Looking again at this table
Married couples in the United States in 2010 (thousands) wrote:
Wife:......................... White..... Black...... Asian
White Husband.... 50,410.... 168........ 529
Black Husband........... 390... 4,072........ 39
Asian Husband......... 219.......... 9..... 2,855
For the sake of simplified analysis and discussion, I've removed the "Other" category, and we are only looking at couples where both spouses self-identify as purebred, and either White, Black or Asian.
Asian women accout for 6% of the total wives, but a whopping 42% of the wives in inter-racial marriages.
White Husbands with Asian wives account for 39% of all inter-racial marriages.
The second most common interracial mating is Black Men with White Wives: 29% of inter-racial pairs.
We have about 340,000 more married Asian women than men, about 252,000 more married Black men than women, and 88,000 more married White men than women. Percentage-wise, the situation seems more acute for Asian guys. For White women--88,000 is a drop in the bucket, since Whites are most numerous. For Black women: it is more like a cupfull in the bucket.
Especially Asian guys, but also Black women, seem to be getting the short end of the stick, as Asian women pursue White men, and White women chase after Black men.