The_Face_of_Boo wrote:
^^ it doesn't work because you'd look shy in an almost-blank profile or anything like that (those who told you they thought you're shy just used that as a convo me).
It's all a matter of Supply and Demand, any female profile on any dating site , even it's totally blank, would still receive messages.
there was a really big difference in the number of messages between the blank profile and the filled profile (and i didn't even have a photo in the nearly-blank one). some were spammers, but some were distinct people who ONLY messaged the nearly-blank one. those people sent different sorts of messages with a different approach. some did seem to make an assumption i was shy, by prodding me to fill my profile and talk about myself and so on.
i don't think men with nearly-blank profiles would get messages, and in fact i didn't reply to messages from men who had profiles like that, except to tell them why i am was not interested (the reason being that the profiles were empty so i had no idea what they were like).
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