MissCAP wrote:
my ex said I used it as a crutch. But I didn't. I am just me and I am different from most everyone I meet here where I live. Sorry about your ex, I guess it's just too hard for them to comprehend? I hate hints too. I am so direct and to the point and I would love if everyone else in this world was like that. I don't get hints.....just say what you want and what you mean, it's so simple. Are all your kids on the spectrum?
Interestingly, it seems like only my firstborn is (left) and my younger (right) is not. It makes me wonder if the unconfirmed report that my ex had been cheating on me is true... he kiiinda' looks like me though - same head shape. I really wish we'd been able to work on our communication before she gave up and walked away... I can't speak "hinteese" and she
refused to speak "dumb direct". I'd barely even heard about Aspergers at that time...