mds_02 wrote:
Honesty and openness are good goals but, in real life, people lie about their intentions all the time. Hell, most people aren't even honest with themselves about their desires and intentions. There is nothing morally wrong with two people who want nothing but sex from each other having sex. But even if you (generic you, not you you) are completely honest about what you want, it's still sometimes (often) not a good idea.
yes, people lie. not much can be done about that except trying to use common sense, and accept that no matter what you might get burned (in relationships too). i've been hurt by a PUA who was essentially untruthful, though i don't think i was explicit enough with my expectations in the first place.
presumably if both people are honest and one person admits they want a relationship to come out of it, then it could have a sobering effect on the other person.
i wouldn't say it isn't a good idea for other people in general without knowing specifics about how they approach sex and intimacy(and how they could feel afterward if things don't go according to plan).
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