TM wrote:
Well, from your picture you are pretty good looking and appear to be in good shape. It could be body language related, speech related or a number of other things. Perhaps you, like many aspie males have "calibration" issues in your interactions with women.
I have been told that by many people (mostly men, actually; when women tell me that, it is from the safety of a broadband connection and thousands of kilometers of distance from me). I suppose there are a few subtle traits like the ones you mentioned getting on my way. Things like body language, excentric behavior, lack of confidence and so on.
yellowtamarin wrote:
Have you checked the lists against the same women's lists in a "what do women want in a man?" thread? I'm pretty sure there's at least 100 of those, though they quickly derail from lists of qualities to arguments about shallowness etc., hehehe. But anyway my point is, these are things women DO NOT want. So for me, they are things that will deter me from (rather than attract me to) a man. That has nothing to do with whether or not he possesses the qualities I DO want. So you could pass the first hurdle then fail at the next.
But, most women want a good sense of humour and it looks like you have one of those, so I'm guessing that's not what you are doing "wrong".
Yes. According to those lists, the most common requirements are honesty, diligence, romance, humour, kindness and intelligence. I have no idea if I am romantic or not (since I never had a girlfriend) and, while I am generally willing to help people without asking for anything in exchange, my bluntness is frequently at odds with my kindness. But I have all of the other traits (although my sense of humour is a little strange and my intelligence is more about learning and processing and less about common sense and living in society).
DISCLAIMER: It should be noted that, while I strongly suspect I have Asperger's syndrome, I am not diagnosed. Nevertheless, my score on RAADS-R is 186, which makes me a pretty RAAD guy.
Sorry for this terrible joke, by the way.