complain to them in the same fashion. That's just asking for trouble. "I don't like your tone." Also, listen to Chris Rock. :lol:


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05 Jun 2013, 3:38 am

hyperlexian wrote:
okay, here's some potentially unpopular advice.... i think it would be advantageous to completely throw out the idea of a soul mate. here's are some potential problems with the soul mate idea:

-it's possible that nobody will ever be good enough to qualify as the mythical soulmate. i've had friends like this who are holding out for that one perfect person.... and they meanwhile reject every potential person because there weren't instant fireworks

-if a potential soul mate is ever found, the concept idealises or pedestalises the eventual relationship and the other person so that they can do no wrong... until tehy do something wrong and everything crashes to earth

-if the relationship ends, then a person can end up with "oneitis" (thanks for teaching me that word, spongy!), and then they will be pining for the loss of the one true love forever and ever, and potentially never find happiness again

putting the concept of soul mate aside for a moment, i think it can be a bad idea to have a relationship as a goal unto itself. better to focus on meeting people in general and work from there. watch for chance to take the first step when you meet a person that you like, and learn to take advantage of opportunities.

there isn't a special "way" of finding a significant other. most people will find someone eventually and the ones who do finally find love didn't have a special key to happiness. that's why it is very hard to give general advice and it can come across as trite - there is no exact recipe. more specific details about your life and activities, or about your past attempts to meet people, could help us give more specific guidance.

I'm just guessing here that oneitis (which was listed in urban dictionary) is one_itis (disease), which is another word for limerence, but only focusses on one.

I have also learned that when searching for MBTI personality you might also end up with getting results returned from which uses the same abbreviations but changes the last character to lower case to differentiate itself from MBTI. The search engine doesn't make this distinction yet :(

My MBTI type INTJ maps to INTp on socionics. This explains why in some tests I get constantly intp... which they neglect to say if it is socionics or mbti.

Now according to socionics

my type INTp "soul mate" or as socionics calls it relationships of duality is ESFp.

I was under the false impression that INTJ and ESFJ is the type for me (because of the search method). I'm not an INTj and I happen to find myself a ESFj (MBTI ESFJ). So it sort of... well reading up on relationships between the two turned out to be this: Conflicting relations

And the more I read about it... the more it became apparent that I should stay away from ESFJ. Unless both go through some extensive personal growth, which would result in changes to their personalities entirely. I know this is boxing people in 16 types. Maybe there are more out there... people change, nothing seems static.

Another part of this whole thing is that if I was to continue to believe that marriage was the way of the single soul mate outcome in life, all this, doesn't gel well with the current society rules.

This is what is out there, by estimation. It does all rather seem more depressing ... encies.htm

So I agree, one has to go and meet more people, because ESFJ in my case, even though we have a lot in common, we just end up hurting each other constantly. True to what the documents say when it comes to matching personalities in relationships. Yes there are suggestions to help each type. If both don't participate it will not help much either :(

My opinion is that, now, that I agree with your last paragraph, that we should continue to meet more people and get to experience each type, to gain more experience or personal growth. Understanding one self and those around you helps in a way. I'm also not suggesting that my opinion is the complete solution.


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09 Feb 2014, 4:58 pm

How to find a soul mate? Assuming the conventional meaning, a metaphor for "The One True Love" combined with "Instant effortless rapport" as far as those things exist, I'd say don't hold out forever but don't give up hope either.

You can find somebody close to being a soul mate as realistically possible; it happened to me: sadly, I was in no position to be anybody's boyfriend at the time and by the time I was, she had acquired one.

Our AS and the circumstances got in the way of us truly realising who we were; there was a lot of pretending to be NT for social reasons on her part; while I was sure she was a kindred spirit I didn't realise just how deep that ran and when I did suspect what she was, I didn't believe it as it seemed too good to be true. Her actual BF is somewhere on the autism spectrum, but in a different way to the two of us.

As to finding other women who match that pattern, when I'm good to go back on the market again I would think a good matchmaking website would likely be the best way of maximising the chance of finding such a person, if they exist.

However, I am under no illusions of fate being that kind again and realistically, will prepare for the likely reality of settling for somebody with whom love really works well, but who isn't that perfect partner. At least I know what the realistic version of such a person is like now; the fantasy ideal doesn't exist, because on principle, perfection doesn't exist.