JanuaryMan wrote:
1000Knives wrote:
In some ways, you're lucky you have Aspergers, you're black. With Aspergers, you don't fit into the "hood" culture, thus you might actually be able to do something useful with your life, moreso than your NT "hood" cultured peers.
Not every black male lives in a ghetto or comes from a poor background. Not everybody that lives in a hood or ghetto is a lowlife. Not everybody that lives in the ghetto hangs out with lowlifes. I could go on but I think you get the point.
Right, not every black male lives in the ghetto or comes from a poor background, but he does. Not everyone that lives in the ghetto or hood is a lowlife, fine, but the crime rates there are much higher than in the suburbs or rural areas. For hanging out while living in the ghetto, again, see crime rates. It's nothing against black people, it's just factually their culture is not doing well due to a variety of factors, some outside of their control (like LBJ's "Great Society" that helped to get fathers out of homes) some in their control. But, to say the culture itself is not a destructive culture is blindness.
Just look at the music, is that progress as a society? No, it's regression. Again, I'm not saying it's black people's fault or whatever, as far as who's to "blame" that's not what I'm trying to argue one way or the other, but what I'm saying is, as a culture, bad. You wouldn't argue "Well not everyone who lives in trailer parks..." No.