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she just wanted to throw it out there and make it seen by more than one pair of eyes. I decided to add my opinion on it. Its not any more of an attack as what she has insinuated about multiple members in her reply.
Anyone that feels attacked by her post is more than free to contact any moderator.
However this members may want to think about the way they approach people since all she did was address their comments about her personality(btw I didnt know that some of you guys could tell someones character out of a short message,Im truly impressed by your abilities


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she just wanted to throw it out there and make it seen by more than one pair of eyes. I decided to add my opinion on it. Its not any more of an attack as what she has insinuated about multiple members in her reply.
Anyone that feels attacked by her post is more than free to contact any moderator.
However this members may want to think about the way they approach people since all she did was address their comments about her personality(btw I didnt know that some of you guys could tell someones character out of a short message,Im truly impressed by your abilities

Whether it is facetious or not I cannot say but I think that in all honesty that Bloom is making a valid point.
Actually Bloom, maybe we are quite alike. Making a debatable comment which was misinterpreted and then feel like you should be struck down by everyone else and their comments.
Now I'm gonna tell the same thing you wanted when I put myself in a hole and that is for everyone else to not to bait her, assuming that is your intention.
What goes around, comes around.
www.wrongplanet.net/postp5013377.html&h ... t=#5013377
Sora: "My friends are my power."
Ventus: "I'm asking you as a friend. Just... put an end to me."

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she just wanted to throw it out there and make it seen by more than one pair of eyes. I decided to add my opinion on it. Its not any more of an attack as what she has insinuated about multiple members in her reply.
Anyone that feels attacked by her post is more than free to contact any moderator.
However this members may want to think about the way they approach people since all she did was address their comments about her personality(btw I didnt know that some of you guys could tell someones character out of a short message,Im truly impressed by your abilities

"I dont know you enough to say that you are full of yourself or have a needy ego or whatnot, but likely neither does that guy and now he likely thinks you are that way."
Taking the I dont know you enough formality, being full of herself/needy/pretentious are judgements of character as far as I know.
Feel free to correct me though

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she just wanted to throw it out there and make it seen by more than one pair of eyes. I decided to add my opinion on it. Its not any more of an attack as what she has insinuated about multiple members in her reply.
Anyone that feels attacked by her post is more than free to contact any moderator.
However this members may want to think about the way they approach people since all she did was address their comments about her personality(btw I didnt know that some of you guys could tell someones character out of a short message,Im truly impressed by your abilities

"I dont know you enough to say that you are full of yourself or have a needy ego or whatnot, but likely neither does that guy and now he likely thinks you are that way."
Taking the I dont know you enough formality, being full of herself/needy/pretentious are judgements of character as far as I know.
Feel free to correct me though
"yea it does make her sound very full of herself. I wrote "a bit" to try and not sound insulting, because im trying hard to word this without coming that way. "
Good to see you automatically assume the worst out of what someone says to twist when they are explaining and point out that they arent trying to insult but just showing what it comes off as. Hell, you even got it from the same f*****g post. Figure out a simpler way of saying "your message makes you sound full of yourself and would make a normal guy walk away" which is what weve all said. We never said she was full of herself, we said her message made her sound that way. Thats a very big difference if you ask me. But in the eyes of someone trying to judge its "just a formality"
You want to hear what a formality is? Heres one, with all due respect you sound like someone trying too hard to be a smartass
Last edited by MXH on 08 May 2012, 3:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
I took it as a joke, but the humour there is very dry. Not surprising it was misunderstood. I think on any forum, there would be a good number of people who can't grasp it. Let alone one where many people have inherent difficulty with sarcasm/irony.
This is not a common type of humour in North America. It's more associated with British comedy. It relies on an exaggerated caricature of oneself or a facet of one's personality. Rowan Atkinson, for instance, employs this type of humour almost exclusively. As Mr. Bean he's awkward and bumbling to a ridiculous degree, as Blackadder he was arrogant, pompous, and opportunistic, again to the point of being ridiculous. This basically falls in the same vein.
Unless she's being serious, in which case, Bloom, what the hell is wrong with you?

Delivered properly, you can't tell at all ... except by how ridiculous it is. There is supposed to be an element of 'are they serious?' because it is exaggerated but there's a kernel of truth to it.
Last edited by edgewaters on 08 May 2012, 3:58 pm, edited 2 times in total.

So what was the question, you wonder? I was talking to someone on OKC, and we've been hitting it off rather well. He asked me what I'd like for our first date/what my prefered first date would be like. So I told him...

Dear Joey,
Mind if I call you Joe? Joeys are baby kangas and I do so have an issue with thinking of a guy nesting in my ...pouch for the rest of his life. Of course, depending on the guy, that could be interesting, but over all, I'm just not interested in the extra weight. Do you mind a woman with extra weight? Assuming the extra weight isn't another guy in your ...pouch.
So, Joe, the first date would have to be a surprise. More for me than he. I'm assuming we're working off my own code of ethics, in which case he would be planning and paying for the date since he asked for it. It would be unethical, in my view, for a man to ask a woman out, then expect her to do all the work. If that's his plan, he should at least be honest and just ask, "So, momma, you wanna take me out to dinner?"
Let's discuss, then, expectations. I would expect that the date would conform to my particular needs and wants. For instance, it couldn't be a date in a place that's noisy. I don't do loud noises well. Nor do I handle bright lights well, so dinner at a disco-laser show is likely not going to make me all that happy. To that end, I also don't eat a lot of meat. As a matter of fact, I often avoid it. It's meat. I'm made out of meat. I don't revel in the idea of someone eating me. Typically. Well, at least not for dinner. Actually, not as a main course at all - especially those ritualistic or tribal dinner affairs.
Really, if the date is dinner at a disco-laser show performed by Native South American tribal witch doctors who have a propensity to cook with their guests, often over a low-fly spit, this night is likely not for me. What's more, I'm not nearly as cute with an apple in my mouth and parsley hanging out of my ass. (Truth be told, any vegetation whatsoever hanging out of any of my orifices is a good sign the date isn't going well for me.)
Despite earlier claims by a rather interesting Spy Assessor Who-Shall-Go-Unnamed, I don't actually like heat, either. Differentiating wet from dry heat is like differentiating atomic energy from nuclear energy; sure they're different, but both do Bad Things(tm) to my hair, make-up, and general disposition. I say this, of course, not remembering the last time I was in an atomic or nuclear Salon, so it's only an assumption that this is true. Having a date in the Bakersfield heat, during the day, under the sun, and with my particular biochemistry, is not my idea of fun. Let's assume, however, that because of particular nocturnal admissions, a day-light date is required.
In this case, you should find another date.
Alternatively, you should plan to keep my cool as often as possible, and choose a location with plenty of shade. Consider me your begonia for the day, and protect, feed, and water as needed for standard begonia care.
There are other cities, outside of this one, that are quite nice during the day, and offer supple protection from the deadly quick-roast star we call "The Sun." Los Angeles, for instance, has a lovely thick layer of smog that has yet to be penetrated by anything man-made or natural. Leave it to Los Angeles to develop State of the Art sun protection that envelops an entire city; atmosphere as life-giving as this is adequate to my anti-nuclear, UVB/A SPF needs. I hope you consider this when planning the date.
Lastly, I would suggest offering more intellectual stimulation that any other type of stimulation - especially on a first date. I often find myself getting bored and wondering off to something more interesting when not properly controlled by appropriate and sufficient levels of stimulation. Sadly, the pique of this boredom seems to avalanche during less adventurous forays into the less intellectual, or more physical. As anticlimactic as that can be for some, I personally find discovery to all too interesting, and always at the most inappropriate of times it seems. Nonetheless, I can find myself tethered to someone that is able to keep my interest by engaging with me, as opposed to engaging and attempting to dock.
Dinner and a movie is great. Drinks and dinner is OK. I can do both of these with my dog, Rupert, though. What I can't get from him is the stimulating conversation - although we have made several attempts at this in the past, and it remains one of my greatest failures to date; although I'm positive he remains one of the few souls to really get my research, and understands behavioral entropy better than any of my colleagues. Equations are not his strongest suit. My advice? Be more interesting than my Rupert.
I hope this helps you in your quest! I realise the information provided is more than your typical laden, European swallow can carry, but I have a significant amount of confidence in your ability to understand the dynamics of my wants and needs. If, at the end, you find my terms a bit demanding, or even finicky, let me know. I could always introduce you to Rupert.

The thing is that in Bloom's case that I'm not sure it works due to not knowing her or her personality, so it's very easy to take literally. Also, her type of humour is much less broad even than the British comedies you were referring to. It could be read as her indicating her real personality under an attempted veil of humour - i.e. not funny.
To be honest, I'd interpret it as arrogance if I read it cold.

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The thing is that in Bloom's case that I'm not sure it works due to not knowing her or her personality, so it's very easy to take literally. Also, her type of humour is much less broad even than the British comedies you were referring to.
To be honest, I'd interpret it as arrogance if I read this. It just doesn't seem funny enough for me to get the joke, if you know what I mean.
Its something that would have been so easily gone over had she mentioned something more than it was a reply to a guy. Was it a guy sending a bunch of dumb messagesthat you wanted to leave or was it someone youve had interesting talks with. I it was the latter i would have taken it as some dark humor and be done with it. But the lack of story in that post leaves it open to many interpretations.
Silly ladies not being grateful enough for male attention.
Don't we know we should be as modest an non-threatening as possible.
This message was awesome!(and funny) I love how something that is clever or shows in any way you have a backbone on these sites immediately filters sexists/guys with fragile ego/not too bright guys out.
Seems like it works here too.
If your success is defined as being well adjusted to injustice and well adapted to indifference, then we don?t want successful leaders. We want great leaders- who are unbought, unbound, unafraid, and unintimidated to tell the truth.

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Don't we know we should be as modest an non-threatening as possible.
This message was awesome!(and funny) I love how something that is clever or shows in any way you have a backbone on these sites immediately filters sexists/guys with fragile ego/not too bright guys out.
Seems like it works here too.
What the f**k are you talking about? You added sexism to this conversation which nobody had aluded to at all, and also come through by insulting men in the process. you're leading the category for dumbest insulting comeback in this thread.
Last edited by MXH on 08 May 2012, 4:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Don't we know we should be as modest an non-threatening as possible.
This message was awesome!(and funny) I love how something that is clever or shows in any way you have a backbone on these sites immediately filters sexists/guys with fragile ego/not too bright guys out.
Seems like it works here too.
What the f**k are you talking about? you're leading the category for dumbest insulting comeback in this thread.
Considering the backwards values and logic you've demonstrated indicate you hail from the mirror universe I'll take that for the compliment it is.
If your success is defined as being well adjusted to injustice and well adapted to indifference, then we don?t want successful leaders. We want great leaders- who are unbought, unbound, unafraid, and unintimidated to tell the truth.

Joined: 28 Jul 2010
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Location: Here i stand and face the rain
Don't we know we should be as modest an non-threatening as possible.
This message was awesome!(and funny) I love how something that is clever or shows in any way you have a backbone on these sites immediately filters sexists/guys with fragile ego/not too bright guys out.
Seems like it works here too.
What the f**k are you talking about? you're leading the category for dumbest insulting comeback in this thread.
Considering the backwards values and logic you've demonstrated indicate you hail from the mirror universe I'll take that for the compliment it is.
backwards value and logic? So telling someone that their message can be taken the wrong way makes them evil. Then throw in a hint of sexism that NOBODY had brought up just to give yourself a leg to stand on. Seriously? This is honestly the dumbest thing ive heard today and I watched family guy. But its ok, you o this in every thread you go to, a common denominator in your posts is fabricating sexism as a way of arguing.
Just letting you know why you're leading.

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The thing is that in Bloom's case that I'm not sure it works due to not knowing her or her personality, so it's very easy to take literally. Also, her type of humour is much less broad even than the British comedies you were referring to.
To be honest, I'd interpret it as arrogance if I read this. It just doesn't seem funny enough for me to get the joke, if you know what I mean.
Its something that would have been so easily gone over had she mentioned something more than it was a reply to a guy. Was it a guy sending a bunch of dumb messagesthat you wanted to leave or was it someone youve had interesting talks with. I it was the latter i would have taken it as some dark humor and be done with it. But the lack of story in that post leaves it open to many interpretations.
Well, the OP said " I was talking to someone on OKC, and we've been hitting it off rather well. ", so I automatically assumed that she really finds him as a potential date and not a some subject of trolling.
and I wonder what he meant by 'what's rupert's number?" .....does that mean he realized that he'd prefer to date him instead of her?


Joined: 16 Jun 2010
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Don't we know we should be as modest an non-threatening as possible.
This message was awesome!(and funny) I love how something that is clever or shows in any way you have a backbone on these sites immediately filters sexists/guys with fragile ego/not too bright guys out.
Seems like it works here too.
If Bloom was a male and the trolling-victim was a female, then I'd respond the same.
DogsWithoutHorses, take a deep breath and relax.